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It was the night of Christmas Eve, a night of joy and wonder as people were counting the mere hours left before Christmas Day. This was a great time of the year to be a kid. However, for the older girls this year, Christmas would be a time of change, life changing to be exact. Gather round, as we tell of this Christmas tale of a Pokemon's all night conquest and journey that would take him all around the Pokemon World.

23:00- At a Pokemon Centre in the Sinnoh region, Dawn slept in her room thinking the earlier she went to bed, the quicker Christmas would come. She wanted to spend Christmas with her mother, but she was too far out from home to make it back. Still, her mother did not mind, she was happy that Dawn was getting out and about, and Dawn was going to visit her friend Zoey after she opened all her presents. Johanna decided to go visit a friend for Christmas in the Kanto region, would also be alone for Christmas as her son was far away in the Unova region.

Dawn shortly awoke to a sound coming from the lounge of the Centre, sounding like something tumbling down a hole and the sound of soot dropping to the ground. Dawn got out of her bed and decided to investigate. Afterall, with crooks like Team Rocket going around, you could never be too sure if anywhere is 100% safe. Dressed in her nightie, Dawn crept out of her room, walking slowly not to wake anyone or catch the attention of any possible thieves. If worst came to worst, she held a Pokeball in her hand, containing one of her Pokemon.

Entering the lounge, Dawn switched on a table lamp. Observing the tree, nothing seemed to be stolen. All the presents were intact. Looking at the chimney however, it was covered in soot. By the fireplace was a large round figure covered in black, shaking off the dust revealing his red and white colours.

"S-S-Santa?" asked Dawn.

"Deli Deli!" replied the figure, it was only a wild Delibird and it's sack. The Delibird blinked it's eyes, dusting off its chest with it's free arm. It starred at Dawn and let out a smile, like any cute Pokemon would, encountering a human.

    "Oh wow, a Delibird!" smiled Dawn. "What a wonderful early present this would make!"

Dawn grabbed an empty Pokeball on the table, about to make a capture, but the Delibird had other ideas. It's eyes began to glow green, casting a Hypnosis attack, which Dawn made the mistake of looking at the bird's eyes.

"Wait, since when could Deli...bird...learn...hyp...no...sis..." said Dawn slowly drifting into a trance. Her blue eyes became empty and lifeless, dropping both Pokeballs to the floor. As her mind became empty, with only thoughts of obeying, she smiled and stood to attention.

"...what is you wish, my master?" spoke Dawn with no emotion. Delibird opened its sack, dropping it to the floor, and signaling for Dawn to step inside. She walked over to the sack and stood into it. Delibird then lifted it over Dawn, as it stretched in size. He closed up the sack, and it began to shrink back to its original size, as if Dawn was kneeling down inside, but truth be told, this sack had magic properties, able to fit many things like Santa Claus's sack, and shrinking back to its original size without harming anyone inside. They roam in a small dimension within the bag, think of it as bigger on the inside. Delibird lifted the bag over his shoulder with ease, as the bag canceled out the weight to one tenth of his victim's size. With his one free arm, he flow back up the chimney, as there was a long night ahead. Dawn  was just the start, there would be many more to come.

23:25- Sticking with the Sinnoh region, Zoey was making last minute perorations to the Christmas tree in her house. Sure it was late, but just like her contest performances, she wanted everything to be perfect and pretty to impress the judges.  The "judges" this time however, would be her family and Dawn, making sure the tree was as pretty and perfect as possible.

"Almost there..." Zoey said to herself, repositioning the star on top of the tree. "There! Perfect!".

Just then, looking in the relection of one of the ball-balls, a cloud of black soot puffed from the chimney into the front room. Zoey turned round to see the familiar Delibird dusting himself off once again.

"Hey!" yelled Zoey. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You've ruined the front..."

Before Zoey could finish, the Delibird's eyes glowed once again, and Zoey repeated the mistake her best friend made. Before she could even wonder how a Delibird could learn Hypnosis, she became trapped in a trance and heard the word obey again and again in her mind.

