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A happy and giddy May twirled in front of the store mirror, trying out new swimsuits as she was on another of her shopping sprees, this time in Celedon City's world famous department store. She had always wanted to visit the store, so it was lucky she was currently exploring the Kanto region with Ash, Max and Brock competing for Ribbons for the Kanto Grand Festival while Ash was attempting to conquer the Battle Frontier. She couldnt really explain why she was so happy lately, it could be something to do with exploring the home region of Ash's or just having the opportunity to travel with Ash one more time. As she looked at her swimsuit and her mature figure in the mirror, she began to daydream of her goals and desires.

"Ooh, I'm so gonna win the grand Festival this time around!" May smiled pleasantly. "And when Ash finally wins the big one, we're gonna have a big party back at his place, and maybe when we're alone together......maybe he'll kiss me? Oooh, won't we make such the cutest couple? After everything we've been though together, I just know..."

It was then it hit May's mind like a bolt of lightning, reality checking back into her senses, which turned her smile upside down.

"...I just know Ash is such a klutz when it comes to love." May sighed sadly. It was remembering her adventures in Hoenn, she remembered how clueless Ash was about love when they were helping that Romeo and Juliet couple out with their love and Ash hadn't the foggiest idea what was wrong with them. Not only that, but from what she gathered from that Misty girl he used to travel with, she also had feelings for him from the sound of it when she got chatting to her during the start of their leg of Kanto and Ash still thought Misty hung around for the ride for that stupid bicycle. Even if Ash knew anything about the subject, his mind was still occupant on his Pokemon training and becoming the world's greatest Pokemon Master. Even after all these years, Ash was still like a child inside.

After paying for her swimsuit and walked out of the store, May began the walk back to the Pokemon Centre, moving slowly to reflect her gloomy and sad mood. She was beginning to wonder if this Kanto journey had any real meaning besides the Grand Festival now she figured out Ash could never be hers.

"Oh ho ho." spoke a voice. "What seems to be the trouble Missy, boy problems?"

May turned her head to see a small perfume stand right next to her which she had only just noticed, run by an elderly lady.

"Wait, how did you..." May asked.

"Ho ho, a woman my age can tell deary. You feel something for the young whipper-snapper but he feels nothing back?"      

"Yes! That's exactly it! Are you psychic or something?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But what I do know is you need to grab his attention."

"Yes, but he's has Pokemon on the mind you see..."

"I've got just the thing for that."

The elderly lady took something from under the counter and showed it to May.

"This is my Super Love Perfume. Its powerful scent will lure any boy you desire and they will fall in love with you in an instant!"

"Fall in love...instantly?"

"That's right, it's a one of a kind perfume made from a flower with a unique scent that only blossoms once a year, then drops a petal to the ground that I use to create the perfume. I can only get one bottle out a year because of that."

"Can I smell it?"

"Fraid not. Because of its rare contents, I cannot sample any of it to any of my customers.

"Then how do I know you're not ripping me off?"

"Well fine, don't buy and be on your way. Just know this, any boy who loves Pokemon so much will never find the time to think about settling down with a girl, not even in old age. Without this perfume, your love will never be returned from that boy, trust me."

".....how much?"

"Normally I sell it for one hundred dollars, but since I'm a nice old business woman, shall we say fifty?"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Well, the girls round here are members of Erika's Gym, which you may know, has a multi-million dollar empire in perfume, so I get very few customers round here. Thinking about setting shop in Saffron next week actually, so consider that my Shifting Stock Sale!"

"Why thank you, thank you very much!" May smiled as she paid the lady the last of her spending money. She'd have to go without any more shopping sprees for awhile, but in her opinion, it was worth the fifty dollars if it would get her boy. The lady then handed over the bottle to May.

"Before you go, I must warn you." the lady told May. "Apply one and only one squirt at a time. It is very powerful stuff, and got only knows what you''l attract if you put too much on.

"I got it." May nodded her head.

"It's also not water-proof, so if it rains or you get soak, it wears off immediately."

