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On the dark outskirts of Celedon City stood an dark abandoned rundown building. This once important place was a laboratory for Team Rocket, where research was conducted for new ways to steal Pokemon, and make Pokemon stronger, even the first tests to create a Mewtwo were secretly conducted here, until the operation was moved to Cinnabar Island after the Officer Jennys got too suspicious. But now, as Team Rocket disbanded years ago, this building was left to rot, as windows shattered and broke, wallpaper ripped and scratched by wild Pokemon, weeds growing out of the holes in the floor boards, and everything covered in dust, from the vending machine with candy bars even a Snorlax would never touch, to the machines and equipment left behind by the Team Rocket scientists. Citizens moaned and petitioned for the place to be knocked down or refurbished so they would not be reminded of those dark days when Team Rocket run amack,  but Giovanni still owned the deeds to the building, just like his other bases and hideouts. If anything was done, he could so easily return and sue the city, leading to new funding to the evil mastermind. So it was just left there. Pokemon occasionally hung out there, but humans never dared venture there. Children were told stories of how ghost Pokemon would scare anyone that would enter, and adults just left it as it was.

One would think nobody lived there, but an sinister laughter echoed through the hallways of the dark building, coming from a surprisingly lit room.

"NYAHEHHEHHEHHEH!" laughed the short figure in the red glasses and small white lab coat. This person was not a human, but a Clefairy!  "At last, my experiment is complete!"

The pink Pokemon hoped over to her experiment table, where a lone Pokeball stood under some ray guns. She had just shot the Pokeball with the guns, and now held the ball in her tiny hands.   

"NYAHEHHEH, reading and observing all those text books will be worth it if my calculations are correct.." she smiled.

Clefairy was like any old Clefairy before, until she found herself in the abandoned lab. A sip of what seemed like ordinary water was actually an experimental substance that boosted her IQ by the hundreds. Soon, she found herself able to speak human talk and read the dusty books and research papers that littered the lab, learning of the experiments and tests that went on. Equations and scientific theories became as familiar to her as knowing how to eat and sleep, and she soon realized her gift should be used for her own purpose. She knew if any humans captured her, they would use her for money and own selfish reasons. If they could do that, why couldn't she? She had the brains to do whatever she wanted, and to her, if humans could do such horrible things to fellow Pokemon in her new home, she could do the same to humans.

She opened up the Pokeball to unleash the Pokemon inside. It was a strange feeling freeing the same species as herself from the very device used to catch them. The Pokemon that came out was a Lapras. The long necked Pokemon stretched out it's flippers and neck, before chanting:

"Laaaapras!...L-Lap...ras? W-w-what...is this...feeling?"

"Ah, you're now capable of human speech just like me now."

"Why? Why...have you...done this?"

"Relax, I'm on your side! I just boosted your IQ to a higher level to grant you human speech and the intelligence I require."


"Yes. See, Lapras are capable of putting Pokemon asleep with the Sing attack, right? However, with the right knowledge, that attack can be turned into something...more."

"I see, and you want to use it for your own gain."

"Let's call it an exchange shall we? I made you smart, now you must do something in return!"

Sometime later, the two were hiding in some bushes, not too far from the abandoned lab. Clefairy could only smile as her plans were becoming more real with every second going by.

"Right, so the first female trainer we spot, you use your enhanced Sing attack on them, got it?" instructed Clefairy.

"Why does it have to be a female?" asked the Lapras.

"Oh I dunno, to keep the plot interesting or something. Don't question me on these things."

Just then, a female trainer could be seen in the distance, walking towards them.

"Okay, here we go!" smiled Celefairy, placing her earmuffs on her large sensitive ears.  

Lapras opened its mouth, and began to sing it's angelic melody. The trainer stopped walking, noticing the sound.

"That sound." she said to herself. "Where's it coming from? It sounds so...bea...uti...ful."

The trainer's eyes became lost in a trance as she began to look sleepy eyed. Her mind was now an open book to obeying the next person or thing with speech. Clefairy jumped out the bush, and admired the job well done.

"Ah yes, you'll be a perfect specimen for my experiment." smiled the evil Clefairy. "Come with me!"

"Yes, my mistress." said the trainer, as she followed the Pokemon with her arms stretched out in front of her like she was sleepwalking, completely under her control.   

Back at the lab, the trainer was stripped of all her clothes, then placed on a metal table and had a silver helmet with wires sticking out of the topic of it. Clefairy then looked in the trainer's bag to look for her trainer card. She got it out and looked at it.

"So, you're name is Dawn then?" asked the Clefairy.

"Yes." replied Dawn.

"Well, that will apply for now, but shortly, you will forget that name!"

Just then, Lapras slowly slide into the room.

"Well, you took your time!" said Clefairy.

"Well sorry, but being a Water Type with flippers, I can't move so well on ground unless its wet and slippery."

"Well, never mind. You did a great job luring me this human!"

"So, what is it you're doing with her exactly.?"

Clefairy flicked a switch, and down came what looked like a metal chamber that lowered onto Dawn, not crushing her, but encasing her like a casket made of steel.

"Oh, I'm going to transform her! For now, she is only entranced, but shortly she will be a loyal obedient slave that serves for my orders and nothing else!"