"...What is your wish, my Master, smiled Zoey.

Delibird opened the sack again, instructing Zoey to step into the sack. As she stepped in, the same process was repeated, the bag lifted over her and shrinking once it was closed. Back up the chimney Delibird went with sack in hand.

23:50- The Champion Cynthia was the next stop. She was staying at a cabin not far from Snowpoint City. Sitting outside licking her favorite Ice Cream, she looked up at the stars, the night sky never looked so clear. While she was alone, she was happy to be taking time out as a huge celebrity. No fanboys to stalk her, or trainers asking to battle her. It was just her, her Pokemon, an Christmas tree, and enough Ice Cream to last her the whole holidays.

"I love this time of year." she said to herself.

Just then, she saw a Delibird walking towards her. Nothing unusual she thought, this was the kind of Pokemon that lived in snowy areas. Earlier, she saw some wild Stantler galloping by, two Sneasel battling each over and now a Delibird, all in one evening. The Delibird however got very close to Cynthia, and stood by her feet where she sat. The Delibird pointed at her Ice Cream.

"Oh, would you like a lick?" asked Cynthia. I don't mind, there's plenty to go around!"

Cynthia smiled and bent down to give her Ice Cream to the Pokemon, but by doing so, Delibird launched another Hypnosis attack. Soon the only thing on the Champion's mind was serving this Pokemon.

"...what is your wish, my master." said an hypnotized Cynthia.

00:00- Moving to the Kanto region, Misty looked at her clock as it chimed for midnight. She was in the kitchen of the Cerulean Gym baking a Christmas cake. She decided to cook it at this hour to surprise her sisters in the morning.

"There, all done." smiled a proud Misty. "They're gonna love this cake when they see it in the morning!"

Suddenly, a loud bang of the kitchen door echoed through the kitchen.

"Who on earth could it be at this hour?" wondered Misty.  

She opened the door to find a certain Pokemon.

"A Delibird?" said a confused Misty.

She keeled down to look at the cheerful Pokemon.

"Awww, have you come to give me a present?" smiled Misty.

"Deli!" replied Delibird, an Hypnosis spell onto Misty. Afterwards, she stood up, and said;

"...what is your wish, my Master?"

Delibird opened up his bag, but before he could get Misty into it, her sisters entered the kitchen.

"Hey Misty, what's with all the noise, what why is there a Delibird in the kitchen?" asked a sleepy Daisy.

Neat, sisters, is what the Delibird would have said if it spoke English. The Pokemon jumped into the air, and launched a big Hypnosis attack on the three sisters. Under the same fate as Misty, the three said in unison;

"...what is your wish, our Master?"

Fitting the four girls into the bag at once would be a tight squeeze, but not impossible as Delibird closed up the bag and watched it shrink.

00:25- Deep within a forest in the Johto region, May had tagged along with fellow trainer and coordinator, Marina. Marina was like an idol of Pokemon Contests and role model to May for a couple of months now and thought it would be awesome hanging out with her during Christmas. The two girls had set up camp for the night, sitting by a fire they made.

"So, got a crush on anyone?" teased Marina.

"W-What?" stuttered May. "No, I don't think about that stuff..."

"Yes you do, I can tell. Come on, I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!"

"Well....there is one boy I think about, sometimes..."

"Ash right? Thought so."

"Yes...so what about you?"

"Oh, well there's Lance, Steven Stone, Jimmy, Wallace, Morty, Gary Oak, Paul..."

"Wait, you have crushes on multiple guys?"

"Who says I have to stick to one?"

Just then, the main Pokemon of this story walked out of the bushes and walked over to the girls.

"Hey, a Delibird!" smiled May.

"That's weird." said Marina. "Delibird usually roam in the Ice Cave, not all the way out here..."

Ignoring the girls, Delibird got straight to business and hypnotized both girls in one swoop.

