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Summer was always Misty's favorite season. It meant hot weather, meaning going to the beach, cooling off in her favorite thing in the world, the ocean. This summer was no exception as her and her sisters were staying at the Gym's privately owned beach hut and beach for a long deserved vacation from the Gym. Misty laid on the sun bed, feeling like she was in heaven, wearing her favorite bikini. She was trying to get her tan for the year and then after that, she would go for a swim to cool off and play with the various Water Pokemon that roamed around the beach. The only thing that would make this dreamy vacation better for her was if she saw some Tentacool, that would totally make her day.  

Just then, Misty heard a faint sound, coming from the sea. She paid no attention to it, thinking it was the just ocean waves, but as time passed, the faint sound became more and more clear. It sounded like someone was singing a melody to her, not using words but rather the most angelic sound Misty had heard. She sat up from her sun bed to look at where the sound was coming from, she just had to know who or what was making that beautiful sound. A person? A new kind of Pokemon? Whatever it was, it felt like she was being called out, like a hypnotic sound telling her to come this way. Without even realizing what she was doing, Misty stood up and began walking towards to sea with her arms faced forward like she was sleep walking, and eyes trapped in a daze.

"Must...walk to...sound." she said mesmerized.

The sea was about five minutes walk straight ahead at the slow pace Misty was walking. At this point, nothing else mattered, she had to find where it was coming from and what was producing it. Soon Misty was so under the control of the sound that it was now a question of was she looking for the sound, or was the sound luring her in on purpose? Once Misty's sandals splashed in the shallow water, she had arrived at the source, a young singing girl her age laying on her stomach in the shallow water, only this girl was only half a human on the top half. The bottom heart sported a dark blue tail, with scales that shined in the baking sun. Misty had just been lured in by a mermaid!

"Enjoyed my little song there earth walker?" asked the girl, stroking her wet blond hair that concealed her large chest.

"Yes..." replied Misty still under a trace. "It...was beautiful."   

"Hehheh, my first review in awhile. Took me a good number of years to perfect my hypno song, but I can see it was worth the practice."

The mermaid stood up, laying on her tail.

"So, what's your name daring?"


"Ah, suits you. Suits what I'm about to do to you. Now kneel down and kiss me."

"Yes Mistress."

Misty obeyed and keeled in front of the mermaid, who placed her hands on Misty's face and moved her head towards hers.

"I've been waiting so long for this."

The mermaid placed her lips onto Misty's and kissed her. The shock of the kiss snapped Misty out of her trance as a strange aura of energy went from the mermaid's mouth right down Misty's throat. Misty was swift to push the mermaid away.

"Ahh, I needed that." said the mermaid, licking her lips.

Misty looked at the mermaid, surprised by the tail, hence not remembering anything while she was hypnotized.

"You're, you're a mermaid?" asked Misty.

"Yup, but not for long!"

Just then, the mermaid's tail began to change, splitting into two, and forming into legs. Her waist then formed into a big peachy ass and vagina to boot. Her face and hair started to change, making her look like Misty, only keeping the blond hair and emerald green eye colour. Her bust also shrunk down to the same as Misty's, but not by much.

"Ah, that's better!" said the girl, who's voice now matched Misty's. "I've spent a hundred years as a beautiful mermaid, but now my time to return to land is at hand!"

"So I cured you?" asked Misty.

"Not quite sweetie."

Misty began to feel pain throughout her body. As she held her chest in pain, the former mermaid swiftly took off her bikini top and bottoms in one swoop.

"Hey, oww, what are you...doing?" said Misty, covering herself the best she could.

The now girl then began to put on Misty's bikini.

"You won't be needing these again! Not for your new life!"

Misty's transformation began. Her hair started to grow in length, right down to her ass, but stayed the same colour. Then, her breast grew two cup sizes, surprising and shocking Misty at the added weight. For the most horrifying change, Misty's legs fused together into one big tail. Her feet changed into the end of a tail, one resembling a fish tail. Vagina and ass vanishing, her new tail changed to a greenish light blue colour, right up just below her belly button. Misty was now a mermaid!

"WHAT? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!?" panicked Misty, as her tail moved about against her will.

"When I kiss a hundred humans I can exchange my mermaid energy into that girl and become a human again, while that girl becomes the new mermaid!" laughed the girl. "That is the curse of a mermaid! I'm free at last!"

"Change me back this instant!" demanded Misty.

"No can do, see the process cannot be reverse! You're stuck like that until you kiss a hundred people, not including me, and then you'll be human again. For now, you'll be eternally beautiful, but you'll spend your days under the sea, never to step foot on land again, under you do some serious kissing!"

"How the heck am I going to do that like THIS?"

"Learn the hypnotic song I sung. You'll figure it out, only took me a few decades!"

