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After finally putting out the Marshal's fiery behind, the engineer and Deputy Fly began the task of putting her out of the black coal, the former digging her out piece of coal by piece while the other pulling her out. Emerging from coal, the Marshal not only sported a trace of white colour on herself, now her suit, body, hair and face were completely covered in soot. “I......I.....” cried the Marshal, stuttering as she spat out the soot in her mouth. “I don't know what's worse. My ruined suit or my glowing red ass.....” “Well, at least your bottom half ain't as black as the dark in this here tunnel!” Fly tried to cheer up the Marshal, only resulting in evil red eyed daggers looking back at him. “YOU!” The Marshal clinched her teeth as her face turned as red as her butt in anger. “I OUTTA...” “Woah!” the Engineer went as he looked at the front of the train that was about to exit the tunnel. Without warning, he grabbed both his hands round the brake leaver, and pulled it down, making the train screech for an emergency stop. Unfortunate for the Marshal, an avalanche of coal from the coal car, burying her up to her waist in coal, completing the blackened look. “Spoke too soon.” spoke Fly, walking away back to the first carriage where it would be safe from the now totally blackened Marshal. “WHY THE HELL DID YOU STOP THE TRAIN?!?” The Marshal screamed furiously at the Engineer. “THIS'LL BE REPORTED AND COMING OUTTA YOUR WAGES YA KNOW!!!!” “Erm, something on the track Missy.” The Engineer explained his actions. “Had I not stopped, we may of crashed. I'll erm, check it out while you erm........clean up....” The engineer climbed off the train, while the Marshal just stood there surrounded in coal, wanting to jest weep and cry at her humiliation. “Just end....” she cried to herself. “Just end you horrible, miserable day!” Further back down in the tunnel, Cheeky Rita continued to waddle and squeal down the tracks of the pitch black tunnel like a child pretending to be a choo choo train, only she was waddling in fear away from her angry boss so to speak, waddling in a similar fashion but making angry curse words instead of screams. “GET BACK HERE!!!” Rose shook her fist up into the darkness. Neither girl stopped to pick up their pants as Cheeky did not watch Rose to catch up with her, and Rose did not want Cheeky to get too far ahead. It was then the two caught up to the back carriage of the train when they finally ceased their chasing. “Look Booss!” Cheeky pointed out the obvious. “We caught up to da twain!” “Of course we have you numbskull.” Rose slapped her sidekick on the back of the head. “You think the great Bandit Rose would not come without a back up plan?” “Owwwchie, well woot's da back up plan?” “Simple, earlier I stole a scarecrow from the local farm and then planted it on the other of the tunnel, right in the middle of the tracks! I planted it deep, and dressed it in your pink polkadot dress, so that engineer's gonna take his sweet ass time digging that out, and probably get some dirty thoughts in that dumb skull of his!” “Awww, not da pink polkadot dress me mummy give me on me eighteenth birthday?” Cheeky moaned sadly. “Mummy always says I look ike thwee again when Iz wore dat!” “The exact one, I needed something a gentleman would be too ashamed to look under to get to the pole of the scarecrow! Now, let's FINALLY get onto this here train once and for all!” With not a moment to lose, the two bandits pulled up their pants the best they could and boarded the Caboose. It looked like things were finally looking for for the great Bandit Rose, until they both found the door to the Caboose was locked and blocking their way in. “Drat, locked. And it's much too dark to pick lock.” Bandit Rose bent down to look at the door lock. “If only we had some light...” Cheeky Rita meanwhile noticed a rusty lantern hanging on the rail of the Caboose, so decided to unhook it and show it to Rose. “Hey, lookie what I... oops.” Cheeky paused as rusty lantern snapped off the holder Cheeky was holding it up by and landed right on the behind of a certain Bandit. As the glass smashed onto Rose's ass, her already ruined leather pants caught on fire. As an instant reaction, Bandit Rose panicked and jumped through the glass window of the door successfully getting into the Caboose, but not quite how she imagined as she screamed in pain of her burning ass. “AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH, PUT IT OUT, PUT IT OUT!!!!” She patted her butt like crazy, and rubbed it against the floor like a dog with worms till the flames died out, leaving a huge hole in her pants and revealing her