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Our story begins at a hall where another Sinnoh contest was to take place. A door opens to a dressing room.  

"And this is your dressing room." said a Nurse Joy. "Hope you find everything you need."

"Thank you very much." Dawn smiled as she walked into the room. The Nurse Joy closed the door behind her, leaving Dawn to get ready for her next contest.

It was an exciting time for Dawn as she had only one more ribbon to win for qualification to the Grande Festival. As her previous performances were fully of high praise, she was treated to her own dressing room, one fit for a top coordinator. The large room had a huge make up table with the biggest mirror Dawn had seen in quite sometime, complete with all the make up she would require, all shades and scents of lipstick, eyeliner, perfume and other cosmetics. Among all the impressive things in the room, the thing that caught Dawn's eye was a package with a note that had her name written on. She walked towards the package, a box about the size of a large envelope, and looked at the note, which read:

"Dear Dawn,

By now, you have reach so far into qualifying for the Grande Festival and have only one ribbon left to go. Inside this box is an outfit that will give you an advantage in your performance to which you won't ever need a Pokemon for the first round to succeed. On the back of this note are instructions for the special performance to go with the outfit. It may sound a little unusual at first, but trust me, I have won my fair share of contests with this performance. I only hope to complete with you at the Grande Festival and want to help you get there my friend.

See you out there, and at the Grande Festival!

Zoey. X"

"Special performance?" wondered Dawn, scratching her head. "Won't even need a Pokemon for the first round?"

Dawn was baffled by this at first, but then felt assured as it was her friend Zoey, who knew a lot about Contests, and was one of her best friends. She helped her out during the hard times, giving advise on her contest techniques and how she could improve. Dawn owed a lot to Zoey for her help, she wouldn't be this far without her, so she felt she could trust anything she would say.

"Okay then!" smiled Dawn. "If Zoey says this will win me the contest, I'll do it! Thank you again, my friend."

Later on, it was time for the contest. Many contestants participated, showing off their Pokemon and their attacks to dazzle and excite the audience, a tough act for Dawn to follow.

"Our last Coordinator hails all the way from Twinleaf Town, and it competing for for final ribbon." the announcer Marian announced. "Let's hear it for Dawn!"

The crowd cheered Dawn on as she entered the stage, which slowly quietened as they saw what she was wearing, then to an awkward silence when she began her performance.

"HAIGURE! HAIGURE! EVERYONE DO THE HAIGURE!" sung Dawn with her legs wide open and moving her arms up and down, wearing a dark blue leotard close to the colour of her hair. She was doing everything the note from Zoey instructed, so was confident it was going to work. The audience did not cheer once throughout the whole performance, absolutely confused by this act as were the judges.

"Okay, that's about enough." Mr Contesta spoke.

"Hardly any way remarkable..." Mr Sukizo criticized.

"I really don't get it..." Nurse Joy also criticized.

Dawn stopped at that moment, almost heartbroken as she quickly walked off the stage in embarrassment. Returning straight to the dressing room, she closed the door behind her.

"Wha-what happened?" she asked herself. "Why would Zoey give me bad advice to make a fool of myself and blow my opportunity at the Grande Festival?  Did she...want me to lose and get there herself?"

Dawn walked over to the mirror on the table, looking at herself in the leotard. It was then she noticed how silly she looked wearing it, not noticing before because of her trust in her best friend.

"Why did I ever think this look any good?!? God I'm so...."

It was then Dawn lost feeling in her legs and arms, like someone grabbed them and forced her limbs to do things, except she was all alone. Her arms and legs were acting on their own accord.

"What the? I can't move!" Dawn panicked before she began performing the Haigure against her will. This time, strange sensations were following inside her body.

"No! Stop it! This dance is making me feel......dizzy......s..o..meone.....hel......hel....h-h-h-haigure?"

As her arms continued to move up and down, her leotard magically changed colour. Blue started to become brighter and bright, now changing to a bright pink colour.

"What...haigure....happening.....to me?" Dawn spoke in a daze, her mind fuzzy like knowledge was leaking out of her ears and her IQ was dropping. Her breasts started to jiggle and bounce, increasing in a large size from her c cup to watermelons.  Also growing in size, her ass now the size of two soccer balls pressed together.

"Must......haigure...." Dawn spoke as a drool slide down her mouth. "Haigure make Dawn happy.......horny......and feel goooooood....."