"Hey wait!". The girl ran off to the land, dancing about happily with her new legs. Misty felt like she was suffocating and had to shift her body back into the sea. She watched as the girl waved goodbye to her.

"Byee new Mermaid!" shouted the girl. "Hope your life turns out better then mine!"

Misty cried as she got deeper towards the sea and swam deep into the ocean, leaving her old life behind by force, and into her new life under the sea. To her surprise, she could breath underwater and her vision underwater was 100% perfect, but she was still crying at her loss of everything she knew. No more Gym duties, no more Pokemon catching or battling, no more sisters, all gone. She sat on the ocean floor in tears, even though her tears were not visible underwater. She observed her surroundings, noting the coal, seaweed and the Water Pokemon swimming around. This was her childhood dream back in the day, but she did not want to give up everything in her life for it! It was nothing more then a childhood dream, like flying without wings or riding a Kyogre.

"Well." she said, trying to wiping her tears. "I suppose I have to get used to this. I may of lost my life, but I'm in the ocean now with Water Pokemon. How bad can that be?"

Just then, two happy Horsea swam up towards Misty.

"Why hello you two cuties! My, aren't you adorable!"

It shortly began clear as to what the Horsea wanted, swimming towards Misty's enlarged chest. Noting this, Misty swiftly covered her breasts with her arms.


Meanwhile, as to repeat the opening scene, the former mermaid laid in the sun, resting on the sunbed Misty sun bathed on. This was the first time she had tried to get a tan in forever, as if she stayed on the surface for too long, she would die. The sun rays felt great on her new smooth legs, as she smiled and starched her legs some more.

"THIS is the life!" said the girl. "Forgotten what the benefits of having legs was like after so very long."

She proceeded to take Misty's bag from underneath the sunbed, looking through Misty's belongings.

"Now, I wonder if this girl's anyone famous? That would make my day even more so."

She found a Gym Leader ID card with Misty's face on it.

"Score! A Gym Leader! She must have some really powerful Pokemon or something."

She got out a Pokeball from the bag and let out the Pokemon within, being Psyduck.

"Psy?" chanted the Pokemon, looking at the girl. He starred at her, wondering if something looked a bit odd with his Mistress. After a long stare, Psyduck cried;


"Or maybe not." sighed the girl, returning Psyduck to it's Pokeball.

"Hey you!" said a voice.

The girl turned around to see a trio of girls behind her. It was Misty's sisters, Daisy, Violet and Lily, all in very revealing bikinis.

"Can I help you three?" asked the girl.

"Yeah, what have you done with our sister?!?" replied Violet.

"Snap." thought the girl. "I've been found out."

"How did you-?" wondered the girl.

"Please, our sister's a life long redhead, and your "attempt" to impersonate her is not fooling us." replied Daisy angrily. "This ain't no anime where the imposter with a different colour can fool people you know!"

"Not to mention you just told us." said Lily.

At this point, the girl was starting to panic. If she could not come up with a good story, then she could forget about her new life as a Gym Leader. But what to tell them? They already found her out, and if she told them their sister had become a mermaid, then they would force her into finding a way to turn Misty back to normal by any means.

"Well....you see..." and with nothing to lose, the girl tried the only thing that would get her out of this mess. She began to sing her hypnotic song, hoping her ability to entrance people was still possible as a human. As she started, the sisterly trio starred into thin air.    

"That voice..." said a dazed Daisy.

"It's so...beautiful..." said Lily as her eyes became empty.

"Can't...remember...what....we...were...just want....to....obey...." said Violet, falling into the spell of the song.

Soon enough, the girls lost all train of thought and freewill, only wanting to obey all commands and submit to the melody sung to them. Misty was now an afterthought as they stood to attention to await their first orders. The girl stopped singing and observed her work.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that actually worked!" smiled the girl, relieved she got herself out of trouble. "This song will become quite useful in my new life, nothing is out of my limit now!"

"What is your wish, our Mistress?" said the three sisters in unison.

"Ah right, that." the girl thought for a moment. "Right, I want you three to squeeze into that tiny beach hut you call a changing room, strip out of your bikinis, and "fondle" yourselves for the next hour as punishment for worrying me while I sit in the sun for a bit longer!"

"Yes Mistress..." obeyed the three sisters as they walked towards the changing hut.

"That's Mistress Fiona to you three."

"Yes Mistress Fiona."

"On second thoughts, Mistress sounds better."

"Yes Mistress."