panties, once cotton white, now charcoal black thanks to the fire. “You okay Booss?” Cheeky Rita asked as she climbed through the frame of the door window, being careful not to cut herself on the glass that remained on the door. “No, I'm not.” replied a weeping Bandit Rose. “I'm convinced I'm gonna have no backside left by the time the day's over...” Back at the front of the train, the Marshal had dusted herself off the best she could, though her once white outfit still looked the darkest charcoal black. With her pants now pulled up, she got off the train to inspect what was taking the engineer so long. Arriving at the train's front, she found him just standing in front of a scarecrow in a pink polkadot dress, unsure of what to do. “What's taking so darn long?” The Marshal demanded to know. “Well, this here scarecrow's blocking the way of the train.” the Engineer explained. “Well then pull it out then silly.” “I would do maim, but I was taught growing up to never look under a ladies dress, so....” “It's not even......oh let me.” The Marshal pushed aside the Engineer, lifted up the scarecrow's dress (Much to the shy nature of the engineer), and began to pull out the scarecrow. Once out however, the Marshall completely misjudged how heavy the thing actually was, causing her to fall backwards, trip on the Railtrack, only to land butt first on a tiny cactus. It would not have hurt so much if it were a baby cactus, but it had long thick nettles, ones that could pierce though her leather pants and spike her super sensitive bottom with great pain. “YEOOOOOOOOOOOW!” She jumped high in the air, almost like a rocket and landing as carefully as she could, not to land on her behind again. “You okay there Missy?” the concerned Engineer asked. “DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU?” The Marshal responded furiously, trying to pick out the nettles embedded into her backside. “Look, let's just get this train agoing again...” Once she picked out the last nettle and threw it away, the Marshal undressed the scarecrow and began to return to the train with the dress in hand with the engineer. “Why you'd take the dress?” the Engineer asked. “I'm not arriving at our destination the way I am now.” The Marshal explained. “Besides, it's not every day a girl gets a free dress.” “Fair enough....oh Missy.” “Yes?” “There's erm.....a lump of coal between your.....erm.....” The Marshal turn her head and looked down at her pants, and there was indeed a lump of coal nested in-between her butt cheeks. Pulling it out, the Marshal threw it in anger at the train, causing it to crumble once it hit the train's front. Or at least that's what she was expecting, but the coal instead bounced off the train's front, only to hit the Marshal smack right on the forehead. “OOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” She screamed till her lungs began to hurt and waved her arms in the air in real anger. With both parties back on the train after more yelling and cursing from the Marshal, the engineer got the train moving again and continued on its journey. Once the Caboose was pulled out of the darkness of the tunnel and back into the sunlight, our two bandits could finally see the inside of the Caboose, where Cheeky Rita was waving a pocket sized fan at Bandit Rose's glowing red ass, while Rose stood on all fours. “Good, at least we can see once again.” Bandit sighed as she got up from the floor. “Wat's da plan now?” Cheeky Rita asked. “Well, I suppose we could going up the carriages all guns blazing, but I wanna avoid an ugly scene, especially if that darn Marshal is on-board this train. For starters, let's see what awaits us in the next carriage.” The two walked their way towards the next carriage, being careful when opening the door in-case anyone saw them. What they saw in the next carriage was perhaps the fanciest ladies lavatory the two had ever been in. The entire room took up the whole carriage, and paved in bright white ivory with three private cubicles and wash basins. “Jesus, it's brighter in here then the sun on a hot day!” Rose shielded her eyes, while looking down at each cubicle to see if they were occupied at all. “Figures the ladies rest room would be right at the back.” “Whys dat?” Cheeky asked. “Well, not to sink up the first class accommodation, but rather the third class accommodation, who arnt even allowed in here.” “So wat if a third cass passenger or a man wanna go poopy or pee?” “Either hold it in or go in the window I expect. Anyway, shall we get cleaned up before we pursue with this train robbery any further?” “Yays! Washy time!” “Don't get carried away, you're just getting yourself cleaned up, not having ya self a bath