"Thank you again."

"Happy to do business with ya. You take care now, and tell ya friends. My business survives on word of mouth!"

"Will do!" May waved as she walked off, skipping along back to the Pokemon Centre. On her way, she decided to take a short cut through the Celedon Park, as she knew Ash was competing in a local tournament, so he would be awhile before he return to the Pokemon Centre, longer if Team Rocket tried one of their daily Pikachu Capture failures.  Brock meanwhile was checking out the "hot babe" of Celedon, knowing full well of the Celedon Gym's girl's only rule, while Max would be chasing after him, ear pulling and all the best he could. The park seemed strangely empty for some reason, maybe due to the tournament or time of day as the sun was beginning to set, but there weren't even any Pokemon roaming around, not that May noticed or cared, she was too focus looking at her bottle of perfume and fantasizing again.

"Ooo, I can't wait to try this stuff out!" May smiled all giddy like she was about to explode with happiness. "Ash might finally notice me tonight, then maybe we can start dating like proper couples, exchanging gifts and so on!! Who knows, maybe this time next year, he'll propose to me! That would be so sweet!!!!"

With her head in the clouds, May did not notice the lost skateboard in front of her, stepping on it, and felling back which caused her to throw the bottle high in the air and for her to land on her behind.

"Oww, my butt!" May held her behind before looking up at the falling bottle. The lid unfortunately was not a screw on lid, so the liquid contents of the bottle poured out and slashed all over May, soaking her all over while the bottle smashed to the ground missing May by inches. The awkward silence followed after the smashed glass as May looked in utter shock at the broken remains.

"...T-T-That cost me fifty dollars...." She stuttered, knowing full well she wasnt given a receipt so she would not get her money back, but also that the perfume was all gone before her eyes and that warning the old lady gave her. All those concerns melted away when her senses smelt the fragrance. It was like she was smelling every kind of flower she ever smelt in her life all at once, and it smelt ever so heavenly. While putting on too much perfume was often overkill for most, it actually smelt better for May in a way.

"I smell so lovely!" May returned to her state of happiness. "There's no way Ash won't notice me now!"

All of a sudden, May felt a chill in her spine, like she felt she was being watched. Turning her head around, she saw a Snorlax resting under a tree. Being a large Pokemon and a loud snorer, Snorlaxs were pretty hard to not notice when they are around, however May was so distracted with her purchase, the large sleeping Pokemon, as well as her surrounds did not matter to her.

"W-Was that Snorlax always there?" May asked herself, causing the Snorlax to awake from it's standing slumber. Upon waking up, the dozy Snorlax starred at it's  surroundings when he looked down at the female trainer sat in front of him. Or at least he thought it was a trainer, her sent was having an unusual effect on him. At times, when Snorlaxs see objects shaped like food, they tend to think it is that food, take a bite and ask questions later. What was happening here was the same, only May looked like the slimmest yet most attractive Snorlax he'd ever seen. The perfumed had intoxicated Snorlax so much, he was unable to May apparent from that hot female Snorlax vision in his eyes.

"H-Hey, what are you doing?" a worried May asked as the Snorlax reached down and grabbed her with his left arm, picking her up on his shoulder and beginning to carry her away. "Hey, let me go!"

May tried her best to struggle free, squirming her body about and thumbing the Snorlax's shoulders with her fists, but its grip was too strong to get free from, and the happy Snorlax did not seem to notice her punches. As the Snorlax slowly stomped its way out of the park and into a more forestry area, the duo soon arrived at a cave, deep enough for Snorlax to get into, but not so deep the light could not get in. Owning a Munchlax,  May knew full well how much it would eat I a day, as well as how strong he was, but a huge Snorlax? With no clue about Snorlaxs, May reached for her shorts,  successfully pulled out her Pokedex from her pocket, then consulted on it for further information.

"Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokemon and the evolved form of Munchlax!" The Pokedex explained. "When the Males find a partner, they engage in the Snorlax Courtship Ritual, consisting of mass eating and rubbing of the stomach. Snorlax are capible of consuming up to four hundred pounds of food before going back to sleep!"

