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Did either of you manage to resolve this? The same thing has happened to me too…

Meghan Blust

Every time Daemon does something unforgivable I'm like some character from a 90s family sitcom mashed up with "llamas with hats" laughing with my hand on my hips like "Daemon, that kills people" 🤣 I love him so much and it's absolutely a reflection of everything that's wrong with me lol

Julie B

I like that in Episode 3 King Viserys makes it clear that he chose to marry Alicent. Maybe we aren't seeing a burning passion between the two of them, but they certainly like each other. While it seems clear that Hightower had great aspirations for his daughter, I don't think it is fair to say that anyone was tricked into marriage. So often in GOT or other period pieces we see arranged marriages, but that is not the case here. Viserys and Alicent got to know one another and then got married. Ok, I just watched Episodes 4 and 5 and things got so much worse. Yikes.


Happy Thanksgiving Michael! I wanted to suggest a few tips that may be helpful for the rest of the season, since that helped me a lot in the first watch of this season. - I would suggest you to re-watch the episodes that you already saw before starting the new ones, specially for the next episodes since the amount of characters and their names can be difficult (and the time jumps do not help) - Also, it may be interesting to watch some analysis for the episodes since they point out small details that are subtle but magnificent, and things like the explanation for the intro sequence, which dragon belongs to which character, callbacks from Game of Thrones, how the score is used, Valyrian words, etc. I usually recommend the analysis from New Rockstars which are very detailed and spoiler free. Here are the links if you want to check them in an incognito browser without risking to see any spoilers: Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTz0UgulLsM Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk1yOETppKg Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JAm0Y854Jo Episode 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt0ptALcvDA Episode 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89yEqZo6zRU Hope this helps! And great reaction as usual, thanks!

Hedda Dybvadskog

Hey Mike. I don't feel like you really got the whole conflict around Rhaenyra losing her virginity. Like you said she could just explain she slept with Sir Christon Cole and that's why she needed the tea. But the issue isn't mainly that she is rumoured to have slept with Daemon- as many has mentioned in the comments and has been mentioned in GOT and even by Daemon in ep 4 incest is in a way a tradition of their house. the main issue is that she is no longer a virgin and if people knew that it would be socially devastating to her reputation. It would lower her value on the marital market and suitors might refuse to marry her if it was known, or want compensation for her loss of virtue. You scoffed at Alicent saying she would be "sullied" and through a modern lens I get your reaction. But in a society like the GOT universe that is actually a justified worry to have. I get it is harder to understand because in GOT we see Dani have lovers outside of marriage and also Cersei. But for Dani it is likely a result of her growing up away from Court and spending time with the Dorthraki who obviously have a much more free view of sex. Same goes for Ygritte being a wildling. But in court and high society a girl should be a virgin at marriage. For Alicent- by all accounts a "good girl" who follows her dad's orders and does what society expects of her- the thought of her former best friend not abiding to the same rules as she has had to is a great insult- especially since she is trying to find her a good wedding match. Honestly I think HOTD portrayed this issue very well. And it is an issue that is prevalent in many cultures around the world even today. Hell, even in Westernized and secular communities slut shaming is still incredibly relevant. Sorry about the long rant- I just think it is an important distinction and very important for understanding R and A's relationship going forward.


I saw someone recommend watching an analysis for each episode after you watch, totally recommend doing that! I highly recommend the channel Alt Shift X on YouTube, his videos are really easy to follow and straight to the point, and they never have spoilers! He also goes into some fun book details and lore that is always a good time. This is the playlist with all of the episode analyses - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn6yDpEottdjri2wzWn8tFTXNLplVGqjU He also has some really cool videos on stuff like the doom of Valyria and Aegons conquest that might help with context for this show!

Ersin Günay

Rhaenyra losing her virginity to us I wholeheartedly agree that it shouldn't even be a problem. But in that old timey world of Westeros a potential future female ruler having rumors about her whoring in brothels is a big stain on her reputation on the eyes of the people. And it's a general theme that carries on, so give it an episode or two I think Michael will understand why that was such a "STRONG" issue.


Having so much fun watching these! Biggest time jump in the entire season is coming between this last episode you watched and the next one. Some new actors show up! Something to keep in mind! I think the previous comments covered all the important notes to mention, regarding Rhaenyra and Alicent’s dynamic regarding the aspect of Rhaenyra’s “virtue” and pointing out that Targaryen incest has been happening since Aegon the Conqueror began ruling and married TWO of his sisters at the the same time. Whew! Also if you rewatched the episodes you’ve seen, you’d probably pick up on the very subtle Daemon/Rhaenyra grooming happening since ep 1 lol Excited to continue as always! 😁


This three episodes are soo good !! i think they covered pretty much all of your questions in the comments so just gonna add that Daemon called his wife bronze bitch (reference to the Royce armour) not blonde lol Also, the intro does change, it shows the entire Targaryen bloodline running through a model of old Valyria (like the one Viserys makes) so it starts with Aegon the conqueror and it divides in two for his 2 sister/wifes and it continues with the family tree adding new divides with each episode like with Allicents kids. It's really cool and you could search it up to get the entire bloodline i think there are spoil free ones if you look for the explination for the one in episode five. Also not a spoiler (it was known before the season aired that some of the cast members would change in episode 6) but there is a big time jump coming. 10 years i think so a big heads up. Try to remember all of the names so you won't miss on anyone. Loved your reaction as always and excited for the next drop !! <3

Katie Jandrain

I just want to comment that episode 3 we can all agree that Daemon stole the episode in those last fifteen minutes. Daemon does not have a single line of dialogue in that episode at all. He captivated all of us without saying a single word. That is true talent.

Aninha Silva

Has he said anything about hill house??


It’s definitely a smaller group of characters, but with all the time jumps I find that it’s a good thing. Strap in because the next few episodes are a doozy!


Anybody having a problem where it says the GOT Vimeo vids don’t exist?


yeah me too, i'm trying to catch up on these reactions and nothing is working :(