"What is your wish, our Master?" said both girls in unison, staying up.

00:45- Creeping down the stairs in the dark in an unknown destination was Jessie from Team Rocket. Rather then chase after Pikachu over the holidays, the infamous   trio decided to take a much needed break. The Team Rocket organization had property around the world for its members to lend or stay in, so Jessie, James and Meowth broke into an unused Team Rocket house, knowing full well their Boss would not grant them time off, not after their streak of failures. They managed to cut down a tree and buy some decorations for the tree and presents for one enough with what money they had left.

Jessie had always been eager at this time of the year to find out what exactly she was getting for Christmas. Technically, it was Christmas Day so to her she could rightfully open her presents, even though James insisted on waiting till the morning. Jessie did not care for the time with family part of the holiday, she spends every day with those two. It was all about the presents.

Jessie entered the front room to a big surprise, a large box wrapped in Christmas paper, labeled To Jessie.

"Oh my Arceus!" she smiled. "Those two really know how to spoil me!"

Jessie leaped towards the present and ripped it open.

"Oh, wonder what it can be, wonder what it can be." giggling like a little girl. She open the box to find her excitement turn to disappointment, as a Delibird's head popped out of the box.

"Delibird?" she sighed. "Can't you leave us alone? It's Christmas for god's sake, we've got no money left to pay any debts."

Jessie had assumed it was the Delibird that visited them once in awhile to receive payment towards their ever growing debt they owe to the Boss. However, she was too close to the Delibird to discover it was not their regular Delibird, as the Delibird cast another Hypnosis attack on Jessie.

"What is your wish, my Master?" said an entranced Jessie.  

01:00- In the peaceful town of Pallet Town,  the mothers of Ash, May and Dawn were having their own private Christmas party at Delia's house. The three had quite a bit to drink, and played Christmas music very loud into the long hours of the night.

"Great party Delia!" smiled a drunk Caroline. "You're, * hiccup *,  a great gal, for planning this thing!"

"Oh thank you!" replied Delia. "Dis nice to have company over Christmas?"

"WHAT?" asked Caroline, not hearing over the loud music.

"I says, dis nice to have companys over..." shouted Delia.


"Ah, never mind..."


"Oh my's." said Johanna losing her balance. "Think Iz had too much to drink!"

A loud knock thumped at the door.

"Oh, that's probably...those guys that leave next to me." said Delia, going over to the door. "What they called again?"

"Neighbours?" said Johanna.


Delia opened the door to find Delibird on the other side.

"Oh look gals, Santa came early!"

Johanna and Caroline walked up to the door. They both "Aaaaahhh"ed at the Pokemon. Delibird got right in and hypnotized the mothers. Piece of cake.

"What....what is, * hiccup * w-w-what is..." the mothers tried to say in unison, but instead they collapsed to the floor. Delibird sighed and began dragging each girl individually into his bag. Luckily by the effects of the bag, the mothers would be sober and still hypnotized when they would come out.

20:00- Earlier on at Anabel's house, the Frontier Brain Greta put up some mistletoe above the sofa in Anabel's living room, and began kissing Anabel.

01:35- The two Frontier Brains were still at it with the kissing and fondling each other. Another testimony to their never ending love.

"Oh god, I could kiss those lips forever and a day!" spoke Greta, catching her breath.

"Less talking, more action." replied Anabel, re-locking her lips back onto Greta's.

"You know, that bed of yours could do with a little action."

"Suppose so, it is rather late."

As Greta got off her lover, the two girls were surprised at the Delibird in the living room that was watching them.

"A Delibird?" wondered Anabel.

"Oh real nice." Greta said in anger to the Pokemon. "Just how long have you been enjoying us? Why not take a picture? It lasts longer!"

As if to respond to Greta's question, Delibird began another session of Hypnosis on the two lovers. Once entranced, the two got up and said:

"What is your wish, our Master?"

