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Franziska Von Karma awoke to another day in her house in Japan. It was the day of another trail, and Franziska was feeling more confident then usual. Yes, she was up against “that man”, but with the all the evidence clearly in her favor, she was sure she would finally beat him in the court room once and for all! Franziska tossed the bed covers off her naked body and got up from her bed to walk over to her wardrobe. Why did she sleep naked? She was proud of her naked body, it was her sacred temple to which no man would ever see it's beauty. To remind her of this, she would awake every morning in the buff so that she could smirk at her prized goods to which only she could gnaw at. And with her trusty whip, no pervert would get close to even two feet if anyone ever broke in. As the morning sun light shined up her naked body, Franziska opened her wardrobe to get dressed. To her shock, it was empty! Her trademark outfit was gone, as was her second spare of it, her back up suit, and even her dusty weekend clothes were gone! Franziska did not have the biggest selection of clothes, but even so she always put her suits and clothes in her wardrobe. “What foolishness is this?” she muttered to herself. She thought back to last night before she went to bed, she almost certainly put her clothes in her wardrobe, she remembered doing so, so where were they? She walked over to her dresser to at least put some underwear on. Upon sliding open the draws, all gone. All her bras, knickers, socks and tights had vanished. “What the hell is going on?” She said, as her situation had began to fully sink in. “Am I dreaming this or something?” “Why don't you pinch that ass of yours to find out?” said a voice by the doorway. Franziska turned to see it was Maya Fay, young spirit medium in training and assistant to “that man”. “You!” said Franziska, covering herself the best she could with her arms. “H-how did you get in? And what have you done with my clothes?!?” “Handy having a kid sister to fit through the cat flap. Didn’t know you had a cat.” “I don't! The previous owner must of done, now what have you done with my clothes?” “Oh they're in a safe place. Pearl's idea really, when we were talking over the case with Phoenix the other day, she said maybe we should steal all your clothes overnight so you couldn't make it to court and Phoenix would win automatically, so that lit up a light bulb in my head.” “You foolish girl!” shouted Franziska. “That's not how it works at all...” “Yeah I thought you'd say that to make me look like an idiot and give you your clothes back, so I'm not believing you one bit.” Maya started to walk away from the door, to leave Franziska as she was. “Well, gotta run!” winked Maya. “Have to be in court to see Phoenix beat you again...” “Wait, you can't leave me like this!” cried Franziska. “I have a reputation for time keeping and no sick days.” “Bout time you took a sickie then don't you think?” “But how can I go out like this? I'll be trapped in my own home!” “Then go outside and buy some clothes then. Maybe they'll think you're a nudist, if you're lucky.” “Please don't leave me like this, I'll do anything!” Biggest mistake anyone could make in Franziska's position, saying those three words that opens her to her tormentor's mercy. Maya was waiting for those words, and it made her turn around to walk towards Franziska, putting out her most evil grin, which made Franziska shudder down her spine. “Anything huh?” asked Maya. “...if you give me my clothes back.”replied a worried Franziska. “Sounds like a fair deal.” Maya walked over to the bed and sat on the end, then patted her lap. “Lay down on my lap.” commanded Maya. Franziska walked over to Maya and did as instructed, laying on Maya's lap so that her tummy was on top of Maya's legs, while her ass was high on the air, totally exposed. “Now, you've been a naughty girl haven't you?” teased Maya. “I've watched you whip innocent people for quite awhile now, and to be honest, I'm sick of it. Think it's time with dished out some discipline.” Maya raised her left arm in the air as high as she could and then swiftly moved it down so that her hand made contact with Franziska's ass. A loud slap sound echoed in the room, as Maya had just spanked Franziska! “Oww.” cried Franziska from the pain, shooting from her ass right through her body. As a child, she was never spanked before so being spanked for the first time was a bit of a shock to her. As Maya spanked her again, the sensation was not as bad. It seemed to be just the first spank that shock her. A father three spanks followed, and while her butt cheeks were showing