In her last change, Dawn's hair also changed in colour. No longer blue, she was now a blonde, her hair a bright yellow. Eyes now also a bright pink colour, all the trainer girl could mutter now was:

"....haigure.....haigure......everyone......do the HAIGURE! HAIGURE! HAIGURE! EVERYONE DO THE HAIGURE!"

A door opened to reveal a rival of Dawn's. It was not her best friend Zoey, but instead  her more unfriendly rival, Ursula.

"Ah good." she smiled, looking at Dawn mindlessly do her dance in pleasure. "You fell right for my trap. God, you are so stupid, not just now but falling for that fake note."

Ursula walked over to Dawn, who stopped Haiguring.

"How are we doing?" she asked the now blonde Dawn.

"Dawn feels, like totally good!" she spoke like a bimbo. "Dawn body feel so good, boobies so big and round, and hair so soft and shiny."

"You do look good Dawn. The person that gave me that leotard promised you'd feel so good wearing that and become a better person."

"Thank you Ursula! Dawn feel better then ever!"

"So, what do you want to do now? You going to the next contest?"

"Nope, Dawn not smart to be Pokemon trainer. Just want to do the Haigure and spread the word."

"Okay, then you won't mind if I take your ribbons?"

"No, you can totally have those. Dawn has no need for ribbons."

"Why thank you Dawn. You carry on your little dance and I'll just be going now..."

Grabbing the ribbons Dawn had worked so hard to achieve, Ursula began to leave when all of a sudden felt a chill.

"Brrrrr, did someone turn down the heating?" she asked, looking down to see the problem. "What the? What's happened to my clothes?!?"

Just like Dawn, Ursula was now wearing a leotard of a red shade. She had no idea how her clothing suddenly changed without noticing.

"Yaaaaay!" Dawn cheered. "Ursula have leotard now! Ursula can haigure with Dawn!"

Once again, Dawn began to do the Haigure dance, this time not against her will. However, Ursula's arms and legs began to move against her will.


"Nooooo! I can't be doing this! I can stup to your......le...vel......haigure?"

As much as she fought to stop herself, her own arms and legs proved too strong for her to control. As she got into the same rhythm as Dawn, the same changes began to happen to her. Hair, eyes and leotard now matching the same colours as Dawn, expanding butt and boobs, and intelligence right out the window, or rather the head.

"HAIGURE! HAIGURE! EVERYONE DO THE HAIGURE!" both girls sung to their heart's content, happy and feeling great at their new found pleasure.

"Wow, you like, totally look awesome Ursula!" Dawn commented.

"Yes Dawn, Ursula feels soooo awesome! Now Ursula know how Dawn feels!"

"We should not keep this to ourselves. Everyone should do the Haigure! Let's totally find more people to like, change into us!"

Right on cue, the door opened again as Ash and Zoey entered the door, wondering what all the chants and screams for help were all about.

"Hey Dawn, what's..." Ash asked, stopping from the sight of the two blonde girls.

"Dawn? Ursula? Is that you?" Zoey asked.

"Yay, you two can join us too!" Dawm jumped for joy.

"Yess. Like, join usssssssss!"

A few hours of transformation and haiguring later, the group of blonde girl had now doubled from two to four. While Zoey had undergone the same changes, Ash's transformation had the addition of a gender swap with growing breasts, weight lose in the arms and legs, a slim stomach with wide hips and a perfect ass, and long blonde hair, as well us the pink eyes and leotard. You could bear even recognize the former boy.

"Wow Ash! You are like sooooooo adorable and cute as a girl!" said Dawn, hugging Ash almost like a welcoming into womanhood.

"Thank you Dawn. I feel so amazing like this!" Ash smiled, groping her chest. "My boobies feel so full and great! This is like, way better then being a boy or even Pokemon training!"

"Yeah, and the Haigure must be totally a bonus right?" asked Ursula.

"Yeah, makes me feel giddy. Think I'll call myself Ashley from now on! Can't wait to convert mommy!"

"We need to like, convert everyone Ashley." Zoey spoke now in a more girly voice. "Before, I was sooooo a tomboy, but now I feels sooooo awesome this way! Everyone like, needs to....what's the word? Ermmmm, experience? Yeah experience this feeling!"

"Yeah, we need to gather a lotta girls and convert them!" suggested Ursula.

"True, but we're like, not famous?" Dawn pointed out. "If we had a famous trainer to our group, we can like get her to prepare a gathering thingy?"

"Not just anyone, but a girl who like, it's already blonde to no one....s-s-suspects anything?" said Ashley.

"But like, who?" asked Dawn.