or shower.” “Okays!” Which the two did had a bit of a tight schedule to keep it had just been one of those days for Bandit Rose and her disaster of a sidekick, so she figured they would have a short bit of time to themselves before moving on. After all, their clothes were a little roughed up from all of today's antics and heck, at least Rose was safe from getting her behind burnt, pinned or even dragged in all kinds of painful situations. Cheeky Rita though loved washing herself, like a little girl excited when it was bath time. True, it had meant that the duo had to share a large barrel to bathe in on multiple occasions which Rose would sometimes sigh in embarrassment from the less the luxury experience, but Cheeky Rita never seemed to mind, pouring in her favourite bubble bath and playing with her rubber duck, Cheeky Ducky. Rose sometimes felt like a mother bathing with her child those times, not because of Cheeky Rita's child like attitude to baths, but more to make sure she did not do anything stupid like forgetting how to swim in her own barrel or pee in the bath water. As Cheeky Rita washed her hands in the sink, she grabbed the bar of soup with her hand, only to have it slip and fling into the air right into Bandit Rose's face. At the same time, a heel cracked on her left boot and Rose lost her balance, tripping backward into a cubicle and landing ass first down a toilet, which unfortunate for Rose, someone left the seat up, leaving her whole behind wet and inside the toilet and her legs posed high up in the air, making her look like she was bent forwards. “THIS. IS..........HORRIED!” Rose yelled at Cheeky Rita. “WILL YOU GET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE THIS INSTANT?!?” “Sowwe Boss!” Rita apologized as she walked towards her stuck partner and grabbed her legs, trying to pull her out. While the cold toilet water did feel refreshing on her backside, it was the fact she fell into something as so disguising as a toilet that angered Rose so much. With enough pull, and yelling abuse from Rose to motivate Rita to get her out, her bottom soon popped out of the toilet, now soaked in toilet water. “...so guess we can haf a bath noow?” Cheeky Rita asked out of curiousness, to which Bandit Rose answered: “NO!” Just then, the door leading to the passenger carriage swag open as two woman in posh white dresses, looking like they came from a wedding or fancy occasion, entered the lavatory, waving a fan each in their left hand. “Oh I say Julia!” one spoke like she was looking two at our two bandits. “I do believe a couple of rough commoners are in the first class!” “Quite indeed Clara!” the other spoke in the same manner. “Though they seem to be a little lower then common. They cannot seem to keep one's lower clothing on, and that one there seems to of had a...little accident!” Both of the posh girls giggled at them as Bandit Rose started to glow red in anger from being mocked by the upper class ladies. If there was any kind of person she hated the most, it was the snooty rick upper class folk with a silver spoon up their asses. “Would you mind finishing...what ever it maybe you're doing so that us ladies can go tinkle?” Clara politely asked the Bandits. “Yes, it is bad enough having your sort in here.” Julia spoke. “Be quick you two, we don't want to have to report you to the ticket inspector and have you removed from this train.” “Oh yeah?” Bandit Rose grinned as she drew her guns. “Well I DO wanna blow a hole up both your asses, how does that sound?” “Oh my!” both girls spoke in unison, dropping their fans and putting their hands up in the air. “W-What are you going to do to us?” asked a shakened Clara. “W-W-We left our purses back in first class!” “Close the damn door!” Rose demanded, as Julia did as she was told. “Woot we gonna doo with dese women Rose?” Rita asked, scratching her head like an ape. “Well, we're not gonna rob the train looking the way we are right now Rita, so we're gonna need a disguise! Take a look in that cupboard to see if there's anything we can use.” Cheeky Rita walked to the cupboard by the door they came in and opened it, finding a bucket, mop, and a lot of rose. “Great!” Bandit Rose grinned again. “I know just what to do with you two now! Take your damn clothes off or I'll shoot holes in ya both till there's no dresses left!” Some time had passed before anyone left the lavatory. Bandit Rose and Cheeky Rita were the only ones that left the lavatory, but now dressed in the white dresses the other two girls were dressed in, but still wearing their original clothing underneath with rope holding their pants up as a back up belt and suspenders, while Rose's Stetson was hidden underneath