a little pink, she was handling it surprisingly well. Franziska looked up at Maya. “Foolish child.” smiled Franziska. “This pain is nothing! Maybe if you were older, your foolish child arms would actually hurt me, but this is merely a fool's foolishness.” “Who said I was just going to use my hands?” Maya grinned back as she reached for the back of her neck, pulling something out from the back of her robe. Franziska's eyes widened with shock at the size of the black paddle Maya pulled out of her robe. “See, you're not the only one with a painful toy.” “Where did you...” “Oh I used to get spanked with this thing every time I misbehaved. Hurt like hell, so I made sure not to get into a lot of trouble...much.” Maya raised her left hand in the air again, this time holding the paddle. “Oh Franny, if only you kept your big much shut.” Maya swung the black puddle, giving Franziska the hardest spank imaginable. The spank echoed more so in the room, as it pressed on Franziska's behind. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Screamed Franziska. The paddle stung like hell on her ass and the pain shot through her body like a bullet from a firing gun. It was like the first hand spank, only the pain was multiplied by a hundred, and her ass was already showing a bit of sore red. “Please, no more!” cried Franziska. “If you want your clothes back, you'll endure this!” Franziska had no choice, in her mind anyway. Too proud of her record and body, this was the only way she would be getting her clothes back. “Good, let's get onto it shall we? Firstly, this is for all your clients and Phoenix's clients you've whipped!” Maya swung the paddle again for another smack on Franziska's ass. “OOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!” “This is for the poor judge you've whipped countless times!” Maya swung the bat a further three times on Franziska. “OOOOWWWW, OOOOOOWWWWW, OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!” “And THIS is for every time you've whipped my poor Phoenix!” Maya spanked her hard again and again, not stopping for a second. “OOOOOOOWWWWW, AAAAAAAHHHHHHH, AAAAAAHHHH, PLEASE, OOOOOOOOWWWWW, STOP, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, NNNNNNOOOOOO, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Franziska kept moaning, grunting, panting and screaming in pain as Maya kept the hard spankings coming. This was so humiliating for her, she was used to being the one delivering the punishment as punisher with her trusty whip, but here she was now the punishie, getting exactly what she deserved. For a brief second, she thought about everyone she whipped in the past, thinking that this was perhaps how they felt whenever she whipped them. About half an hour passed before Maya finally stopped spanking Franziska. Her ass had never been so sore and red before, and she collapsed on the floor from the pain., like a lifeless puppet. Maya knelled down to observe her thirty minutes of work. “Well well, I've seem to have tired you out.” smiled Maya. “You''re all sweaty and out of breath...” “* puff puff * Fuck...you.” panted Franziska. Maya looked round behind Franziska, noticing something just below her ass. “Oh my, you're wet down THERE with your love juices. Looks like you enjoyed me spanking you!” “WHAT? That's...not possible!” Franziska didn't even realize that she got wet from the sensation, but she could not believe that she did. She was in pain the whole time, how could her body enjoy THAT? Maya stood up and made her way to the door frame again. “Wait!” panted Franziska. “You...promised me my clothes...” “Oh yeah I did.” replied Maya, acting clueless. “Beg!” “What?” “You heard me, beg for your clothes and apologize for being such a bad girl.” Again with no choice, Franziska got up on her knees in a begging position, putting her hands together for the humiliating beg. “Pleaaaaaase give me my clothes back! I promise I'll be a good girl from now on! I'm really sorry for being so bad!” “Good girl.” Maya got something out of her pocket and flung it into Franziska's face, her panties. “Never had you down for wearing pink frilly panties Von Karma.” “But...those are my only pair.” “Don't lie, there was a whole draw of them and pink bras when I came in here. Anyway, gotta dash!” Maya ran out of the room. “WAIT!” Shouted Franziska. “What about the rest of my clothes?!?” Franziska gave chase to catch Maya before she left the house, while hopping and skipped her legs into the pink panties, who knew if there was anyone else in the house. She ran down the stairs as fast as she could and to the front door, but it was too late, Maya had already opened and closed the door, and gave a