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"Welcome to Wacky Crazy Gameshow Time!" happily said a male host to a camera and studio audience within a large gameshow studio set. "The show where we'll get our contestants to do the wackiest craziest things!"

"That's right partner!" said a female host equally happy. "This show has been eight years in the making and now thanks to sponsors, funding and a big TV deal, we can finally bring you some of the wackiest, craziest television you'll ever see!"

"Shall we get our first contestant out?"

"I think we should!"

"Our first contestant is a Pokemon Coordinator all the way from the Sinnoh region and is excited to be in with a chance at our super awesome mystery prize! Please welcome to the stage, Dawn!"

The blue haired eighteen year old girl made her way onto the stage from behind the set. Smiling, she had never had the chance to be on a gameshow before and was psyched about being on television on a wider stage.

"Welcome to the show Dawn." greeted the female host.

"Thank you, it's great to be here!" smiled Dawn.

"Why not tell us a little about yourself honey?"

"Well, I'm a coordinator as you know, I've won the Grande Festival two time in different regions, I traveled with the current Pokemon Champion of Kanto Ash Ketchum eight years ago, and this is my first time on TV on such a wide scale!"

"That's wonderful honey, and why did you apply for Wacky Crazy Gameshow?"

"I thought it sounded like fun, I used to watch these type of shows with my mom before I went on a Pokemon Journey, so I figured I'd give it a go to win a grand prize!"

"Did ya here that folks? We have a gameshow fan on a gameshow!"

The audience laughed a bit.

"Are you ready for the first round Dawn?" asked the male host.

"You bet!"

"Great! Let's begin with our first round, the Hyp Round!"

Just then, a wooden chair rose up behind Dawn.

"Please sit in the chair door." said the female host.

Dawn did as instructed.

"In this round, Dawn will be attempted into hypnosis, which she must try and resist, or she'll lose valuable points that'll cost her at the end of the show!" explained the male host.

"Hypnosis? That's a bit weird for a gameshow." Dawn questioned.

"Don't worry hon." whispered the female host in Dawn's ear. "Just play along."

"Okay Dawn, you are not allowed to close your eyes and you must always look at the shiny coin!" explained the male host.

"Well, okay."

The main host hung a coin on a chain from his finger, making it swing left and right in front of Dawn.

"Now, watch the coin. Keep your eyes on the coin, notice how it shines and moves."

Dawn watched the coin, moving her eyes left and right in rhythm as the coin shined in her eyes, causing dizziness within her mind.

"I feel..." said Dawn softly in a daze.

"You are in the coin's power. You will be open to any suggestion given to you and have a desire to obey, no matter how ridiculous the idea sounds, and you have to perform as sexily as you can. We are your Masters and the audience is your canvas, you long to entertain them and they long for you! Do you understand?"  

".....I-I.........I obey."

Dawn was now completely locked in a trance, eyes now empty and soulless. Her mind now only held thoughts of doing as she was told and obeying anything. Any worry or concern she had before was out the window as well as any other thought.

"Great folks, she is now hypnotized!" smiled the Male Host. "Now the fun can really begin!"

A loud cheer from the audience filled the room as they clapped and wooed at the news.

"Please stay up." ordered the Female Host, and Dawn did as she was told. "Stay on one leg."

Dawn lifted a leg into the air.

"What a good sport, she's completely under our power!"

As the chair descended, a screen now rose up to the stage. The Female Host handed Dawn a box.

"Please put this on behind the screen. And do it as soon and as sexy as possible."

"Yes Mistress."

As Dawn hid behind the screen, her silhouette was visible thank to a studio light behind. While erotic music played, she slowly took off her hat and hair clips, placing the hand on the top left corner. Next, she slid both straps of her top, wiggling in a sexual manner as she pulled it off her head. Skirt came next, bending down with her ass in the air as she pulled the skirt and panties down, causing whistles and cheers from the audience. The unhooking of her bra got the biggest pop, as she played with her hair, tossing it about and stroking it with her fingers. Finally, she sat down to take off her boots and socks while her smooth thin legs were high in the air. Opening the box once stood up again, she pulled out what looked like a one piece swimsuit, though the audience could not tell from the silhouette. Legs went in before she pulled it up her body, cupping her breasts to ensure her breasts were concealed.    

"Woah, how about that folks? Okay Dawn, let's see the sexy outfit you're in!"

"Yes Master."

The screen lowered to reveal Dawn wearing only a tight dark blue leotard.

"My my, it's a leotard!" the female host pointed out. "And you know what that means?"

"HAIGURE TIME!" Shouted the audience.

"Okay Dawn, in this round, you'll be doing the embarrassing Haigure dance for five minutes straight!" the male host explained. "Do well, and you'll be rewarded with points!"

"Yes Master.

As some corny sounding J-Pop music began to play, Dawn widened her legs in a sort of crab position and started moving her arms up and down from her chest to her hips.