The four thought about it quite sometime. With their lowered IQ thinking would be a much more difficult task, even more if they did not pleasure themseleves with a Haigure dance for long.

Some days passed, and in a national park in another town, the Sinnoh League Champion sat on a bunch, enjoying her favorite Ice Cream. With the next Sinnoh League about to come full circle, she would be watching the final battles and battling the winner pretty soon, if he or she got through the Elite Four, so it was a good time to be taking a break before a full on training session with her Pokemon readying herself to defend her title. After that, a beach hut in Unova waited her arrival. She was alone in the park as evening snuck in and the sky turned orange. At least she was alone before a blonde girl in a large grey jacket walked up towards her.

"Hello?" asked Cynthia. "Can I help you?"

The girl did not response, just giggled as she looked down at the ground.

"Hey, do I know you? You remind me of someone I met, only with blue hair instead of blonde."

"Tee hee hee..."

"Are you alright?"

"Oh I'm better then alright!" smiled Dawn as she head rose up, revealing her spooky pink eyes. "I can feel like, every happy feeling all at once in my body! I can be giddy, horny, excited, happy, pleasured, and totally awesome all at the same time...."

Jacket sliding off her body, Dawn revealed her bright pink leotard to Cynthia.

"...and so will you!"

Dropping her ice cream, Cynthia looked in horror at her clothes, now turned into a black leotard without her noticing.

"What is this?!?" Cynthia began to panic. "What do you want with me?"

"Oh we want everyone to be just like us, and you like, fit in with our plans!"

"W-w-what are you doing?!?"


As Dawn began her dance, Cynthia stood up from the branch, beginning to mimic Dawn against her will. Arms and legs no longer in her control, her leotard began the colour change, as did her chest and ass began expanding. The bait had been caught. Now it was time to put it on a lure to catch some fish.

A week later, a new exercise program was begin advertised throughout Sinnoh and even as far as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Unova. The program promised workouts with the legendary Cynthia, and at the end, you would look and feel as sexy as she was.

That said, bookings went through the roof. The first lot of thirty filled a local dance studio, hired personally by the Gym Leader herself. There were all girls to begin with, with a boy session beginning afterwards, all dressed in different coloured leotards.

"This better be worth it." said Greta the Arena Tycoon of the Battle Frontier. "I paid fifty bucks for this!"

"But why would Cynthia want us to wear these revealing leotards?" questioned Anabel, the Salon Maiden. "Seems a bit pointless if we could of brought our own gym kit..."

"Ah I'm sure she has a  good reason!" replied a relaxed Flannery, the Lavaridge Town Gym Leader. "It might help us get nice skin like the Champion!"

"Yeah, that must be it..." said Yellow, wondering just how the heck she got in the hall.

Appearing on the stage was a more bustier Cynthia in a bright pink leotard. Her hair seemed more shiny as usually, and her hips much more wider. Rather then act suspicious about it, the girls wondered something else.

"Say, has she had surgery done or something?" whispered Marina secretly.

"Looks like it." Iris whispered back. "There's no way those hooters are real..."

"Welcome to my exercise program!" welcomed Cynthia in more feminine and girlish voice then normal. "I know some of you have traveled like, many miles and even came from other regions to totally be a part of this course! I decided that my beauty should not be kept for myself, I wanna share it with everyone and make you as pretty as I am! Who know, you might even feel good about it afterwards!"

"I tell you, it this is a money making scam..." Greta thought to herself, gritting her teeth. It seem odd at this moment to the girls that the Champion would arrange this, promising her beauty and then come out more "enhanced" then she normally looked.

"And if you gals don't believe me." Cynthia clicked her fingers. "My assistants will show you how they look after my work outs."

The four Haigure girls walked onto the stage, joining Cynthia in their blonde, pink and bustyness. While some girls were surprised at the results, others still questioned their looked.

"What wrong with their eyes?" thought Whitney, the Goldenrod Gym Leader.

""I'm not so sure about this." thought May, another Coordinator like Dawn. "They all seem to be acting and sounding like bim..."

"Now, let's begin shall we?" instructed the Champion. "Follow our lead."

The five sexed up girls on stage spread their legs wide apart, and began their entrancing dance.


"Haigure?" said a puzzled Anabel. "What the..."

"My limbs!" shouted Melody, a girl from the Orange Islands. "They're moving on their....haigure?"