her dress. No way was she going to leave a twenty dollar hat behind. “Can't say I care for the shoes, but I'd say we'd pass off as upper class citizens, wouldn’t you agree Rita?” Rose asked, waving the fan she stole. “We cood ass its off!” Rita replied, forgetting that the upper-class do not speak like she does. “And dem posh looosers will ave fun in dare toilet won't day?” “....You know what, if we run into anybody, just keep your trap shut.” Further up the train, the Marshal was making her way down the train, still sore from the cactus and no longer wearing her blackened white suit, but rather the pink dress she took from the scarecrow earlier. Luckily for her, she was able the same size as Cheeky Rita, but now she had to deal with all the giggles of all the passengers she walked past, not only the ones that saw her mooning her behind in sight before, but also people giggling at the mess her hair had become, all out of place and covered in soot. Her next destination was the lavatory at the back of the train to clean herself up. Soon enough, she passed by our two Bandits in disguise, not recognizing them as they both had their fans placed against their mouths, and looking away from the Marshal as they past her. However, once the duo left the carriage, the Marshal stopped for a second, looking back at the front of the carriage. “That's weird.” she thought to herself. “I could of sworn I've seen those two girls before somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it...” After thinking hard, she shook her head and continued onto the lavatory, getting some soot from her hair on the passengers next to her by accident. “Oh I'm sure it'll come to be sooner or later.” she told herself. As Bandit Rose and Cheeky Rita continued walking up the train carriage by carriage, only one thing kept repeating itself in Bandit Rose's mind as they got closer and closer to the Top Secret Invention. “Not long now. Not long before we reach our target and become filthy rich, and all our desires come true!” To Be Concluded Part 4 The Marshal breathed a sigh of relief once she saw the door to the Lavatory. It was like the end of a long shift at the office or patrol of the town, even though her duty was far from over. At least now, she could get cleaned up and look more like the law enforcer she was, even in a pink dress. When she opened the door however, she was not prepared for the sight that awaited her. “Sweet Jesus on a donkey!” the Marshal's eyes widen by the shock of seeing Julia and Clara both naked, gagged and hog tied by the rope that bounded them. Julia laid on her chest while her hands were tied to her ankles. Poor Clara meanwhile was bound similar expect a long rope suspended her body high from the floor. The poor girl got very dizzy as she was swung in all directions thanks to the moving train. The Marshal began to ungag and untie Juila first. “What happened here?” the Marshal questioned Julia. “ * Cough * Me and my lady friend were just off to the lavatory to powder our noses, when these two rough scallion Bandits drew their guns at us and made us do such awful things!” Julia began to cried, humiliated by the whole ordeal. “They stripped us, ordered us to kiss and feel each other's bodies and....” “Less of the exact details madam, did you see where they went?” “After they tied us up, they put on our white evening dresses and exited the way you came in.” “Darn it, I passed them! Did you catch their names by any chance?” “If I remember correctly, one said “Damn it Cheeky, don't go and say my name in front of these rich sobs!”” “Crap, it can only be Bandit Rose and Cheeky Rita!” The Marshal clutched her fist. “They must be after the invention! I have to stop them!” “What about poor Clara? And our clothes for that matter?!?” Julia, finally freed, covered her bossisms and unmentionable area the best she could with her hands. “You'll have to free her, and I'm sorry, but I'll sort you out with some clothes as soon as I can. Those two can't get away, not when there's a big reward with my name on it!” “Charming....” As the Marshal stood and and began to walk out of the lavatory, her strong ambition to finally capture those two bandits that had slipped through her fingers one too many time distracted her from the still wet soup bar on the floor, stepped onto it and slipping backwards, and just like Bandit Rose before her, she walked straight into the same cubicle and landed her behind into the same toilet bowl as Rose, stuck in the same position. “Well that's just great.” Julia remarked. “Now who's going to save you?” “EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!” The Marshal screamed, disgusted that her ass was now wet in