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What a crash landing indeed...however regretfully negative I may have come off at the end of this, I hope the biggest take-away is I absolutely love 95% of this show. Really up till these last 3. An all-timer. 

Let me know if there's anything I should know before HOD! Posting one one-season show next quickly then House of Dragons time! (along with one other) 


got8x456 (1080p)



I will always hate the show writers for this. ANYONE who has read the books knows that this is NOT who Daenerys is. She has suffered loss before in the books but she still held to her values. This was the show runners wanting to end the show quickly so they could move onto another project they had been assigned to (Star Wars movie). GRRM was correct in calling this poorly made fanfiction. After the writers started ignoring the books and making their own way was when everything went to shit. Honestly I didn't watch this with you I just watched your commentary afterwards because it is too difficult to watch a character that I have loved and gotten to know so well for so many years act this way. GRRM (the author of the books) gave an official statement that this is NOT how the books will end (the bastards couldn't be patient enough for him to finish writing the books before they ended the show)! Its not just Daenerys' story that was completely ruined they went off the books building all these different characters stories for so long but as soon as they make their own way so many massive holes form! The books are now my only solace where I get to see my girl Daenerys as she was always meant to be. In the last book she still has not even left Essos or meet Tyrion yet, Sansa is still in the vale and Jamies character development arch is being treated how it should be. Hell in the books Jon and Brianne are DEAD. And the fact that Jon is STILL alive at the end makes no sense I agree with you there! The show got SO much criticism for bringing him back which I agree with. A show where supposedly noone is safe suddenly having this one person who can't be killed destroys so much. I hate the show for making me despise Sansa when I love her so much in the books. And I like Bran I think he is interesting his chapters always included fascinating lore when he was beyond the wall but the decision to make him KING?! That was done purely because the writers wanted to do something unexpected which should never be the driving force behind a plot and we all know it. The entire ending was pro-stark propaganda. There was an ongoing joke that the last episode was written by Catelyn Stark. Sansa is a Queen, Bran is a King, Arya is living her dream and the "bastard" she always hated is living in exile. Also you spoke of doing a disservice to the actors well Emilia Clarke didn't know what was being done to her character until she saw it happen alongside the rest of the world! When she was acting she was just looking at a greenscreen she had no idea what she was supposed to be destroying. Its honestly heartbreaking because she loved Daenerys' character so much.

Bangtan is life

When you started talking about Dexter I had to stop because I just started watching it lol Also yeah this was as bad as I thought it would be , but at least I’ve seen it for myself i guess 😝

emmie jeans


emmie jeans

ok I am genuinely so sorry for spamming I might delete some comments I’m just going through it so I’m a bit unhinged but at least Jon snow is the loml


there's a theory that drogon took dany's body to asshai where the red priestesses are to resurrect her, so maybe there's a chance? idk but i think there's a chance that we might see drogon again if there's another spin off sequel


also jon should be dead for what he did and i will stand by that forever #justiceforblondedragonlady


Hi! First of all, I'm glad that despite the ending you still enjoyed the show as a whole. I've been meaning to rewatch GoT and seeing you upload the reactions felt like a good moment to do so. I never had anything big against how it all ended, except for the last sections from the moment Bran was chosen to become the new king. It just felt very underwhelming. As for Dany snapping... There was always something that made me unsure of her future in Westeros. I especially liked the comment you made about her not feeling the big loss since season one. All those people close to her dying, losing her dragons, not feeling welcome, the uncertainty about Jon, Varys' betrayal, to me, could very well be the reason why she turned. It was a lot. Like pretty much everyone has said, this season was just too rushed and very much imbalanced. However, I do think that if it was split into two seasons (the fight with the White Walkers and Dany taking over Westeros) or just made into a normal length season it would feel better. A lot of the disappointment over the ending was, at least to me, not being able to see the aftermath of Dany burning King's Landing and/or Bran ruling over Westeros. It wouldn't be as good a writing as we've seen before, but it might've been okay. Once again, I really enjoyed experiencing the show with you, as well as seeing other people's comments. There's a lot of great content left for you to check out – the behind the scenes footage, hbo's making of series, the cast's interactions, podcasts, even the books. I hope you'll enjoy these as well and I can't wait to see your videos on House of Dragon.


Any updates on HSMTMTS S3 commentary? :)


Things to watch after GoT and before HOTD is the documentary they made for the last season. It's called The Last Watch.


Grey worm takes the unsullied to Isle of Naath which was Missandei homeland which greyworm promised to take her back one day to see the beaches.🥺


If you think this has a happy ending you haven’t been paying attention- Ramsey Bolton


This is my opinion but I feel like dany didn’t just turn crazy. The entire show she has killed people, death never seemed to phase her as long as it got her to her goal. Her logic seemed to be I will sacrifice the few to save the many. She lacked the understanding that eventually the few becomes the many. Her whole life she has had one goal the iron throne. She’s swore since the beginning there is nothing she wouldn’t do for it. She was made to be a conqueror not a ruler. However the writing in the last season was handled terribly on all accounts. Jon should have been king but I understand why he couldn’t be. In my mind I hate the way the show ended but at the same time I couldn’t have pictured it ending any different. As for Sansa she learned a lot form little finger and Cersei and Joffrey and Bolton. It wasn’t crazy to me that she didn’t trust dany. Because of what she has seen. It turns out she was right not to trust her.

Dani May

House of the Dragons is so so good, I cannot wait to rewatch the first season with your videos. Cheers on getting to the end of GOT.


I’m loving HOTD, can’t wait for you to react to it! Can’t believe GoT is already over though!


i wasn’t looking for a happy ending. i was looking for a ending that made sense lmao. i don’t really have the energy to list all the problems all over again but it’s VERY obvious what’s wrong with it and how rushed it is.

Talía Caraveo

Wow.. It was just as terrible as I remembered it. I'm so sorry you had to suffer like all of us, after what it is, to me, one of the greatest shows I've seen.. It was an incredible ride, and in the end they really blew it bad.. Where to begin? Cersei dying with Jaime crushed, it was mercy to me, she deserved an awful death, alone, at the hands of someone, maybe arya, maybe dany.. The resuscitation of jon, an then the reveling of his real family all to end up on the wall??? Dany being turn into a and evil mad woman after all that we saw on other seasons, no.. Bran being king? what? It's a joke really.. And the final scenes with them making jokes, like so so bad.. I could go on, but I don't want too haha.. I got mad again, like when I watched it for the first time.. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed most of it, and yes in time I do believe you would be able to appreciate just the good parts for what a great show it was overall.. Can't wait for you to watch HOTD, I would also recommend, not researching anything before, just watch, take notes, pause if you have to (There's a lot of new names, similar names, information..), and ask in comments if you have doubts.. just so that you don't get spoiled. Would love to watch you react to any extra content from GOT, bloopers, making of episodes or seasons ,interviews, etc.. Thank you Michael for this amazing reaction ride, as always really appreciate your honesty, your thoughts, and just you :)


It seems like all game of thrones reactions are deleted. Can you confirm this? what happend?


I’m having the same problem lol I just joined the Patreon smh