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  Zagato pondered into his hidden fortress as he considered his next plan of action. Alcione and Ascot had already fallen to the three Legendary Magic Knights, the three who were destined to stop at nothing to end his plans involving Princess Emeraude. Being high school girls, he thought nothing of them at first, but he had clearly underestimated them. Already revived one Mashin, the girls were closing in on the second.  
  “Both Alcione and Ascot have failed me.” Zagato said to himself, smirking. “Perhaps they are the Magic Knights of Legend...”  
  “Sounds like you're beginning to worry.” said a voice beyond the waterfalls within Zagato's chamber. “You forget, I'm the greatest Charmer in Cephiro! I've perfected my art and can put those girls under my spell without even trying!”  
  “You sound so sure of yourself. Why don't you give them a go, Caldina?”  
  Emerging from the waterfall, Caldina stepped out ready to try her luck at the Magic Knights.  
  “Just remember the big payday when I defeat them!” winked Caldina.  
  “Of course, of course.” smiled Zagato.  
  Within the Forest of Silence, the three Magic Knights were looking for their companion, Mokona, who had wondered off into the forest. They need him to take them to the next Mashin, being on a floating island, or the girls would be very struck.  
  “MOKONA!!!” Yelled Umi very loudly. “You better come out here and take us to the next Shine, or so help me...”  
  “I don't understand.” wondered Hikaru. “Why did Mokona suddenly run off as soon as we came out of the Shine of Water?”    
  “Perhaps something scared him away?” suggested Fuu.  
  “Nah, it's just that dumb rabbit, or whatever he is, messing with us again!” growled Umi. “I tell ya, without him, we'd of defeated Zagato ages ago!”  
  “But then, how could we go underwater to the Shine of Water, or the next Shine in the Sky?” asked Fuu.  
  “I dunno. Perhaps Presea could crafted us some flying underwater submarine of some sorts to get everywhere!”  
  “Flying underwater submarine?” asked a confused Hikaru, imagine such a vehicle.  
  “Erm, I think she can only craft weapons Umi, not vehicles.” said Fuu.     
  Just then, the three girl heard a ring, sounding like small bells ringing.    
  “Did you hear that?” asked Hikaru.  
  “Yes, I did.” replied Umi.  
  “I heard it too.” replied Fuu.  
  “Let's check it out.” said Hikaru.  
  The three girls looked into the forest together, finding the source of the ringing. Soon enough, they were in the middle of the forest, confused at where the ringing was coming from.  
  “It's sounds like it's coming from all directions.” said Umi.  
  “Maybe if we split up, one of us can find the source.” suggested Hikari.  
  “Good idea.” said Fuu, as the three girls went off on their own in hope of finding the source. Umi stomped through the forest, starting to get annoyed.  
  “Man, if that Mokona's playing tricks on us again, I'll just tie his ears up one of these trees and leave him. God, where is that sound-”  
  Just then, Umi saw a figure in front of her. She couldn’t make it out as the figure quickly dashed away. She then saw the figure to her left, then behind her, then to her right, then front, and repeat. The figure was dashing around Umi in one big circle. Rather then running, it looked like the figure was dancing in a large circle then running, skipping along and twirling around. As this continued, the bells got louder around Umi.    
  “The bells....they sound so...entrancing....” said a dazed Umi, dropping her sword as she was locked into the performance of the bells jingling. Her mind soon became blank of thought, open to any suggestion or order from the figure, who walked up to her.  
  “Now the fun begins my slave.” said the female figure.  
  Sometime later, Fuu began to get worried. She felt lost, looking through endless miles of forest that looked identical all the way through. Had her friends got though the forest okay? Did either one find the continuing sound in the end? It felt like a hopeless chase, as the sound of the bells came from all directions.    
  “Hikaru? Umi?” shouted Fuu, hoping that her friends would hear her. To her relief, she saw a figure walking towards her. She proceeded forward towards the figure.       
  “Umi?” she asked. “Is that you?”. No response. Soon enough, she saw Umi alright, however something was not right.  
  “Umi!?!” said a shocked Fuu. “W-W-Why are you naked?”  
  Still no response. Umi left nothing to the imagination, as her whole body was exposed for all those to see. Acting like this was natural to be this way, she continued towards Fuu until she was right in front of her. As Umi grabbed hold of her arms, causing Fuu to drop her sword, she starred into Umi's blank, lifeless eyes, fearing the worse.  