"How so?"

"This is no ordinary chamber. It encases the subject into a metal shell that covers her whole body, which also begins to alter. She will not require food nor drink to survive, only the odd oiling from time to time, powered by electricity, while were whole mind will be reprogrammed. Soon, thoughts and memories will turn into digits of zeros and ones and orders to obey her mistress with no heart or freewill to objection. She'll become the ultimate servant and weapon."

"So you mean like a robot?"


Clefairy flicked another switch, this time on a remote control she pulled out of her lab pocket. A flash of electricity filled the chamber and room, and electric sounds echoed from within. Clefairy could only smile evilly while Lapras wondered if it would work. After a short while, this stopped. One more flick of a switch lifted the chamber, producing steam from within. Emerging from the smoke was a shiny metal girl of silver, formerly the human Dawn. Her whole body now resembled a robot's, all metal from head to toe. Her eyes were bright lifeless blue orbs, while her hair was now a thin sheet of blue metal the same colour as her hair was. Her breasts were now two cone shaped, while her fingers were shape spikes. Getting down from the table, she walked towards her mistress, each footstep now echoed a loud metal thump sound.

"WHAT. IS. YOUR. COMMAND. MY. MISTRESS." asked Dawn, as her voice now sounded robotic.  

"NYAHEHHEH, NYAHEHHEH, NYHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHHEH!!!!!" laughed Clefairy, her vision was now a reality. This was only her first step towards her ultimate conquest.

"So what now?" asked Lapras.

"Now we get more girls! Once we have enough, we can take over da planet!"

Some time later, Clefairy and Lapras returned to the lab again, this time with two other trainers, Misty and May, both hypnotized and walking like sleepwalkers. By the snap of the Clefairy's fingers, both girls began stripping out of their clothing and laid down on the cold steel tables once completely naked.

"So where's the robot?" asked Lapras.

"Oh she's running a little thing for me." replied Clefairy.

Almost to respond to Lapras's question, Dawn flew down into the lab through the glass ceiling carrying two lifeless bodies, and safely landing with her rocket feet. She dropped the bodies on the ground by Clefairy's feet.

"Back from Unova I see." smiled Clefairy. "But why did you bring back the boy?"


"I see."

"What can you see?" asked Lapras.

Clefairy took out a needle with a pink substance and injected it into the boy's arm.

"Oh, Dawn can sense that this boy, Ash Ketchum, is destined to be a girl. He would have been born that way, but for whatever reason, he was born a guy and the girl inside him was locked away inside his subconscious.  Just needs the right kind of "boost" to unlock it."

As Clefairy talked, Ash began to change. Hair grew longer and changed to a blond colour, while his chest inflated like two small balloons attached to him. Arms and legs now thinned and his body reshaped to an hourglass figure.

"Guess now he's an Ashley, hehheh." laughed Clefairy.

"And the girl?" asked Lapras.

"Another of that boy's "companions". I believe her name is Iris."


"Right, you get on with your song so they're under our command as well."

As commanded, Lapras sung his song. Still with their eyes closed, Ashley and Iris smiled, as if they were having a pleasant dream, but soon awakened entranced and stood to attention.

"Excellent." praised Clefairy. "Now, strip and join the other girls on the tables."

Ashley and Iris obeyed and did as instructed, removing layer upon layer of clothing including underwear until they wore nothing. Next they got up on two more steel tables and laid down, awaiting further commands. The familiar switch flick lowered four chambers down on the girls, followed by another and the four girls began to undergo the same robotification process as Dawn. Once complete, four metal girls arose from the tables, all looking similar to Dawn, only with different coloured thin metal sheets resembling their former hair.

"WHAT. ARE. YOUR. ORDERS." said the robots in unison.

Lapras looked at Clefairy, noticing a dissatisfied look on her face.

"What's wrong?" asked Lapras.

"Not fond on their colours." sighed Clefairy. "The hair's good, but the rest is just...yeah, boring silver."

Clefairy walked over to a cupboard and took out a sport bag, unzipping it to reveal spray cans.

"Best we give them a paint job!" smiled Clefairy.


The two Pokemon sprayed the five robots, making sure not to spary the hair, eyes or any other important parts. Once finished, the two stepped back to admire their work, as each robot's body was now a different metallic colour. Ashley was orange, Iris was yellow, May was red, Misty was a light blue and Dawn was a dark blue.

"Muuuch better!" smiled Clefairy. "Pretty soon, we'll have an army of these robots. Dawn could pick up two at a time, so these five will fetch another ten girls, then those fifteen will fetch another thirty, and so on and so on, until the world is ours!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Now my servants, go forth and bring me more girls!"


The five robots activated their rocket feet and flew off, smashing through the glass ceiling and off to different locations. Once the smoke settled, Lapras noticed that Clefairy had climbed on top of his head.

"Ya know, without you I'd never get this plan off the ground, so you get equal credit for helping me." blushed Clefairy.

"Oh, well it's the least I could do for you making me able to talk and whatnot."

By surprise, Clefairy kissed the head of Lapras, and stroked him on the head, making him purr.

"I think this is going to be a beautiful relationship." smiled Clefairy.

"It sure will....my dear."

The End? 


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