horrid toilet water, even if it did cool her butt a bit. “Help me out here!!!!” “Do you really think a lady of my status has the strength to pull one out of a toilet? I don't even know how to untie my poor friend!” “MRRRRPH!!!” Moaned Clara, still hanging from the hogtied position above the ground and still dizzy. “Fat help you two are.” The Marshal sighed, before she began shouting. “DEPUTYYYYYYYYYYYY! DEPUTYYYYYYY!!!!!” She continued shouting and shouting for Deputy Fly until at long last, the poor boy finally sucked up the courage to enter the ladies' lavatory. “Afternoon erm Missy.” The Deputy covered his eyes of the naked Julia. “Did my boss just call me?” “In there.” Julia pointed to the cubical. “Once Deputy Fly saw the Marshal in her predicament, he tried best not to laugh at her, though accidentally letting out a giggle. “Very funny!” the Marshal growled at the Deputy. “Get me out of this disgusting thing immediately! We've got Bandits to catch!” “Really?” Fly asked while grabbing the Marshal's hands. “Yes, Bandit Rose and that dumbass of her sidekick Cheeky Rita!” “Oh really? I kinda thought that sidekick of hers looked kinda cute....” “She'll look cuter for you behind prison bars! If you help me catch them, I'll see to it you get my job once I get my huge Promotion!” A loud pop echoed the lavatory as the Marshal was finally freed from her humiliating entrapment. “Marshal Fly.......I kinda like the sound of that!” “Then let's make that and my promotion a reality then!” Meanwhile further up the train in a empty cargo carriage, an very angry Bandit Rose and a really sorry Cheeky Rita snuck into the carriage. Rose's once white dress now sported a large coffee stain. “Iz sowwwwie I knock dat guy's coffee all over your butt Rose!” Rita apologized once again. “Yes well, I wouldnt of minded had I not been through all this butt abuse today, you chatting that guy up, you slipping not his cup, but a fully kettle onto my ass, while was boiling hot, while everyone pointed and laughed as I was running back and forth like I was on fire, then cooling my ass off with whisky which stung like hell!” Rose gritted her teeth on anger. “Never the less, we're finally here!” Inside the empty cargo carriage was the very thing the two Bandits were after, the Top Secret Invention! Whatever it was, it rested hidden on a table in the middle of the room, under a large cloth. “Jackpot!” Rose smiled as she took off the cloth to reveal the invention to herself and Rita. It was unlike anything they have ever seen more, a strange metal cannon shaped device both portable enough to place on one's shoulder like a bazooka and buttons placed on top of it. “Woah, wat cha think itz for?” Cheeky Rita's eyes widened with curiosity. Rose noticed a small book that looked like a manual or a draft for a demonstration speech. She had a quick read inside to find out the purpose of the invention. “Ah here we go, it's apparently some sort of laser that is meant to heal any wound on the backside, Just aim it at the desired behind and then fire and even the sorest of asses will be as smooth as a baby's bottom in no time.” “Wooooow, dat's all we get?” Cheeky Rita sighed, expecting the invention to do something more exciting. “It outta be worth something, but for now, I think my ass could do with some of that healing!” Rose took off her stolen white dress, then proceeded to pull down her pants again, turning around and bending down so Cheeky Rita could have a clear shot. “Come on Rita, shoot that thing on my ass already!” “Wich button do Iz press?” Rita asked confused. “Oh just press any of them, I've had enough pain already today!” “Okay dokay!” Without any more hesitation, Cheeky Rita pressed a button at random and a white noisy humming laser shot out of the invention onto Rose's behind. “YEOOOOOOOW! MY ASS IS STINGING EVEN MORE!!!” Rose yelled in pain like her ass was on burning again. “TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFFFFFF!” Cheeky Rita pressed the same button again and the laser stopped. While the noise did stop, it was shortly replaced with slight giggling coming out of Rita's mouth. “What? What's so damn funny?” Rose asked. “Hehehehe, your ass is.....hahahahaha!” Rita pointed and laughed. Rose looked at her ass and was horrified at what had happened to it. While all the scratches, bruises and scrapes had vanished just as she hoped, her once decently sized booty had now shrunken! “What the hell happened to my beautiful booty?!? said a stunned Rose. “That damn laser shrank my ass!” “You looks like you have a bottom of a ten years old, hahahahaha!!! You look soooooooo funnys Rose!” “This isnt funny damnit! I had enough trouble getting my pants