02:00 to 05:00- The Delibird continued its quest throughout the night collecting Pokegirl after Pokegirl. Every time being the same, he'd enter the house, encounter the girl, hypnotize them and put the in his bag, which no matter how many girls he  put in, never got any bigger. He had quite the collection going for him so far, even collecting a few dozen female Pokemon Rangers, Nurse Joy's and Officer Jenny's while he was at it. A lot of boyfriends, husbands and family members were going to wake up in the morning with their girls missing .

05:35- Far away in the Unova region, two young trainers sat on a hill top looking up at the moon light, which shone so beautifully in the night.

"Wow, you were right Iris!" said Ash amazed. "The night sky really does look wonderful in Unova!"

"See, I tolda." smiled Iris. "And what a way to see in Christmas huh?"

"It sure is....wait, what's that in the distance?"

A red object in the sky flew towards the two trainers. At first, they thought it was Rudolph the red nosed Stantler and Santa, but it turned out to be just a Delibird as it flew down in front of them.

"A Delibird?" Ash pondered.

"That's impossible, they're arnt any Delibirds in Unova!" Iris pointed out.

Speaking of the impossible, Delibird once again used Hypnosis, entrancing the duo. The two trainers quickly fell under the red and white Pokemon's spell, losing all free will and a strong desire to do as they are ordered.

"What is your wish, our Master?" said the trainers.

Instead of putting them in the sack, Delibird paused for a moment. The bird Pokemon noticed that one of them was not a girl but a boy. This would certainly not do, as he was instructed to snag only hot looking women. To resolve this problem, Delibird looked into it's sack, taking out a present box and use it's Present attack on Ash. Catching the box with his hands, Ash stood still as the box exploded, engulfing him in a pink cloud of smoke. As Delibird flapped his wings, the smoke below away to reveal that Ash had changed. Gone were his trainer clothes and male body, now changed into a bright orange dress with a pink bow, while he now had long blonde hair, a perfect hourglass figure that was slimmer and smaller then before, and a busty chest that would make all his female companions jealous.

"What is your wish, my Master?" Ash giggled in her new female voice.

Now Delibird was ready to sack the duo of girls and did so.

06:00- Delibird return to the dark building he set off from. He shouted "DELI, DELI!" into the large room, echoing throughout.

"Well done." said a shady figure from the darkness. "Let's see how you've done.

The figure flicked on the lights to lighten the hall, revealing it was a Pokemon Gym. Delibird proceeded with opening his bag. Dawn crawled out of the bag, wearing noting but red and white Christmas panties. Then Zoey followed, wearing the same. Both girls stood to attention. Shortly after, Cynthia came out of the bag, then Misty and her sisters, then May and Marina, then Jessie, then the PokeMoms, then Anabel and Greta, Iris and Ashley, then girls continued crawling out of the bag for a good hour. Pretty soon, the hall  filled up with PokeGirl only in red panties and displaying all for everyone to see. Delibird must of snagged a good fifty, maybe a hundred girls in one night.

"Excellent Delibird!" smiled the figure. "With all these chicks, I never have to chase girls ever again.

The figure walked towards the girls, just standing there in a trace and a smile on their faces. The Delibird returned into it's master's Pokeball to let his master have some fun.

"Now then, who do you girl obey?"  

"Only you our Master!" said all the girls in unison.

"And what's your purpose from now on?"

"To serve and please you, Master."

"Awesome. Now, I want as many of you girls to fit into my bedroom and wait for me, then our fun can really begin. Understand?"

"Yes, Master Brock!"

The girls started walking to Brock's bedroom. It was a sure fire thing that not every girl would get in there, but those that did not would wait for further instructions from Master Brock. As the hall was empty again, Brock switched off the lights again, and began walking to his bedroom, looking at Delibird's Pokeball.

"You've made all my Christmas dreams come true my friend." said Brock, crying tears of joy.

"Merry Christmas Delibird!"

The End 


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