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Sneaking around a deep unknown Forest, Jessie of Team Rocket was on her own searching for something. Earlier on, she stopped by a nearby town with her comrades James and Meowth. While having their first meal in awhile at a burger joint, they overheard something about a Legend of a Special Rapidash that lived in a nearby forest. It was then, Meowth had one of his many “Boss Fantasies” where he imagined their Boss being very bored one day when the special Rapidash they gave him cheers him up, he dons a cowboy get up and goes horseback riding in the mountains, muttering about how happy he is and how he'll reward Meowth and friends dearly for this.

“That Meowth and his crazy imagination.” Jessie sighed as she snapped a tree branch out of her way. 

The reason for going alone was as the trio exited the restaurant to go on the hunt, they spotted the twerps in sight, and decided to split up. With Jessie's stone being beaten by both Meowth and James' paper, she had the Rapidash task while James and Meowth went out to try and capture Pikachu for the billionth time. She had been searching for a good hour, but not a sight of a Rapidash anyone, or even any other Pokemon for that matter.

“What I wouldnt give to trade this life away..” she sighed again. She remembered when she thought being in Team Rocket was the coolest things back when she first joined the organisation, but ever since she and her comrades devoted their lives to catching that damn Pikachu, her joy had shattered into a million pieces. The endless failures, the wild goose chases, saving their pennies just to eat for the day, whatever joy she had from this job had long vanished. Only her odd contests and her close friends in James and Meowth were the only things keeping her from going insane with depression, but alone like now, she felt like she could punch her reflection in a mirror in anger, regardless of possibly cutting herself or the seven years of bad luck, she was that mad. 

It was then, she came across a large lake. Waking straight for an hour in nothing but forest, this was the first real different change of scenery she had seen since she began searching. Looking down at herself, she sighed more so at her reflection as it reflected the woman she has become, a failure in her eyes. All of a sudden across the other side of the lake, Jessie saw the most impossible thing, bent down and washing it's face in the water. It was a Rapidash aright, but only half of one. It had the body of one, where the neck should be was instead the muscular body of a man from the waist to the head. His skin was yellow like his Rapidash body and his head looked like it was on fire, representing hair no doubt. 

“...am I dreaming things?” Jessie stood jaw dropped. She had heard of these things before, a Centaur Rapidash, but she always thought they were nothing but fantasy or fairytale at best. It was then, the stunned look became one of thinking.

“This is it, my chance to get out of this life! If I catch this one of a kind specimen and give it to the boss for research, I'll be rich! Never again will I'll be chasing after twerps or blasting off from failures, I'll be living the high life and never looking back! New successful life, HERE I COME!” 

Just as the Centaur Rapidash was about to leave from the lake, Jessie dashed in front of it, blocking it's path.

“Erm, can I help you?” asked the Centaur.

“Help? More like you should Prepare for Trouble!” Jessie began to resit the Team Rocket before not only forgetting she was the only one there, but something else. “Errr, wait, did you just speak?”

“Well, I was a human before you know.”

“No matter, I've got you where I want you! As a high ranking member of the great Team Rocket organisation, you will be captured and taken to my boss where you'll be examined on and make me a lot of dough!” 

“Oh on the contrary, it is YOU who is where I want you...”

Without warning, the Centaur blew a blue flame towards Jessie. Rather then burn her clothes and skin, it vanished into her chest. 

“Ooorff, what did...you just...do?” Jessie asked, beginning to feel dizzy and very hot, placing her hand against her forehead. Jessie felt like she was burning up, her whole body felt like she was inside an oven or something. Looking her her glove, she saw it burst into flames, revealing yellow skin underneath. While she still felt hot, the flames did not burn her skin as the rest of her clothes caught fire and revealed more and more of that yellow skin all over her body. 

“What is happening to me?” she cried as her feets began to morphing into hooves and her backside expanded behind her, growing two more tiny feet and a tail that looked like it was made of fire. Soon enough, she had a horse shaped lower body, with four horse legs matching in length, and a horse stomach. The next change horrified her the most as she womanhood vanished before her eyes and reappear below her large newly gained horse butt, while her breasts expanded to the size of large melons. The most painful change came when a long spike horn grow out of her forehead, making her scream her loudest, and while her trademark gravity deifying hair finally burst into flames, now giving her just fire for head hair, she was now barely recognizable as the woman known as Jessie, but now a female Rapidash Centaur! 

“HOLY CRAP!!!!!!” Jessie weeped and wobbled on her new horse legs and covered her larger naked breasts with her arms. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!?!?”

“I'd say I'd got me a mate at long last!” laughed the male Centaur. 


“Do you think I'd stay like this if I could change you back? I can't reverse the process...”

“Just great! When I find my comrades, you're gonna pay big time!”

“Oh really? And what might happen if they see you? Will they see their fellow team mate in danger and help you out, or will they see dollar signs in their eyes and catch you?”