  “What has gotten into you Umi?”    To Fuu's surprise, Umi kissed her on the lips. At that moment, the bells became louder, jingling around Fuu as Umi's soft wet lips connected with hers. As her mind went blank, it suddenly felt right to kiss her. If it felt so right, why worry? What was she doing again in Cephero anyway? Who was she again?  
  “Guess you won't be needing those anymore.” said a voice, as Fuu's glasses smashed to the ground. As Umi detached her lips away from Fuu's, Fuu yelled out an erotic moan that was heard throughout the forest..  
  “Fuu?!?” said Hikaru in another part of the forest. She had still not found the source of the sound, but that was now the least of her worries. It sounded to her like Fuu was in danger.  
  “I'm coming Fuu!” shouted Hikaru as she ran though the forest, desperate to find her friend. It was easier to pinpoint the origin of where Fuu was then the bell as it came from one direction, not all over. Soon, Hikaru noticed Fuu's smashed glasses on the ground. Hikaru picked them up to examine them.  
  “Fuu, what happened to you?” said Hikaru, beginning to get teary eyed.  
  “My, don't tell me an actual Magic Knight's gonna cry.” laughed a voice. Looking up, Hikaru saw a woman sitting in a tree.  
  “Who are you?” demanded Hikaru. “And what have you done to Umi and Fuu?”  
  “Caldina's the name Missy,  the greatest dancer and charmer of all of Cerphio! And don't worry, you'll join your friends very soon!”  
  “You better not of harm...”. Hikaru was interrupted when two figures grabbed each of her arms. She was shunned to see it was not only Umi and Fuu that grabbed her, but both were completely naked!  
  “Umi, Fuu, what are you doing?” Hikaru cried. “What have you done to my friends?”  
  “It's funny.” said Caldina as she jumped out of the tree. “They say the eyes are the doors to your soul, but in this case, their ears must have been the backdoor in! Those gals are soooo under my spell. You see their eyes? The sound of my bells put them into a deep trance, making them my loyal servants, open to any order I give them!”  
  “But why are they naked?”  
  “Well, if I can get them to do whatever I tell them, why not? Soon, everyone will see what the “Legendary” Magic Knight have been reduced too.”  
  “Please, let us go!”  
  “No can do Missy. “Zagato's has promised me a big payday, and that's all that matter to me, money. Well, that and this beautiful body of mine.”  
  Caldina prepared herself for something. Hikaru could only watch in horror of what might happen next.  
  “Enough chitchat. The spell your friends are under is a weak spell, but with my strongest spell, you gals will be my obedient puppets, for the rest of your lives!”  Caldina began her dance, twirling around in circles, moving her arms and legs in various ways, while the bells on her wrists and ankles jingled in response to her moves. Hikaru was mesmerized by this dance. Calina's moves were just so beautiful, she was living up to her title of greatest dancer and charmer. As Umi and Fuu watched, Hikaru's mind began to go blank. Memories vanished as nothing else besides the dance mattered. Family, friends, her mission, her life, all became nothing to her. Her life now resolved obeying her mistresses and masters  would order no matter how perverted or embarrassing, she and her friends had no rights or say in the matter.    
  Once finished, Caldina looked into Hikaru's blank eyes, locked into a permanent trace as were her friends.  
  “Now, you gonna behave and obey me and Zagato?” asked Caldina.  
  “Yes Mistress.” responded Hikaru. “My only purpose is to obey.”  
  “Excellent. Now then, let's remove those clothes of yours. Gals, help her out!”  
  Umi and Fuu obeyed and began undressing Hikaru. Umi unbuttoned her shirt and lifted it over her head as Hikaru raised her arms, then Umi unhooked her bra, releasing her already blossoming breasts. Fuu meanwhile pulled down her skirt, then slipped off her shoes, followed by her socks, finishing by pulling down her panties. Hikaru was now as naked as her two friends, and stood to attention, awaiting Caldina's next order, which displaying their “goods”.  
  “Brilliant!” smiled Caldina. “A full set of naked Magic Knights, and I gotta say you gals have really blossomed into women already! Zagato's gonna be so pleased with me, and I'm gonna have some “fun” with you three afterward. Now, let's go collect my reward. I'm sure we can pop into town on the way and show the locals what their heroines have become. I'm sure you'll put on a great show for em!”  
  “Yes Mistress.” the three former Magic Knights responded in sync with each other.   As Caldina began to walk, the girls matched on behind her, ready to start their new lives as obedient slaves. Mokona knew of the Magic Knights's unavoidable fate and thus returned to Clef. The poor girls had  a chance of saving Cephiro, but now they could not even save themselves from their new fates as Zagato's slaves.  
  The End 


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