Fiona laid in the sun for awhile, before moving the into the shade soon after. For that next hour, she listen to the moan, pants and grunts of the sisters as they fell into their own lust as told to by their new Mistress. For the whole hour, Fiona just relaxed and enjoyed the sounds. She could of done more with her new legs like run about and dance some more, but she also was sick the sea and wanted to be nowhere near it. She never had a day off as a mermaid from pesky Horsea and the dangers of the ocean and had to be always alert, even when she had to sleep. This was a long deserved permanent break from all that. She was free from it all and could start a whole new life. With her own slaves and hypno song, the world was her oyster, no pun intended.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" Cried Misty,  swimming for her life as a huge herd of Horsea were chasing after her, with the same intent as the previous two, who must of informed the herd of a new hot babe of a mermaid in town. Misty had already learned how to swim with her tail like an expert during the shows she put on for the Gym, but never so fast and with so much urgency. Eventually, she hide behind a rock unnoticed and watched the herd swim away. She sighed and panted from all the swimming she had done.

"Finally. I never thought Horsea were so...perverted. Well, at least I'm safe now.."

"SHARPEDO!" Growed a voice. Misty turned around slowly in fear of what was to come, and sure enough, an angry Sharpedo was right in front her her.

"EEEEK! THIS IS NOT MY DAY!" She yelled as she swam for her life again with the Sharpedo giving chase.

Much later, Misty had lost the hungry Sharpedo. She never thought a Mermaid had all this to deal with. She pictured mermaids as goddesses of the sea and yet, they were more in danger then luring sailors in. No wonder Fiona had taken so long to become a human again.

"I can't deal with this!" she sobbed. "I have to become human as soon as possible!"

She swam towards an underwater cliff, noticing a pathway with people above.

"If I just kiss a hundred people as they pass by, then I could be a human again by tomorrow. A week by the latest."

She swam up towards the surface to greet the people above. Her head popped out of the sea, splashing out like an underwater balloon.

"Hey there!" she greeted. "Who would like a..."

She looked and noticed it was that former mermaid, along with her sisters in far more revealing bikinis then before, carrying the girl in a chair like she was some sort of princess.

"Oh, hey MERMAID!" said Fiona. "How's life?"

"YOU!" Said Misty angrily. "You ruined my life you bitch! You change me back this instant!"

"And return to that life? Nah, think I'll milk this life for all it's worth some more. And I told you, I can't change you back!"

"Daisy, Violet, Lily, what are you doing?!?"

"Oh, they're my mindless slave now. Turns out, I still have my hypno song. Quite the lookers your sisters aren't they?"

"You bitch. As soon as I kiss a hundred people, I'm gonna come for you and get back EVERYTHING you stole from me!".

"Don't be so sure."

Without warning, Fiona began singing her song again. Misty quickly dived her head into the water and put her fingers in her ears, but she could still hear the singing, just as if she was singing directly into her mind. Thoughts began to clear again, and a desire to obey began to burn into her mind once again, as she head submerged again, only this time, locked into the trance again. Fiona walked to the edge of the pathway, placing her hand on Misty's face.

"See, my singing had another ability." smiled Fiona. "I can rewrite a person's memory to however I desire."

"What do you wish, my Mistress?" smiled the entranced Misty.

"Your mind will follow these commands, you got that?"

"Yes Mistress."

"You will forget ever being a human. As far as you are concerned, you've always been a mermaid."

"I have always been a mermaid."

"You are happy being a mermaid and the dangers of the sea do not bother you."

"I am happy being a mermaid and the dangers of the sea do not bother me."

"You will grant access of your  huge breasts to the Horsea, you are happy to feed them."

"I will grant access of my huge breasts to the Horsea, I am happy to feed them."

"You have no knowledge of how to become a human."

"I have no knowledge of how to become a human."

"And because I'm not totally heartless, you will remember your old life after a hundred, no, two hundred years."

"I will remember my old life after two hundred years."

"Good, these commands will go into effect once you dive back into the sea, into your new life. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress."

Fiona kissed Misty on the forehead and petted her on the head.

"Now go, and live your life as a mermaid."

Misty dived back into the sea. As she swam deeper into the sea, her old memories vanished from her mind and the new ones entered her mind. Still in a trance, she smiled like she felt at home. As far as she was concerned, she had always been a mermaid and this was her life.

"And thank you." said Fiona as Misty vanished from sight, thanking her for her freedom, even though she had just forced Misty two hundred years of her old life. Be that as it may, Misty was no longer her concern. Now she could live this new life with no one getting in her way and if anyone did, they would join her "collection" of mindless slaves. She sat back into her chair.

"Let's go my slaves!" commanded Fiona. "We have a lot of work to do to the Gym once we return. Like hell I'm going to run a Water Pokemon Gym after a hundred years as a mermaid!"

"Yes Mistress." obeyed the sisters as the lifted the chair and marched on.

Meanwhile, Misty swam happily under the sea without a care in the world, and her old memories locked away for two centuries. Just then, she saw something in the distance, and soon saw the herd of Horsea swimming their way towards her.

"Teehee, looks like we've got a lot of hungry customers." she giggled, preparing for what was to come.

The End 


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