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Its funny what life throws at you. One moment, you think you have it all sorted out, find the person of your dreams, start a family, work at your dream job, and then it would easy going till the end. However, life's not like that. It is full of unexpected and unpredictable events, good and bad, that can change everything. Destiny can also intervene, from events that were always meant to happen, even right down to genes.

For these two trainers, the most unexpected of events occur.

The sun shined on the Cerulean City park, shining the water flowing from the fountain, giving the plant life their required light and basking for warmth to all the humans and Pokemon outside. As the Combee flew from flower to flower and the Pidgey flew around, two trainers sat at a bench, making out with each other. Arms embraced with each other, hands stroking up and down, chest to chest, and lips locked together in sweet love, just last week the two were nothing but friends, the female was angry for years at the loss of her bike to the boy, but after putting their differences aside and opening out their deep and locked feelings for one another, the two were finally a couple, a relationship that could stand up to everything and anyone.

"Oooo, I love you Misty!" Ash muttered, separating his lips briefly before kissing again.  

"I love you too Ash!" said Misty, also muttering before resuming the kissing.

The two lover spent another ten mins alone in the park, before they took a break from their mass snogging, catching their breath as they both leaned back on the bench.

"That was great!" smiled Ash.

"I know, miles better then arguing all the time!" Misty smiled back. "Can't believe I was so hard on you about that dumb bike, my Ashie boy!"

"Yeah, you as cute as a Pikachu when you talk."

"Aww, you not saying that, in the hope I transform into a Pikachu do-"

Before Misty could finish, a puff of pink smoke surrounded her. Both coughed, as Ash tried to wave the smoke away.

"* Cough * What was that?" Ash coughed as the smoke vanished. At first, he thought Misty had vanished, till he looked down at the pile of her clothes on the bench which something worming out. Popping it's head out was a Pikachu, one with familiar red hair on it's head.

"Pikachu?" the Pikachu spoke, as it felt it's face and ears. "Pi? Pikapi!!!!!

"M-M-MISTY?!?" Ash said, with his jaw hanging from his mouth in shock.

Ash picked up Misty, looking closely at her state.

"What the hell just happened?!?" Ash asked.

"PIKA PIKA PIKACHU! PIKAAAAAA!" Misty spoke, but Ash had no idea what she was saying.

"I better get you back to the Gym. Maybe I can ring Prof Oak for help."

Ash ran back to the Cerulean Gym with Misty in tow, not stopping for a second. They shortly arrived at the Gym, empty as Misty's Sisters were off on another holiday. The panicked trainer placed his girlfriend turned Pikachu on the coffee table.

"Right, you just stay there, and I'll phone Prof Oak." Ash told Misty.


"Or should I? I mean, what if this gets out? A human turned into a Pikachu? My god, they'd be using you in experiments and such. But if I don't, how will I get you cured? But then what if I never seen you again? What if....argh, my head!"

Mind aching of worries, Ash placed his hands on his head, trying to calm down.

"Calm down Ash." He told himself. "You're overreacting. You can trust Prof Oak, you've know him how long? Course, what to say? My girlfriend suddenly just transform into a Pikachu?"

A familiar puff of smoke surrounded Ash this time, spooking Misty as she stood back.

"PikaPi?" Misty cried as the smoke cleared, only to reveal another Pikachu, this time with matching Ash hair on it's head, sitting on top of Ash's clothing.

"Ash?" Misty called out.

"Hey, you can talk now! That's a relief!"

"Yes, well just look at yourself!"

Gazing down, Ash now noticed his yellow chubby body.

"Arrrrggh! NOT ME TOO!!! WHAT'S GOING ON?!?"

"Calm down Ash, we need to figure this out."

"Calm down? What if your sisters catch us? Or worse, Gary Oak! Or..."

Jumping down from the table, Misty hopped towards Ash, and slapped him in the face a few times.

"Get a hold of yourself! This is hardly helping!"

"Oww, geez I thought we were don't with arguing with each other..."

"What gave you that idea? That we're a couple now? You honestly know nothing about marriage..."

"But you said...."

"That's quite enough you two." spoke a voice.

Both Pikachus turned and looked at the levitating figure that float in the open window of the room. Flying in was a weird looking Mew, not just an Ultra Rare light blue shiny colour, but also sporting a grey bushy moustache.  

"...This day's just going to get weirder, isn't it?" Misty sighed.

"Perhaps." replied the Mew. "But right now you need to listen to me."

"Who are you?" Ash asked.

"Well, I am a Mew, as you can tell, but one that has lived for many years, long before even your grand parents were born. It is my destiny to guide those destined with the Mew genes."

"Mew genes?" asked Misty.

"Yes. See, you two have Mew D.N.A mixed within your normal human D.N.A. They've been passed from your earliest ancestors, who were both Mews. A miracle occurred between the two when they gave birth to a human. No one knows why or how, but now anyone within this bloodline that has the Mew gene begin to change at a certain age, given them the ability to transform like a Mew before their power will fully awaken, and then they will become a Mew."

"So we're both going to become Mews and we can transform into different Pokemon?" asked Misty.

"Correct, if you utter the correct words, you will transform. This is all I can tell you for now, Mew Children of Destiny. I must go now."

Without warning, the mysterious Mew flew out the window.

"Hey wait!" Ash yelled, but the Mew ignored, leaving the two Pikachus alone again. "Damn. I wanted to know more."

"Like what?" Misty asked.

"Like if we'd ever become human again, or when we will turn into Mews. I mean he told us a fair bit, but there's still so many blanks as to what has and will happen to us."

"I guess so." Misty paused to think for a second, till a light bulb went off in her head. She grabbed Ash by the tail and began pulling him out the room.

"Where are we going?" Ash asked.

"We can transform into Pokemon right? Well, we're going to the Gym Pool!"

"What for?"

"To fulfil many Water Pokemon dreams and fantasies I've had my whole life, that's what!"

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Nothing's happened to us yet, right? Sure it'll be fine!"

As the room made their way to the pool, the mysterious Mew watched from outside, out of view, knowing full well of their fate and destiny to would foretell. He sighed, muttering to himself.

"Well, here we go again."

To Be Continued 


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