"That can't be good..." May thought to herself before the Snorlax dropped her onto a bed of straw. "Hey, be a bit more careful will you?"

Sat on the lrge straw bed, May figured it would be wise not to suddenly run away. A large Pokemon like Snorlax chasing after her could so easily stomp on her accidentally if she was not careful. As Snorlax lay down next to her, May noticed the largest pile of berries she had ever seen right next to her side of the bed. All the berries were different kinds, shapes and colours, she knew all the kinds thanks to all the Pokeblocks she created from them for her contests. Also among the berries were many kinds of fruit like apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, even some pineapples. Just then, Snorlax placed one of its paws onto May's tummy and began gently rubbing it. As the Snorlax stroked her tummy, May just froze, not just a little unsettled from the action, but worried about those small claws of his. It was then Snorlax picked out a berry from the food pile and started poking it at May's mouth, while May kept her lips closed.

"I mustn't let him feed me." May thought to herself. "Who knows how much he intends to feed me with..."

Confused, Snorlax scratched its head, wondering why May was playing hard to get. As a lightbulb up in his head, Snorlax thought maybe she was just being playful and pretending she wasnt hungry. Afterall, a hungry Snorlax was a rare Snorlax, and he knew just how to open her mouth and the place where his kind were most ticklish. Snorlax returning to stroking May's tummy, but this time in a more ticking manner. Unfortunately fr May, she happened to be ticklish on her stomach as well, and was having a hard time keeping in the laughs

"Oh no...." she thought to herself again. " Must......not....laugh...."

As much as May tried to hold it in, her face grew red and her cheeks swelled with laughter. It was no use, the tickling and the added fur from Snorlax's paws was just too much for her to hold in. Soon enough, her mouth exploded open with laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" She laughed, unable to control herself. "S-S-STOP...IT....HAHAHAHAHA.....YOU'RE....KILLING...ME....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

His plan a success, Snorlax quickly stuffed the berry into May's mouth. May's expression turned to shock as Snorlax managed to get the whole berry into her mouth, something that would not be possible without a couple of bites, and in result, silencing the laughing trainer as the Snorlax returned to simple strokes on her tummy and grabbed the next berry from the pile. Poor May had not fully munched the berry already in her mouth before Snorlax shaved another one into her mouth. As her cheeks now inflated full of munched up berries, she speeded up her crewing her swallowing, as it seemed Snorlax would not be waiting for her to finished. As the minutes pasted, May had tried all sorted of berries like Cheri Berries, Nanab Berries, Bluk Berries, Aspear Berries, Sitrus Berries, Oran Berries, even Tamato Berries which were so spicey, she could of sworn her mouth was on fire, and it did not help that Snorlax fed her five in a row. Thankfully the berries were quite cold, being outside for so long, that the berries after the Tamato berries cooled her mouth a little, though like the Tamato berries, each berry introduced a different taste. Some were sweet, some were too bitter, too sour and so on. Fruits like the bananas, oranges and grapes were stuffed into her mouth too, both unpeeled and  in bunches for the grapes. Never in her life did May have a whole apple in her mouth, but rather then complain, she had crew hard and fast as she could. The pineapples were the worst, being forced into her mouth, and May just had to bite at the pineapple in her face. Poor May's face was covered in fruit juice, but she could not do a thing about it.

Two hours had passed since her capture, and May felt so full and a bit sicky. Night had already fallen, as the light coming from the cave was that of moonlight. Snorlax had taken a break and strached his arms, scratching a few itches on his head and armpits. May just laid on the bed, not taking a chance to escape. She knew a more safe chance would come. She had not dared to look down at herself, in fear of what she look like, until she heard a popping sound. Looking down slowly, a huge belly that popped out of her shirt as well as her belly button blocked her view of her legs and whist.

"Oh my gosh!" she weeped. "I look like I'm nine months pregnant!"