Shortly, everyone started copying the Haigure Fivesome, with no choice in the matter, struggling hard as they could, but their bodies soon began accepting the familiar changes and their worries and concern melted away as did a lot of other thoughts in their mind. As their bodies tingled and expanded in the right areas, hair and leotards matches the five on the stage, a sea of pink and yellow all dancing in sync with the same movement. All thirty were lost under the spell of haigure, no one could escape or save them.

"There were go." Dawn stopped, as did everyone else. "You all feel like better now?"

"TOTALLY!!!" Shouted the thirty girls, followed by mass giggling afterward.

"Now, we can convert as many as we can here at the studio, but it will be up to you lot to like you know, convert everyone you see." spoke Dawn. "Keep your leotards to yourselves gals, and spread the love of Haigure as far as you can within the Sinnoh Region!"

And so, as the five originals continued the program, more and more Haigure Girls journeyed around Sinnoh. Some would take advantage of people at night clubs and bars, taking them back to their "place", others would stalk those alone in forest, cities at night, mountain areas and so on. Some even performed as street entertainers, providing a silly looking act to those passing by, only to join in soon after. As it continued, the men became women, the elderly became younger, and the sick became healthy and active. Within a week, it became a topic on the news, armies were readied to attack and even the Elite Four tried to stop them, but all failed. Before they could even act, they began the dance which at that point, was too late. It was then, the remaining humans would be hunted down like Wild Pokemon as the population now favored the Haigure Girls. When it was thought the whole region was captured, the girls were victorious in their mission. Everyone had be captured and converted in the Sinnoh region. At least, to their knowledge.

Deep within the dark forest of Eterna at night, a lone Nurse Joy ran for her life. The forest echoed with sinister girly giggles. Even though there was no one else in sight, she kept on running, knowing full well that a Haigure Girl could jump up at her at any moment and she would be the last normal person in Sinnoh converted. Her own hope now would be a call on her radio, more survivors contacted her and told her of her position. Shortly afterward, the Pokemon Centre she was in-charge with and boarded up to keep others safe was attacked. Joy was the only one that escaped. She knew where she had to go, the police station just outside of the forest.

As the giggles got louder, she saw the station just up ahead, and sprinted the last few  yards as fast as she could. To her horror, it was not a very large station, and the doors and windows were all boarded up. She banged her fists as hard as she could on the door, screaming:


"Password?" said a voice behind the door.


"The one we assigned you over the radio, for our safety."

"Erm, Growlithe77! It's Growlithe77!"

With the password spoken, the door opened and Joy got inside. Heart racing a million beats a second and her breath heavy from the running, Joy looked up to see her fellow survivors and saviors in the dark room. She had hoped the whole police force were present, but stood before her two lone Officer Jenny's.

"Is... * puff * this it?" asked Joy.

"Fraid so." spoke the first Jenny. "Our other Officers went out to stop those bimbos and we were left in-charge of receiving calls here. Needless to say, they never came back."

"Just us three? What chances do we have? There were dozens, maybe hundreds chasing me."

"We only have to hold them off till help comes." spoke the second Jenny. "We sent e-mails to other regions before the power cut out. We got no way of seeing if we ever got a reply, so we have to assume they will come."

"And how long along did you send the e-mails?"

"About two days ago." replied the first Jenny. "As far as we are aware from the TV Reports before the power went dead, Sinnoh is the only region effected. We sent mail to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Unova, the Orange Islands, and any other regions that could send help or arrange a rescue at least for us."

"Come, we will take you to the shelter room." said the Second Jenny.

The three walked into a large dark office, only lit by the moonlight from the ceiling windows. Desks were down on the floor, almost acting at cover or a hiding place. Papers scattered all over the floor, boxes neatly stack up with food and weapon logos printed on the side.

"How are we for supplies?" asked Joy.

"For us three, about a week's worth of food and water, two if we stretch it out correctly." replied the second Jenny.

"What about.....defense? What do we have to defend ourselves?"

"This." replied the first Jenny, holding up a shotgun.

"Y-Y-You're not actually going to shoot them are you?!?"

"I wish. Just about all the ammo was taken for our comrade's last stand. All we have are tranquillizers and knock out gas bombs to put people to sleep." explained Jenny one. We have about ten boxes of five hundred, so we might be okay. Each has enough tranquillizer to knock out a Groudon for two days!"

"But as a last resort, we only have these three handguns, only with a bullet each." said Jenny two. "If we all fail, and you cannot bear the horror of becoming one of them.....you know what to do."

The second Jenny gave Joy a handgun. The poor nurse's hands shook at the cold metal and plastic in her hands.