to stay up today and now I'll be lucky if anything ever fits me again! I'll be the laughing stock of the wild west!” “At least your scool skirt will fit yas again, HAHAHA!!” Having quite enough of being laughed and mocked at, Rose grabbed the invention off of Rita and aimed it at her. “Well then you can share my humiliation then!” “Haha....no Rose! Iz dun wanna tiny ass likes yours!!” “Too late.” Bandit Rose pressed a button, but not the same button, and fired the same white lazer at Cheeky Rita's cheeky butt. However, instead of revenge, Rita looked like she was enjoying the experience. “Oooooh yeahs!” she smiled delighted. “It feels sooooooo cools and tingly on my ass!” “What the.....” Rose turned off the laxer. Now she was even more mad, instead of shrinking her comrade's behind, it now grew bigger! Cheeky Rita now had a nicer peachier big butt, one so big it split the back of her pants and snapped her panties off. Now at the butt size that any man would adore, Cheeky Rita groped her butt cheeks in pleasure. “Yays, Iz have a big bouncy butt!” Rita giggled. “Now any man is my choice now!” “Good grief, what kind of pervert invents something that shrinks and grows asses exactly? Thought it was meant to heal, not exploit.” “FREEZE BANDITS!” A familiar voice shouted. The Marshal and Deputy Fly kicked open the door holding guns in both their hands aimed at the Bandit duo. “Heys, my dress!” Rita pointed at the Marshal. You'ves ruined itz!” “Well well Marshal, I didnt know you still needed dippers.” Rose looked at her wet dress. “You're one to talk, your ass looks as small as a baby's!” the Marshal insulted back at Rose. “Not to mention your comrade speaks at a kindergarten level!” “Quite. Well then, I think we best BE GOING!” Bandit Rose kicked a chair towards the Marshal then jumped and knocked over the table, hiden behind it while the Marshal and Deputy Fly shot the wooden chair into pieces before it even reached them. With their own guns out, the Bandits began a gun fight with the two law enforcers. Luckily for the Bandits, the table was made of steel and offered a perfect production, but luckily for the law enforcers, Cheeky Rita was always a terrible shot, hiding behind the table with only her hands shooting without looking like she was playing cowboys and Indians as a little kid. “If we move the table back while we shoot, we can reach the door on the other side, jump onto the coal bunker and unhook the carriges.” Bandit Rose told Cheeky Rita. “Got it.” With one hand each on a table leg and the other shooting a gun, the Bandits slowly moved with table backwards. “Damnit, we can't even get close and they're gonna escape!” The Marshal yelled at the sound of her own gunfire. Soon enough, the Bandits were at the other side of the carriage. Rose kicked the carriage door open as they crawled out of the carriage. Now however, they were faced with a new dilemma. “Shoot, dat were da last carriage.” Rita spoke, looking at the coal bunker in front of them. “Well, get a move on!” Rose ordered, kicking Cheeky Rita's backside, making her flying into the coal bunker. While Rita got stuck with her head to her belly burried in coal, Bandit Rose climbed onto the coal bunker and stood up, looking back inside the previous carriage at the Marshal and Deputy. “SO LONG MARSHAL!” She waved, as Rose shot at the car attachment, uncuffing the train carriages and train. “They've gotten away!” Deputy Fly pointed. “Not on my watch they don't!” The Marshal ran up to the other end of the carriage and made a leap for the coal bunker. Unfortunately, she had not given the idea of leaping to the coal bunker much thought, which her only concern being to catch the Bandits and net herself a hefty bonus, and thus her arms which reached for the bunker missed. As she fell however, her dress got caught on one of the buffers, saving her from injury, but not pain as her bare ass bumped on every wooden sleeper. “OWW OWW OWW OWW OWW OWW OWW OWW!!!!” The Marshal screamed in plain like she was getting spanked with a two by four. Struggle as she could, she could not lift herself up from her bottom abuse, screaming continuously as she watched the Deputy and the train carriages vanish in the distance. Meanwhile, the two Bandits had made their way to the train driver in the train cab, holding him at gun point. “Please, don't shoot Missy's!” the driver put his hands up. “Well do as we say, and we won't have to.” Rose told the driver. “Now how do we make this thing go faster?” “This is about as fast as we can go!” the driver explained. “Well then, you can take the rest of the day off, bye bye.” Rose kicked the driver off the train as they traveled onto a small bridge. The