May began to cry when she thought aout all her dresses and swimsuits she'd no longer fit into. Not that she could ever go to a beach now without being mistaken for a Wailord. Looking at her side, she noticed her yellow belt had snapped off, along with a few buttons on the bottom of her shirt, and her white skirt, leaving only her stretchy black shorts. She tried to reach for her belt, hoping to nab a Pokeball to send out one of her Pokemon, but found herself unable to move, like a large fat man in a chair reaching for the TV remote. With no hope of savour, Snorlax returned to May to resume the ritual.

"Oh no, not again!" May cried. "It's only been a five minute break!"

Not listening to her, Snorlax stuffed more berries into May's mouth, this time two in a row at a time. Not that she could see, but May's face and head had now fatten up, and her mouth was large enough to shave two fruits and berries into. As the night went on, so did May fattening up. Before her belly was only big outwards, but now she was beginning to widen as her whole body began to get wider. Soon, her arms now rested on the flabs of her body, while they were no longer the thin arms she once had, even her gloves exploded under the larging of her hands. Her already impressive bust now grow fat to the size of her head and now her breasts rested on top of her ever growing belly. Her ass grew humongous now that her hips took up most of the straw bed. As her legs grew fatter, her stretchy short looked like they had turned into underwear that were a size or two to small for May. Her poor fat face now rested on her shoulders hiding her neck as she gained a double chin. Feeling so hideous, May just wanted this nightmare to end.

Morning light finally finally arrived when Snorlax stopped. May was now sat up against the wall, looking a bit like a child Snorlax in shaped. May felt so tired from all the night's eating, that ever breathing felt like a hard task for her as her breaths now resembled that of an obese person. Flab poking out of her clothes, which make slight ripping sounds every time she moved, and drool and fruit juice flowing from her mouth, May looked at the what was left of the pile next to her. There was still a great deal left, but May had already scoffed most of the pile, a good sixty five percent of her had to guess. There was no way she could eat anymore, she felt like a giant sack full of berries and fruit moving around in her, but she also felt like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode if more fruit was forced into her. As Snorlax was about to resume the ritual once again, May got a brilliant idea.    

"Say Snorlax." May spoke, her voice sounding sounding a little deeper due to her gained weight. "I bet you're feeling tired by now, feeding me all night long."

The Snorlax paused for a moment, then nodded its head.

"Then why don't you take a nice nap......err honey. I know a great lullaby. After that, you can stuff me all you want till there's no a single berry or fruit life in Kanto!"

Intrigued, and the fact that sleep with tied with eating on every Snorlax's list of things they love to do, Snorlax dropped the berry that was in its hand and helped May up so that he could now sit on the bed, awaiting the lulaby with get expectation. The last remark of May's was a risky one, but she ut everything on the line on this plan. It was either going to work, or she'd become as large as a Wailord by tomorrow.

"Here goes." May thought to herself, praying this would work. May began singing the very soothing lullaby her own mother used to sing her to sleep as a little girl, and that rare time May sung it to Max when they encountered a Jirachi. With a smile on its face, the Snorlax began to look wosey, lying down and resting its head on its bed as it let the relaxing melody bring him to the land of nod. Seeing that her plan was working, May began to sing the part that always got her and Max straight to sleep.

"Chiisaki mono, Sore wa watashi......" she whispered into it's larged ear, while rubbing the Snorlax's beanbag like belly. Using the actual lyric was a success, as the Snorlax began its loud snore feast. May finally smiled for the first time in hours, as she knew at least Snorlaxs sleep for hours. Even with her new weight slowing her down, she'd still have plenty of time to escape now. Turning round, May began to walk out the cave, slowly but surly.