"B-But I don't know if I could...."

"It's your choice as a last resort." said Jenny two. "Become one of them, or take your life."

Just then, the whole area echoed with giggles again, getting louder and closer with every passing second.

"Damn, they're coming!" said Jenny One. "Battle positions!"   

"You stay behind the coach Nurse Joy." said Jenny Two.

As Joy hide behind the green coach, the two Jennys moved toward a boarded up window, then took a piece of the wood out, providing an opening for the two to see outside. At first, nothing could be seen, until the bushes up ahead rustled not because of the wind, but a Haigure Girl popping out of hiding. Then another, then two more, then five, then Haigure girls started appearing from behind the trees. They had to of been twenty or more at the start, and climbing in numbers.

"Open fire!" said Jenny Two, as the first Jenny placed the shotgun through the window opening, aimed as swiftly as she could, then fired two tranquilizers at the girl closest to the station. Direct hit, the girl fainted as she drifted into a deep sleep. Twice more Jenny repeated her shots and direct hits.

"RELOAD!" shouted Jenny One as she passed the gun to the other Jenny, ready to reload with more tranquilizers, while Jenny One prepared a Gas Bomb.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" She yelled, throwing the bomb through the opening. An explosion of smoke engulfed the Haigure Girls, causing them to get drowsy and faint. Jenny Two passed the shotgun back to the first Jenny.

"How are we doing?" asked Nurse Joy.

"So far so good." replied the first Jenny. "They're all out..."

"Wait a second!" pointed Jenny Two. "Look!"

To all their worst fears, the once sleeping Haigure Girl starting standing back up, and resuming their slow erotic zombie like walk. The three that were shot simply pulled the darts out of their hips.

"CRAP!" yelled Jenny One. "The darts and gas have no effect of them?!?"

"Damnit!" said an enraged Jenny Two. "We were doomed even before the fight even begun..."

Adding salt to the wound, the Haigure Girl all began their dance.


"Oh no.." said Jenny Two, looking down at the leotard that formed on her body in an instant. "They got me!"

"NO! It can't end like this!" Jenny One dropped her shotgun. She took out her handgun, aiming it upward against her chin, shaking and frightened at the same time. "Can't.....become.....crap..."

She dropped the handgun on the floor, unable to take her life.

"It's okay Jenny." said Jenny Two. "It's not like we're going to die."

"Yes, but we're going to end up almost like zombies!" Jenny One cried as tears flowed down her face. She hugged her fallen comrade, embracing her before their transformation.

"Joy! You better leg it if you want to escape. Don't worry about us!" Jenny One told the hidden scared Nurse.  

"O-Okay.." Joy got up and ran out of the room, leaving the two Jennys.

"Looks like you're already changing." Jenny Two pointed at the other Jenny's matching leotard.

"Guess so, and you're becoming a blonde too. Still, at least we'll still be together."

"Yes, even if we're doing a silly dance in a ridiculous outfit for the rest of our lives, we'll do it together my love."

"Yes, giggle, and we'll like, totally feel sooooooo good doing it!"

"Giggle, I like love it when you talk like that! Come here!"

The two lovers of the law embraced their love further by kissing each other as their transformations completed. Busty, dumb, bloude and pink, the two looked at each other, deep within their feelings for each other. Their mindsets had altered, but their love remained.

"Shall we go after that Nurse?" asked Jenny Two.

"Totally!" giggled Jenny One as they stood up, walking more erotically in their states.

Joy meanwhile got outside, seeing the place was surrounded with Haigure girls. In a desperate act, she ran, pushing whoever was in her way away. However, the crowd just go bigger and bigger the further she got, until she was trapped in a circle of the girls. Nowhere to go, Joy collapsed on her knees, her heart raced a million beats a second and her arms shaking like a roadside driller. She took her handgun from her pouch and held it up to her head. Eyes wide and dripping of tears, her teeth chattered and her mind went numb. Joy was beyond scared at this point. A familiar girl walked up to her to somewhat comfort her.

"Giggle, you like don't wanna do that." Dawn spoke.

"W-W-Well what's the alternative?!?" yelled Joy. "Become mindless bimbos like you?!? Walk around in a leotard doing a silly dance forever?!?"

"And that's worst then a hole in the head? You'll feel so much better you know. You'll feel pleasure that you never imagined and be like, part of the crowd!"

"I.............I can't.........."

"Pull the trigger? Look down."

