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just one GOT upload left :')))) 🥲


got8x1,2,3 (1080p)



Oh the frustration I felt every time they said "the crypts are the safest place" like, what are you talking about?! A literal army of the dead is coming, with a leader who can raise the dead and you're thinking the safest place is where you've buried all your dead ones?


and the behind the scenes when peter dinklage was like "yeah tyrion's smart but i guess not THAT smart" like uhhhhh.... isn't he like the supposedly smartest person in this show.....


I will never get over my sadness over the butchering of Sansa, like why tf is she so dumb all of a sudden? Like starting a bad relationship with possibly the strongest person with two dragons is sooooo out of left field. Mean and stupid Sansa is so out of character and I will never not hate the writers for making her like that


the terrible girlbossification of Sansa Stark needs to be studied asap


I think Theon and Jorah's deaths were the best deaths of the series. Like they sucked because Theon is my favorite character and Jorah is in the Top 5-7 too but they were good deaths for their characters. Theon went out redeemed and with assurance that he was GOOD despite his mistakes which is really all he ever wanted. He just wanted to be seen as someone worthy by people he loved (even misguidedly). And ultimately he was. I know you said you never bought it and wrote him off because of his mistakes but his weren't much worse than many of the other's to be fair and his were at least understandable, if not justifiable. And what Ramsay put Theon through...him leaving Yara behind was PTSD. He's so afraid. That's what he's trying to get over. Lack of identity and self-worth, and fear. Anyway, I really enjoyed the evolution of his and Sansa's relationship--whether it would have been romantic or just friendship if it had played out I guess we'll never know but either way it was so intimate and powerful (and not just because their actors are so talented and have great onscreen chemistry--I totally agree with you that they're two of the most expressive with their faces). And Jorah went out exactly as he always intended. Protecting his Queen, the love of his life. It was honorable and poetic and seeing Dany there doing her best to help despite never having had any training of how to fight without dragons, but still accepting his sacrifice with gratitude...it was really well done. The choreography of it too--her reaching to check on him, him pushing her aside to defend her and getting stabbed again and Dany finishing the wight off to help. It was really impactful. I've said it before but it's worth saying again: Alfie Allen (the actor who plays Theon) should have won every award out there for Best Supporting Actor. He was truly genius. In a huge cast of incredibly talented actors, he really stood out. Theon had the potential to be an immensely unlikable character and because he went through some of the most dramatic character transformations, Theon also had the potential to be one of the characters who wasn't believable (like with Arya and Bran and Jamie (etc) who all appeared to take hard left turns somewhere along the way without much preamble). But I really think Alfie took the time to understand who Theon was--his motivations, his intentions, his mannerisms--and deliver a complete, fully-realized character through his entire arc and we saw his sincerity and vulnerability and flaws consistently through every iteration. There are few television performances that I'm as impressed by or fond of as Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy/Reek. It was genius. Last thing, when and aired and to this day, I'm still not sure how I feel about Arya being the one to kill the Night King. She was so disconnected from his story line and, aside from the one line foreshadowing from the Red Woman (which lets face it, "blue eyes" could have been a reference to any of the Lannisters too), totally disconnected from her own storyline too. Like what did that have to do with anything she's done so far? How did it fit for either of their characters? What did it do to round out Arya Stark or tie into her story? But I generally just take it as is because I honestly don't know who would have been a better choice. Jon feels like the obvious choice but maybe it's too on-the-nose and I wouldn't have liked that either...so I don't really have a better solution. haha.


Also, just to clarify, the dead in the Crypt didn't burst through walls, they burst through tombs. The Night King raised all the dead there including the old Starks of Winterfell. Makes you glad Ned and Robb weren't put into the ground whole but can't say the same for poor, freshly dead Rickon...