"HAIGURE, HAIGURE, EVERYONE DO THE HAIGURE!!!!" Dawn happily sung to the music, unaware of the humiliating action she was performing in front of a live audience. "HAIGURE, HAIGURE, EVERYONE DO THE HAIGURE!!!!"

"Look at that folks, what a silly dance she's doing!"

The audience cheered and applauded, not caring how silly the dance was. They were clearly enjoying it very much through the whole five minutes.

"Okay Dawn, now halt." ordered the female host after the five minutes, and Dawn froze, not moving from the position she was in. "Very good Dawn! You've entertained the crowd, AND you frozen your position, very well done!"

"That'll earn her some extra points!" smiled the main host. "Now please change back into your underwear Dawn!"

As the screen returned back up, Dawn stepped behind it, changing out of the leotard and back into her bra and panties as instructed. Ready, she returned to the full view of the audience.

"Our next few rounds involve some creativity. Over here are some props that Dawn must use to her advantage to "please" the audience the viewers the best she can! Are you ready Dawn?"

"Yes Master."

As the rounds came and went, Dawn performed all sorts of activities that would seem normal and in no way embarrassing if Dawn was not in her underwear and have a large crowd watching while hypnotized. To start, she used a skipping rope to jump up and down as she swan the rope, her chest bouncing as she was doing so. Stretching came next, performing all manner of poses as she starched her arms and legs in many ways, then trampoline, which involved jumping up and performing all kinds of aerial tricks. The list when on, from cooking in only an apron, to balancing a spoon on her nose, to acting like a dog, and so on, until the final round, the lingerie round, involved an attractive red little number in the underwear department.

"Congratulations Dawn!" said the Male Host." After two hours of nonstop rounds and activities, as well as an amazing final round, you win the grand prize!"

"That's right, please take this red pill!" the female host handed Dawn a red pill.

"Yes Mistress."

Dawn put the pill in her mouth and swallowed instantly. A few seconds later, her bra popped off her chest as it expanded from a C cup to DD cup, jiggling from the freed sensation.

"Our contestant has won a breast expansion for being such a great sport!" smiled the male host as cheered filled the building. "Congrats to our winner!"   

"Why do you take a shower?" asked the Female Host. "You must be hot and sweaty from all those activities."

"Yes Mistress."

As Dawn disappeared to the back, the sound of a shower could be heard.

"That's about all we have time for this episode folks." said the Male Host.

The audience awwed.

"Think we have time for one more treat don't you think?"

"I think we could squeeze it in. Let's lift up the back drop!"

The back of the set rose up, revealing a small shower cubical with a wet Dawn inside as she was showering herself off, scrubbing every part of her body as her chest was pressed against the glass due to the tiny space she had. She smiled once she saw the audience again, who gave her the biggest pop yet.

"We've saved the best till last!" smiled the Male Host. "When I click my fingers, something special will occur. Ready? Here we go!"

After the male host click his fingers, Dawn blinked her eyes as they were restored of life and expression on her face.

"What the- where am I?" pondered Dawn.She looked at the audience watching and cheering at her, before gasping at her wet naked self.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" She screamed in horror. "WHY AM I NAKED?!?!? AND WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BREASTS?!?"

As the audience laughed at her humiliation, she covered herself up best she could with her arms.


Much time after the credits rolled, the hosts made their way to the production room where their producer was waiting for them. Entering the room, their small producer turned around in his wheelie chair to greet them.

"So, how did the filming go Meowth?" asked the female host.

"Just Purrrrrfect Jessie!" grimed the cat Pokemon wearing a producer's hat. "We got great shots of all the action and da boss loved the live feed from his office! It was so purrfect a pilot episode, we begin filming a full series right away!"

"That's brilliant!" smiled the Male Host. "I can really see myself doing this long term!"

"It's a good thing we lined up a whole bunch of girls in the green room for such an occasion!" Meowth high fived James. "So how did you do with da twerpet?"

"Oh we got her to the back and hypnotized her again to forget she was ever on the show." Jessie answered. "We then programmed her so she acts more like a bimbo, and after a few days, she'll have a strong desire to join Team Rocket!"

"And that's when she'll be fully brainwashed into a loyal Team Rocket member!" James laughed.

"Excellent! Now let's begin filming episode two." ordered Meowth. "Those Rockets in the audience are demanding more!"

Shortly after, Jessie and James returned to the stage, ready to film their next episode. The camera crew and audience returned from lunch and positioned themselves to start shooting as the title music played.

"Our next contestant is a local girl!" Jessie spoke to the audience. "She's one of the Gym Leaders of Kanto and a Water Type Trainer, please give it up for Misty!"

The redhead walked towards the hosts smiling and waving to the audience and unaware of the worst hour of her life about to be seen on worldwide television.

Needless to say, Wacky Crazy Gameshow Time was a major hit in the ratings for all the regions in the Pokemon World...

The End 


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