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A silent but peaceful forest, filled with cheerful Pokemon running around and playing, bright green grass and flowers filled with life moving with the gentle breeze and trees standing tall and proud of their leaves and bark, opens our setting to this tale. While all the forest Pokemon played and went about their business, one slept on top of an old tree stomp. It had been a long night previously for poor Espeon, being chased by horny Umbreon that wanted his seed for strong and healthy little Eevees. The Psychic Pokemon knew what that meant, entrapment. Having to be responsible for feeding child and mother, and protecting them from danger, as well as bringing up the child to become tough, and learn to hunt and other life lessons. Espeon was not ready for all that, he wanted to enjoy his own life more before settling down for that stuff. At least he thought, it would be better then the alternative, another form of entrapment he hated more then parenthood, becoming the pet of some trainer. Sure, Pokemon have gotten along with being best friends with trainers once captured and working together as a team, but for some, they felt trapped. No longer free to do what they want, go where ever they feel like, just obeying a trainer and forced into battles, contests and now musicals. It was the life for some Pokemon, but not Espeon's cup of tea. If ever a trainer found him, he would fight to avoid capture, by any means necessary. 

As the pink Pokemon slept, happily playing and running around in the dream world, a trainer emerged from the bushes, scaring all other Pokemon in the area, but remained unnoticed by the sleeping Espeon. She smiled at the sleeping Pokemon as she flipped open her Pokedex.

“Wow!” said an excited May. “You don't get Espeons here in Hoenn often! I'm pretty sure with a Psychic Pokemon in my team, I can come up with all sorts of contest combinations!”

May put away the Pokedex and paused. Normally, she would pull out a Pokeball, but something this time caught her eye, the jewel on Espeon's head. As a child, she was told never to look directly at an wild Espeon's jewel for so long, much like not looking at the sun, or pulling a Ninetails's tails. There were so many dos and don'ts children were brought up on in the Pokemon, being so many Pokemon in the world, but May put the warning aside, never understanding why not to look as she was never told why not, and figured:

“What harm could a few seconds do? Just a little peak...”

Emerging out of the bushes, May slowly sneaked up toward the sleeping Pokemon, tiptoeing her way to the tree stump. Being a Psychic Pokemon with such sensitive fur, Espeon would normally be able to detect any changes in the air or area, but being shattered from the night before, it would take a loud noise to waken the snoozing cat-like Pokemon. May got close enough that she could look down at the red shiny gem that showed her reflection, almost like a Christmas decoration.

“Wow.” she thought. “It looks so shiny and.....pre....tty.....”

May began to feel dizzy, like if she had looked directly into the sun, only sun rays were in this case hypnotic rays, causing her mind to feel numb and fuzzy. Thoughts vanished from her head, leaving only an empty mind that was open for suggestion and orders, as May stood tall to attention, her mouth wide open and drooling with no will to close it shut. May was trapped in deep hypnosis.

Eventually, Espeon awoken, almost jumping in surprise when he saw May, but then observed her behavior. Instead of acting on catch instinct, she just stood there with a long string of drool hanging from her mouth to the ground. 

“Huh, guess the dumb girl looked at my jewel.” Espeon thought to himself. “Oh well, she looks pretty enough I guess. Time I guess to punish her for her mistake...”

Without warning, the pink Pokemon fired a Psybeam attack at May, blasting psychic energy all over her body. Once the energy faded away, the gloves on May's hands exploded as lavender fur grew all over her now paw shaped hands. The fur continued to grow up her arms at a fast rate.

“Please discard those human clothes.” order Espeon through telepathy.  

More changes became viable as May unbuttoned her top, fur now growing from her prized feature, downward to her belly, hips and legs once she pulled down her shorts and panties. As her own coated in fur, her shape did not change, only her hands and feet changed into paws that also exploded her shoes and socks, while a long, slender tail that forked into two at the end, almost shaped like the letter Y. Before her face began to change, May looked like she was wearing a full body suit. Just like her body, May's face also became covered in fur, but her ears became larger in size and more Pokemon like, springing off her bandana to the ground. Her human hair now matched her Pokemon fur in colour, fading away from brown to lavender. For the last changes, a red gem emerged on her forehead, while her already entranced eyes darkened in pitch black. May stood still the whole transformation, almost like she was accepting the change to human Espeon with no objections.

“Not bad.” Espeon complemented himself. “It's certainly an improvement. Bend down for me, my pet!”

“Espeon!” May spoke, doing as instructed. Down on all fours, May displayed her purple ass in front of Espeon, showing off her pussy in full view. 

“Since you are under my spell, you won't have any will of your own and therefore won't nag me into anything parent related if I do knock you up!” Espeon smiled. “Oh, and sex anytime will certain be a bonus too!”

Jumping off the tree stump, Espeon landed dead center on top of May and throbbing cock directly into her pussy. May howled as the hard hot rod entered her into sexual pleasure, making her fall to the ground laid down on her chest, so that the small Pokemon can begin humping her. In out, in out, in out his cock went as Espeon moved to fuck the furry May, who moaned and howled the whole time. 

“Now, you are my fuck pet...” Espeon spoke to May via telepathy.

“I am your, ahhhh, fuck pet.” May repeated.

“You live to obey and love me.”

“I....AHHHHHH.....live to obey and, AAAAAAHHHHHH, love you.”

“You are no longer human. You were in-fact never a human.”

“I am no longer........HUMAN. I-I-I......CUMMING..........WERE NEVER......HU-MAN..........I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING!!!!!!”

As to confirm May's decent into Pokemon hood, she came as did Espeon, mixing their love juices together in one sticky dripping mess. The tired May fell panted, breathing heavily as she puff air in and out. Espeon on the other hand, stood to attention as he noticed a change in the air current. Someone was nearby, someone was watching.

“What's going on here?” asked a boy confused at the erotic sight before him. “Is, is that you May?”

May slowly got up hearing her former human name. Even though she had no memory left as a human, certain things still rushed through her mind. Like a dog happy and excited to see he or her's master, May crawled over and jumped up at Ash, licking his face.

“Espeon!” she yelped.

“What is this, a suit or something......

Ash felt her arm, it felt very real to him, no way a costume.

“How did this.....happen.......”

Ash lost himself in words as his brain became more thoughtless then usual, an effect caused from looking at the gem on May's forehead.

“Say, what do you join our family Ash?” May spoke through telepathy. “We'll have so much fun together, even Brock and May can join in too.”


Fast forwarding a few months later in the same area of forest, a slightly different scene then before. The forest was now inhabited with human looking Espeon living together as a pack, and even giving birth to little Eevees. They all lived together playing around, mating, hunting and soon rumors spread of this human Espeon clan, all the better as trainers would come to catch a human Espeon, only to be transformed into one instead, further increasing the size of the pack every day. Their leader sat at the same tree stump, watching his kingdom grow as the former girl formally  known as May sucked on Espeon's cock while rubbing her large pregnant belly, containing already their fifth litter together, her pussy always horny for her master's cock. The lucky Espeon smiled to himself, thinking in his thoughts:

“Life sure is great...” 

The End


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