“They...” Jessie paused to think about what he said, and as much as she hated to admit it, James and Meowth would probably be too clueless to figure out she was Jessie, given all of the physical change. She could only imagine what kind of sick Boss Fantasy Meowth could think up in her current state. 

“I'm right arnt I?” The male Centaur smirked at her.

“Whatever, I'm guess I'm stuck like this anyway.” Jessie sighed. “It's not the change of life I envisioned, but I guess I'll have to adjust to it somehow. Later....”

Jessie was about to walk off, even though she struggled with her new four legs, till the Male Centaur galloped in front of her way. 

“Of course, you do realize there's a reason for me turning you into a Rapidash Centaur right?”

“There was?”

“As you can imagine, being the only one of my kind, a guy can have certain....desires, and with me unable to reach my cock, that only makes matters worse. So...”

Jessie looked down at the hard stiff cock in-between his legs. It was huge alright, a long rock hard twenty inches to be exact. To say he was hung like a horse was an understatement. 

“I-If you think for one moment you're gonna fuck me after turning me into a freak, you've got another....AHHH!”

Jessie was cut off my a wave of pleasure that hit her pussy, causing hot sticky juices to drool from her pussy. 

“Fortunately for you, I was a Rapidash researcher before one horrid experience went wrong. See, when a female Rapidash sees the erection of a male Rapidash, the female goes into heat almost immediately. They say once a female Rapidash loses her virginity, it will no longer go five seconds without thinking of cock or getting fucked and will be in heat so very often!”

“AHHH, you've....got to be....KIDDING.....me....” Jessie moaned, as her hands went from covering her breasts to caressing them. 

“You won't be able to self pleasure your pussy anymore, and you'll never orgasm again without my super cock to fuck your brains out. They say Rapidash mating can go on for hours and hours before the male exhausts himself....”

“OH GOD.....” Jessie tried to fight her pleasure and tried to gallop away, but her legs could only walk, not run.

“It's useless. Took me weeks to learn how to run, and I studded at the highest degree of Rapidash research and know the anatomy of one by heart!”

As much as Jessie tried, she just could not go any faster to escape. Her large yellow Rapidash ass and pussy was just a big open target for the Male Centaur and without a miss. He had jumped onto her back, successfully slotting his huge cock into her pussy.


“No.....CAN do.” The male grabbed her arms. “I've waited too long for a fucking!”

Using her arms and his back legs, the Male Centaur thrusting himself back and forth, fucking Jessie in the process. As the long cock rubbed against her inner walls, all Jessie could do was pant and moan to her heart's content. The male centaur was far stronger then her, so escaping was impossible as his heavy body perverted her from getting him off of her, and she could already feel and hear her pussy juices dripping on the ground like a running tap. Jessie felt degraded and hugely aroused at the same time. She was being fucked in the open like some animal, and even though she was no virgin, this new sexual experience felt like losing her virginity once again as her change in shape opened a whole new world of  pleasures. As the male Centaur increased in speed and Jessie's breasts bounced like crazy, the two came together, with the cock shooting his cum into her and her pussy orgasming like a fire hose. Despite this however, the male continued fucking her.

“No more, AHHHHHH, NO MORE!!!!” Jessie cried like she was going to die from the experience. 

“Rapidash.....SEX, can last, HOURS! MALE HAVE.....TONS, of Stamina.....” the Male explains.


Hours pasted by with no real hint of the Male Centaur stopping or even slowing down the pounding Jessie was getting. Many orgasms later, it was sunset and at long last, the Male Centaur ceased and the two knelled down, exhausted from the endless hours of non stop sex and panting like crazy. 

“So.....whats.....your....name?” Jessie panted.

“S-S-Steve.....” the Male replied. “...and I'm sure....that'll be the....name of our.....first born....”

“You mean....”

“Rapidash's........the females are extreme fertile when.....mating.....

Jessie would of sighed at the thought of being pregnant, not know just what the heck she would be giving birth to, had it not been for the tingling sensation in her mind. 

“Feel.....funny.......”Jessie rubbed her head. “.........ooooooh.............w-what were we talking about again?”

“The name of our first child my love.” Steve replied. 

“Was I......once human?”

“Oh heck no, we've both always been like this! We've been together for so many years, being the only Rapidash Centaurs in the world, and today's the day we decided to do it! You've loved the experience so much, just as much as you love me!”

“..........oh yeah, you're right. Dunno what I was thinking there my love....”

As Jessie's eyes began to get frowzy, she rested her head and upper body on the neck of Steve and fell asleep, resting from the sex and while she mind completely rewrote itself, a side effect of turning into a female Rapidash centaur and then mating. Steve could only smile evilly as he stroked his new lover's fiery hair. After years of loneliness, now he had someone to himself to live with him in the forest and fulfil his urges after so many years.

At least Jessie got her wish, one way or another....

The End



"As Jessie's eyes began to get frowzy" Frowzy? :S


I don't think that's a word but I understood it in the moment.