driver safely fell into a small river, though the splash completely soaked the poor Marshal. Adding to the humiliation further, her cleevage managed to catch a fish from the splashed water. “Okay Rita, while we've got a chance to relax, how about you zap my ass back to normal size?” “Aww, but Iz love your cute tiny ass!!” “Change it back, or I give you an ass the size of an elephant or an ant, your choice.” Rita sighed as she pointed the invention at Rose's tiny ass and fired the laser at it again. Successful, Rose's behind grew back to normal size. “Okay, that's enough.” Rose stood out of the way of the laser. “Erm, where's da off switch agains?” Rita asked as the laser now fired into the open door of the furnace. A loud explosion soon followed and the train funnel shot upwards like a rocket into space. As the furnace fire started to go crazy and the train began to glow a dark red colour, it increased speed to more the triple the previous speed. “Christ, now you've done it!” Rose tried to keep her hat on, but it blow off anyway. “We must be braking some kind of record at this speed!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHA!” Cheeky Rita's face lit up like an excited child. She was so excited at how fast they were going, feeling the wind blow really hard on her face. “FASTER FASTER!!!!” “Erm, why are you taking your clothes off?” Rose asked as Rita stripped out of her clothing and threw it off the train. “Less weight, more speeds!” Rita smiled as the last bit of her clothing was thrown off the train. She now stood as naked as the train she was born. “You next!” “What? Rita knock it...” Before Rose could finish, Cheeky Rita began stripping her of her clothing, tossing each item off the train. As much as she tried to ward her off, she was also completely naked. “Damn it Rita!” “YOU!” Said a familiar voice. The Marshal stood on top off the coal bunker completely pissed off, and also with nothing on. “Aww, what happened to mys dress?” Rita moaned. “It ripped off as I climbed up it to escape my bottom hell! Now that I've caught you...” The Marshal went to draw her guns, only to find her holders were no longer with her. “Ha, looks like we've got...” Rose also tried to reach for her guns but she was also missing her own guns, most likely thrown off the train with her clothes. “....nothing.” With nothing to use as a weapon, the Marshal picked up some lumps of coal and started throwing them at the Bandits like some kind of black snowball fight. The Bandits picked up some coal as well and began to throw it at the Marshal. While neither of the three got a direct hit on the opposing side, there were enough near misses for the three to have mark marks of soot on various part of their once clean naked bodies. After about five minutes of this, Cheeky Rita noticed something coming up on the track. “Heyz, we aboot to reach dat station!” Cheeky Rita pointed. “Ah good, we'll just speed right past it and once we get rid of this dumb Marshal, we'll of escaped Scott free!” Rose smiled. “YOU IDIOTS!” The Marshal screamed. “Do you have any idea what we're heading for?” “What?” asked Rose. “The last stop on the line!” “Oh, so we're heading right into....” “A concrete wall!” “Oh crap! Rita, get the brake!” Cheeky Rita rushed towards the brake leaver. Much to the other two girls' horror, she snapped the leaver right off. “Here's ya go!” Cheeky Rita handed the snapped leaver to Bandit Rose. After a stunned silence, Rose muttered; “Bend over Rita.” Cheeky Rita did as she was told. Unfortunately, she was “rewarded” with a hard spanking on her enlarged behind as Rose smacked her ass with the leaver. “YOU NUMBSKULL!” Rose yelled. “YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL WITH YOUR STUPIDATY!” “OWWWW OWWWW OWWWW OWWWW OWWWW!” Rita moaned with every swat on her ass. “Gimmie that.” The Marshall asked and Rose gave her the leaver. She then had a turn spanking Cheeky Rita. “YOU'VE DOOMED ME AS WELL YOU STUPID BIMBO!” “OWWWW OWWWW OWWW OWWWW OWWWW OWWWW!!!!!” On the station meanwhile, passengers, law enforcers waiting for the arrival of the Top Secret Invention and other people waiting for loved ones watched the oncoming train curiously. It was producing far more black smoke then usual, glowing bright red and going much faster then usual. When it became clear it wasnt going to stop, they all feared the worst. “EVERYBODY OUT!” One Officer shouted as the crowd of people began running out of the station in a pain. With everyone out of the station and running a safe distance from it, a very loud explosion deafened the ears of anyone close to the station. Once the dust and smoke began to fade, there was not much left of the station or even