wink and poked out her tongue on the other side. “YOU LITTLE BITCH!” Cried Franziska. “YOU RETURN MY CLOTHES TO ME RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” “I would, but I'd miss the trail.” laughed Maya. “Maybe if you show up at the court house before the trail, I'll give you your clothes back.” “But I can't go out like this!” “Too bad then, I guess the homeless are going to look very posh in your outfits then!” “Don't you dare!” “Well then, see you later!” Maya skipped away from the house, leaving Franziska trapped in her own house near naked except for the pink panties. She stood by the door, going through her mind what to do. Looking round the house, there were no signs of any clothes or anything she could wrap her silk naked body around. The phones had all been cut by the cord and her mobile was nowhere to be seen. She really was trapped with no way to cover herself or contact for help. “...that foolish girl doesn’t really mean for me to go out like this does she?” Franziska asked herself. What was the alternative? Stay in her home till someone came to her rescue, or reveal her “holy temple” to the public? Was her career and reputation more important then her dignity? “...it's still early and about two hours until the trail.” she said, noticing the wall clock. “Maybe, maybe no one will see me.” Franziska slowly walked to the door, shivering not because she was cold, but not believing she was about to do something so daring just to make it to work. She opened the door widely and stepped outside ever so slowly. She felt the warmth of the morning sun shine upon her body as she covered her eyes from the blinding shine, as well as her breasts. She could hear and see quite a bit of traffic on the road past her house. “...Maybe this wasn't a good idea.” Before she could turn to go back inside, a huge gust of wind blew past her and slammed the door shut with a loud slam. Now was the time for panic for Franziska, trying to open the door, but with nowhere to keep a key on her, how could she? “NO! Open you foolish door!” Just then, Franziska heard the sound of a glass bottle smashing on the ground. She slowly turned around in fear to see the local milkman at the other end of her pathway with a stunned look on his face, seeing Franziska in the buff. Franziska was close to tears at this as a strange had finally seen her near naked, but this was only the start as she heard the sound of a whistle and footsteps. The local postman walked into her pathway, only to throw the letters up in the air in shock. “WOAH, JESUS CHRIST!” Yelled the shocked postman. “I must still be in bed!” “OUTTA MY WAY!” Yelled Franziska as she made a run for it. The men moved out the way of the oncoming naked prosecutor, running as fast as she could across the busy road. She made it to the other side, but not without causing a small pile up from male drivers horrified by the sight of a near naked woman. Shortly after, she ended up in the city shopping street, which was much busier then she hoped, forgetting it was a Saturday, not a work day. “Oh my god, what's that woman think?” said a female onlooker. “ She must be some kind of pervert.” said another. “Hey lady, you gonna put on a show for us?” said a male onlooker. “I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!” Yelled a crying Franziska. Much later when the long street was less populated, Franziska hide in an alley behind some bins. She noticed some cops in the nearby donut shop on a “break”. If they caught her, she would have exploitation on her spotless criminal record and be ruined, if not already, as a lawyer. “What the hell am I going to do?” sobbed Franziska. “This can't get any worse.” Unaware of it's presence, a stray dog walked up behind her and sniffed her butt as dogs would do. It then bit into her panties and started tugging then off, to which Franziska finally noticed the mutt. “NO, GET AWAY YOU FOOLISH MUTT!” Cried Franziska, but the dog only tugged harder, cause her to fall on her back. As the panties slipped down her legs, Franziska tried desperately to grab them but the dog had already pulled them off and started to bite, crawl and then ultimately swallow the panties whole, and then ran off barking in delight. Franziska just sat there in gore. “...that didn't just happen did it? Since when did dogs eat panties?” Franziska cried even more as her situation got worse. Now she was completely naked and in the middle of the street. She looked from behind the bins only to see the street get busier and the cops not going anywhere. And this was only the beginning of her worst day ever. To be continued


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