Michael Beveraggi

Totally didn’t realize that’s where they had their dead buried, always thought it was just where the statues were. That’s realllyyyy bad


also miguel sapochnik directed episode 3 along with battle of the bastards and hardhome, he also is co-showrunner for HotD and directed some of the episodes!


i have so many issues with this last season it's almost hard to count, there are tons of videos online of how shit it is in relation to the rest of the show so i definitely recommend watching those once u finish season 8 to gain some new perspectives! I also have always been upset about how the last 2-3 seasons ended up. The writers even said in an interview that they cut a lot of the nerdy lore and prophecy stuff that was literally the backbone of the song of ice and fire series to appeal to "moms and sports fans" soooooo you can see why people hate them so much


I am such a big book nerd for this series and I'm a sucker for lore, and this series has SO much backstory and cool histories! I'm really happy with HotD because they lean into the dragonlore and prophecies that the books are so much about, and it proves that even normal audiences can keep up with nerdy shit! the mom of the kids i nanny for and i had such lengthy discussions every monday about HotD and if that doesn't prove that lore works for all audiences idk what will!


ok rant done watching this just reignited my hatred for the writers

Julie B

A bit off topic, but have you ever watched the Worst Witch on Netflix? It just hit me that Bella Ramsey, who plays Lady Lyanna Mormont in GOT played the lead in the Worst Witch. When I was a kid, I loved the film version with Tim Curry, Diana Rigg (!), and Fairuza Balk. Basically, the worst witch doesn't know that she is a witch but gets to go to a wizarding academy. So the story is older than Harry Potter, but it kind of has the same plot. The movie came out in 1986. The Nextflix series is from 2017, and is really made for kids not adults. I kind of want to watch the movie again this Halloween, even though I know it is not going to hold up. 😁


yeah i was definitely just as fucked up about lyanna mormont’s death as you were. even thought we only got a few short scenes with her, i fell in love with her character instantly, and to see her die in that way was just crushing because she basically sacrificed herself to kill the giant. so yeah i was right with you sobbing my eyes out watching that again. that and theon’s death definitely hit me the hardest out of everyone that died in this episode. like you said, the actor that plays him is just brilliant and you can see how much it meant on his face when bran thanked him and told him he’s a good man. i was always in and out with theon as a character (much like how i feel about jaime) but this episode solidified him as one of my favorites. i feel like he was always just trying to find a place where he belonged and while he made some really fucked up choices along the way, ultimately he ends up in his true home with his true family at winterfell. another honorable mention is jorah’s death. emilia clarke’s acting in that scene tore me to shreds


but yeah i’m sorry to say that episode 3 was the last ep that i fully enjoyed. i agree that it definitely shouldve been a full length season to really flesh out the ending and make it more satisfactory than it ended up being


correct me if im wrong, but bran can see the past, present and future, right? he said it many times. So how does he not know how to kill the Night King?? and I think that's part of the reason the Night King wants him, because he knows everything and can stop him. things don't make sense, I'm losing my mind again

Ersin Günay

Are you really trying to make sense of season 8's writing!? It's a path that only leads to madness in the end.


you are so right my friend, i couldn't have said it better

watahi katwai

Bran knew Arya was the one to kill the night king that's why he gave her the knife that would end up killing the night king(The same knife that was ment to kill him ended up back in his hands, but intentionally gave it to Arya because he foresaw the future). He couldn't tell everyone how the night king would die because it will ulter the future, the best he could do is to give Arya the knife and lure the night king to the godswoods. The previous three eyed raven told him to never try to ulter the past, present or future. At the end of it all, all the different gods played a part in defeating the wight walkers. Many faced gods trained Arya for that war, the lord of light used Beric to protect Arya at the end and Melissandra to tell her the blue eyes that she will shut and the "not today" line, and again the three eyed raven Bran and Arya journey that led to that moment.


I understand what you're saying, but he didn't have to lie to everyone, a lot of people died because of it. there are just too many things wrong with this season. he knew valyrian steel could kill the night king, that doesn't change the future, it's just critical and important information

Talía Caraveo

Episode 3 wasn't bad, as I remember, I really enjoyed it.. I have mixed feelings over arya being the one that killed the night king, I love her character and it was cool to see, but I feel like that was jon's purpose of being alive again, so... It was sad, but I did like the way lyanna died, like a hero killing a giant, she was such a great character and it goes well with who she was. Them being in the crypt it's so crazy, 'cause when you think about the night king raising the dead, I mean.. But loved that moment between sansa and tyrion. Sam just makes me angry a lot of times, Ed could have lived.. Anyway I am excited to watch your reaction to the end of the series and to hear your opinions.. And next HOTD!! Thank you for always giving awesome reactions :)

Talía Caraveo

Oh also the song that they were singing in episode 2, that was put on the credits as well is by Florence and the Machine! She made it for the show, I think you would like it, it's Jenny of Oldstones :)