the train, as parts of the train laid scattered all over the place. Three women meanwhile were laid out on their stomachs, naked and trapped as a large and still very hot piece of the train furnace laid on top of their behinds. The three were screaming and yelling in unison, as their asses once again got abused. “OOOWWWWW OOOOOOW OOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEE, GET THIS THING OFF OF US! OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!” The Officers surrounded the trio, pointing their shotguns at them while three more Officers attempted to somehow get the piece of steel off of them. A day later, the two Bandits were arrested and sentenced to spend the rest of their days at the Black Cactus Prison, a large prison far from any town that housed all of the most dangerous outlaws that no other prison could keep in. They would not be alone however as the former Marshal was also given a twelve month sentence, not only for not stopping the Bandits and being partly blamed for the destruction of the station and it's world famous train but for also using tax payer's money for her own use for her now lost and ruined outfit. They arrived early that day, worked a day of hard day breaking rocks before being walked to their cell for a good night's rest. This wouldnt of been so humiliating however if it wasnt for the prison's traditional rule of outlaws coming in the way they were caught in terms of clothing. Since the three were naked were they were caught, they had to stay that way in prison too, apart from a heavy ball and chain cuffed to their left leg each. The perverted looks they got from the other outlaws and wardens, even slapped on the ass on a few occasions by other outlaws and the wardens' whip. Bandit Rose and Cheeky Rita did not seem to mind too much, but for the former Marshal, it was ultimate humiliation. “Why?” the former Marshal weeped. “Wwwwwwwhy am I even in here with you two?” “Well, you should of stopped us if you didnt want to be in here!” said Bandit Rose. “It's because of you two I'm in here!!!” “Well, you're meant to be the law enforcer. Your job was to stop us afterall. I wonder if that Deputy of yours isdoing any better now he has your job.” “Grr, I'm too tired to argue, let's just get to bed.” As the prison door shut, the trio were greeting to their new home for the first time. To the former Marshal dismay, there was only one bed in the whole cell, one design for three people to sleep in. “...they are not serious are they?” The former Marshal spoke jaw dropped. “What were you expecting?” Bandit Rose asked sarcastic. “Fluffy pillows?” “No, at least my own bed, not sharing one with you too!” “Oh its no big deal sleeping with other women. I've lost count of the times me and Rita had to share a bed together.” With no other choice, the former Marshal got into bed with the two Bandits, getting tucked into the middle with each Bandit next to her. “Yays bed times!” Rita smiled all giddy like a child again, feeling snug under the bed sheets. “So, this your first time here then dare I ask?” The former Marshal asked. “Third actually.” Rose replied. “We escaped twice before.” “So you can do it again?” “Maybe, once I have enough time to think up a fool proof escape plan. Why? You wanna tag along?” “Well, maybe just to escape but...” “No buts about it, you escape from here and you'll be labaled an outlaw just like us.” “Damn, forget I asked.” “Oh its not so bad. Bet you can fit right in if we became a trio of Bandits.” With a smug look on her face, Bandit Rose moved closer towards the former Marshal, close enough that their bodies touched each others. The former Marshal could only blush a bright red colour as both their breasts pressed together and Rose's rosey lips were so close to her own. “...I not that type of woman!” the former Marshal pushed Rose's face away. “How'd you know if you don't take a sample?” Rose grinned. “That's just disgusting.” “Spoil sport. Rita, blow out the candle.” “Okay dokay!” Rita smiled. She picked up the candle by the holder from the bed stand and tried to blow it out. However, the candle instead fell off the candle holder and right on the part of the bed where the former Marshal's behind was laying. The bed sheets lit up faster then anyone could react, as the Marshal sprang out of the bed along with the bed sheets and began to circle the room in panic, trying to put her own flaming ass out. “OWWW OWWWW OWWWWWWWWWWWW!” She screamed. “SOMEONE PUT MY ASS OUT, OWWWWWWWW!!!!!” “Looks like nothing changes no matter where we go.” Rose sighed, as she and Rita tried to get some shut eye the best they could. The End?


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