Joy did so, looked at her clothing. Gone was the nurse's uniform, replaced with a bright pink outfit that matched everyone in the circle, while her free arm was moving up and down.

"Noooo......." cried Joy. She had been so terrified, she had not noticed the other girls were already dancing.


"You were too late." said Dawn. "If you REALLY wanted to avoid this, you would of shot yourself already."

Dawn held Joy's head, stroking her hair as it changed in colour. Joy dropped her gun as she eyes changed from scared to empty, and her mouth from open to a creepy smile.

"There, I bet you're feeling better already..." said Dawn.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes.....tittys and ass feel.......totally......awesome......" Joy muttered. "H-H-H-H-H-H-Haiguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!"

"Let's dance in celebration shall we?"

Getting up, Joy and Dawn joined in with the other Haigure Girls with the Haigure dance. With the last normal human of Sinnoh a mindless Haigure Girl, the region was doomed and captured. The changed girls lived a new life like a normal one, only the Haigure became an important routine. After sleep and breakfast, Haigure, after lunch, Haigure, after bathroom breaks and supper, Haigure, then sleep, which would include fondling other girls in rubbed and kissing each other until they fell asleep. Pokemon owned by trainers now became wild as their masters no longer cared about training, and the Wild Pokemon just got on with their lives as well, not bothering the once human population of Haigure Girls. As the girls were considered a danger, Sinnoh became a no fly zone. There was no plan to go in and change them back, the region was lost.

Far away, an evil Mastermind sat in his Office as two of his henchmen, well henchman and Meowth, reported for duty.

"Well, did the operation go to plan?" asked Giovanni, putting his hands together like a pyramid.

"Yes sir." spoke James. "Sinnoh has been completely engulfed by the Haigure outbreak!"

"Excellent! With all the population mindless and having no cares in the world as long as they do the Haigure, we can move into the Sinnoh region and transform it into our own country!"

"And those girls will make great workers and slaves!" smiled Meowth.

"Exactly, and we all have our test dummy to thank for this."

Jessie walked into the room, looking rather different then usual, sporting the usual Haigure Girl traits.

"So how is it we're not effected?" asked Meowth.

"You were all given the injection at the last company medical that prevents anyone in Team Rocket, apart from test dummies like Jessie here, from becoming Haigure Girls, and only we know its existence and how to manufacture both the leotards and repellant." Giovanni explained.

"Giggle, can I do the Haigure Master?" Jessie asked her boss, desperate to dance like a bathroom urge.

"Yes yes, I suppose James and Meowth deserve some "entertainment" for a job well done."

"Thanks boss!" smiled James as the Rocket trio began to walk out of the room, leaving their boss on his own.

"Just remember to start the next phase of our plan after you are done." ordered the Rocket Boss.

"Waaaaay ahead of ya!" winked Meowth.

"A package, for me?"

In the town of Pallet, a mother had received a rather large box in the the post, about the size of an armchair. Our household Pokemon Mr Mine brought it, placing it in the living room. Delia had never ordered anything from the Internet or catalogues before, so this was very strange to her.

"What could this be?" she wondered examining the box, and before she could even open the box, it popped open with a strange girl in a pink leotard leaping out.

"Hi mom!" she smiled with a creepy smile, and pink emotionless eyes. "So you golly to like, totally see you!"

"Mom? I don't have a daughter, I have a..."

She paused as she had a good look at the girl's face. Despite the feminine look, she definitely recognized her in a way only a mother could tell.

"...Ash? Is that you?!?"

"In the flesh, giggle! I'm a pretty, busty, Haigure Girl now! No more manhood, Pokemon or like, thinking for me, teehee!"

"Haigure? No, not you....!"

Delia walked backwards slowly away from her son now daughter. It was all over the news what happened to the Sinnoh region so she knew full well what it meant.

"Don't look down mom, you can be pretty, horny and feel totally awesome too!"

"Stay back Ash! You can fight it! If I get on the phone to the right people, then maybe..."

"Naaaaaaah, that's boring! Come on, do the Haigure with your daughter, Ashley!"

Without an answer, Ashley began to spread her legs open and move her arms up and down. Delia froze as her feet stopped dead like they had petrified to stone. Her clothes now changed, now matching her daughter's outfit, and now she doing the dance by force. Delia was frightened for her well being.

"Nnnnnoooooooooo, stop this Ash, don't make me.........h-h-h-haiguuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeee...."

Ashley ignored her mother's pleas as she only wanted her to join her, no ifs or buts. It was the beginning of the downfall of both Kanto and Johto.


The End 


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