It was about an hour before May return to the park she was kidnapped from the previous day. The fat in her body really did slow her down, resulting her to woddle along like she was a giant toddler. Puffing for air and sweating like she just ran a marathon, May had to stop for a second to catch her breath. During that time, it was then she really realised just what state her body was in and how it would effect her life from now on, feeling real sorry for herself. No more dresses, swimsuits or any of her much love wardrobe, she would now have to shop at those fat dress stores the really large women had to shop. Her once slim figure was now hidden under folds and folds of flab, it would take years of exercise and weight loss product to be in a chance to get back into her old figure. Her current and favourite clothes ruined, flub poking out from ripped holes, feeling extremely tight against her skin,making ripping sounds every time she moved. All May wanted to do at this point was get back to the Pokemon Centre, go to her room, ripped herself out of her clothing, shower or bathe somehow, then have a long overdue sleep. Her sad state was lifted however when she noticed the broken perfume bottle, still shattered on the ground.

"Oh yeah, that's right!" she began to smile. "As long as I smell irrisistable to Ash, it won't matter what I look like!"

With that in mind, she resumed her trek back to the Centre, picking up speed the best she could. While she did try to run, it came off more as a fast walk then a sprint. It was about another before she was back in the city area, thankfually no one about to starr at her, nor make fat jokes.

"And I thought, *puff*, my early travelling days were.....bad." May talked to herself, remembering how she used to moan when walking short distances at the start of her Hoenn adventures with Ash. "Still, at least I still smell like...."

The loud sound of lightning interrupted May, as a heavy pouring of rain then followed, soaking May in seconds. May then looked speechless, knowing now why there was no one around and remembering what the old lady said about no water proofing.

".....WAAAAAAAAAAAH!" May cried as the tears flowed down her face as fast as the rain. "Now I'm just an ugly fat girl who's soaking wet! Ash'll never want me now...."

May had just given up at this point. The perfume was the only thing keeping her from completely crying, but now it had washed away from her body, her enlarged state was really making her depressed. Ash was already blind to her affection to him, so what chance did she have the way she was now  Still crying, she began walking slowly again, cursing that Snorlax's name.

At the Pokemon Centre around noon time, Ash, Max and Brock were waiting in the lobby. Ash had wondered where May had gotten to, concerned for his friend. He was going to look for her, but the heavy downpour made searching hard, so he decided to wait for the rain to stop before looking for her.

Just then, the revolving doors opened up at the entrance. At first when he look, Ash smiled to see it was May, before it turned to utter shock when he realize the huge transformation she had undergone.

"M-May!" Ash spoke in shock. "Is that you?"

As May nodded her head the est she could, the male trio walked to her all concerned for their friend.

"What happened?" Brock asked.

"A wild Snorlax abducted and made me it's feeding buddy..." May sobbed, humiliated in having to explain the situation to her friends.

"Are you sure it didnt mistake you for an actual Snorlax?" Max joked, only to be silenced by the threatening fist of an angry May looking at him with a death glare.

"Why did it abduct you?" Brock asked again. "It seems a little strange that a Snorlax would kidnap a person for no rea...."

"I DON'T want to talk about it." May angrily interrupted Brock. "I just wanna be left alone in my room."

"Sorry, I was only trying to help." Brock apologized.

"Well, if you want to be helpful, you can go buy me new clothes that fit me Brock.

"Right, I'll go see what I can find..."

"Better try the XXXXXXXXL Store Brock!" Max joked again.

"Do you want me to sit on you or something?!?" May threatened her brother.

"N-N-No sis...." Max backed away, now scared of what his sister would do the next time he made fun of her weight. As Brock left to find new clothing and Max ran off to not anger his sister any more, May curiously noticed Ash had not moved an inch since he ran up to her, just starring at the space she was before threatening her brother with the same dopey look.

"Hey Ash, are you okay?" May asked.

Almost as if to respond to her question, blood slightly dripped from the boy trainer's nose.   

"Why is your nose bleeding?" May asked again.

Ash wiped his nose to confirm to himself he was bleeding.

"......I, don't know...." was all Ash could replied with. "....I better ask Joy to erm, sort this out..."

Like he was nervous as hell, Ash walked off awkwardly, nearly tripping over a lobby chair.

As May walked off to her room, she secretly blushed and smiled to herself, knowing that finally, she got his attention....

The End 


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