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Three down, five to go. That was the thought that kept running through Ash Ketchum's head again and again. Already defeating the first three Gym Leaders of Kanto, Ash had arrived in Celedon City where the forth Gym Leader roamed. Things were going swimmingly for Ash, apart from a small argument at a perfume store that caused him to separate from his friends, Brock and Misty, who decided to stay at the Pokemon Centre rather then watch that "jerk" win another badge (Misty's words, Brock just tagged along to add another entry to his personal "Nurse Joy-Dex".). Pikachu also agreed, even though he could not speak, but tagged along with Brock and Misty anyway. Never the less, Ash arrived at the Gym all hyped for the match and entered the building, only to be literally booted out by female security.

"What the hell?" said Ash, landing on his backside.

"Lady Erika's orders little boy." said the first security guard. "We heard of your antics at the Perfume Store."


"We happen to produce that perfume and run that store as well as this Gym." said the second security guard.

"Seriously?" asked Ash. "Come on, I was only fooling around."

"Sorry, but Lady Erika's very sensitive about her band of perfume." replied the first guard. "You're banned for life."

"Oh come on!" yelled Ash furiously, till an ambulance stopped by the Gym. Paramedics jumped out and rushed into the Gym with three stretchers. As Ash wondered what was going on, an Office Jenny stopped by on her motor cycle.

"What's going on?" asked Ash.

"We had a report of three thieves that tried to break into the Gym to steal the formula of Erika's perfume." replied Jenny. "Here they come now."

The paramedics came out stretching out three lifeless bodies. As the moved pasted Ash, Ash noticed the three thieves were none other then Jessie, James and Meowth of Team Rocket! They looked like they had gotten into a nasty fight, each with a black eye and James coughing out blood.

"Those guards!" said a dazed Jessie. "They beat us to a pulp...stay away from there Twerp..."  

"Yeow." Meowth struggled to speak, spitting out a tooth. "Dey treated more worse then on my time on the * cough * streets!"

The paramedics loaded the trio into the ambulance before driving them to the hospital. Jenny got back on her bike about to leave to follow along.

"Surly that isn't legal?" Ash wondered.

"They broke into Lady Erika's property with the intention of stealing." said Jenny. "Her guards can do whatever they want with them, no questions asked. When they recover, those three are going away for a loooong time."

As Jenny drove off to follow the ambulance, Ash slowly walked away from the Gym absolutely gutted. One moment, he was on top of the world, doing so well for the Pokemon League so far, and the next, he came to an complete break in the tracks. If only he had not of made remarks of that perfume, he would be challenging Erika by now, but instead he was banned for life from that Gym. There were only eight official Gyms in the land of Kanto and he needed eight badges to get into the Pokemon League, no more no less. If only he could speak to Erika, he could apologize and ask for forgiveness, but those guards would not let him in and if he snuck in, he would be left for dead like Team Rocket was. Ash was in quite a dilemma.

On his way back to the Pokemon Centre to ask Brock and Misty for help, he noticed a Department store. There were quite a few female shoppers there for the sales, and this reminded Ash that the Gym was full of girls. A light bulb brightly  shone over Ash's head.

"What I need is a change of identity." smiled Ash.

There are many alternative universes in this world where even the smallest decisions create many parallel worlds based on our actions. However, even certain moments are always fixed, no matter what we go through. For Ash, he was always going to be banned from the Gym and he would always ending up making the same decision, whether it succeeded or failed.

Awhile later, a blond "girl" the same age as Ash and wearing an orange dress made her way to Erika's Gym. The bodyguards let her through, suspecting nothing out of the ordinary about the girl. She looked around the Gym, noticing female trainers working out and communicating with their Pokemon. It seemed like a nice place to Ash, and he was a little embarrassed watching girls working out while he was dressed up as one. He kept his cool, not wanting to throw off the act. What mattered next was finding out which girl was Erika without asking, since he had not really practiced his female voice much.

"Wonder which one of these girls is Erika?" Ash thought to himself, walking past some girls.

"I think you'll be wanting me." said a girl who grabbed Ash's wig, pulling it right off as Ash walked and revealing his secret.

"What?!?" said Ash in astonishment. "How did you know?"

"I get all sorts of girls coming here everyday asking to battle me. You really think I can't tell the difference between a girl and a boy in drag?"

An angry crowd formed around Ash, angry that he dared enter an all girl's Gym dressed up like one of them.

"Hey, that's the jerk the insulted our perfume earlier!" said one girl.

"Yeah, that's him!" said another. "He said it smelt like sewage!"   

At this point, Ash became scared. For all he knew, they could very well do to him what they did to Team Rocket. Best to suck it up and apologize as much as possible.

"Hey, I'm sorry." said Ash, lying the best he could. "I did not mean all that, it was a..."

Ash turned back round to Erika, but before he could finish his sentence, Erika sprayed something in Ash's face, nearly blinding him.

"Owww." moaned Ash, rubbing his burning eyes. "What was that..."

Before finishing another sentence, a strange sensation ran through Ash's body. He began to feel lighter, as if his body was losing weight. The gitls giggled as he looked at his arms, now more thinner then before and skin so lighter in colour.

"What have you done to me?" asked a scared Ash, feeling his sides as they began to thin and form into an hourglass figure.

"Oh, I think it's obvious." smiled Erika, as she lifted Ash's dress up, revealing to Ash's humiliation, his now thin, silky, sexy legs and whist. Another change was happening to Ash's manhood, changing shape to womanhood, behind his Pikachu panties.

"...you brought girl's panties to wear?" laughed a girl.

"I-I-I did not want you all finding...me...out..." Ash stuttered as his voice changed to more feminine. "Oh god, what's happening?"

Ash placed his hands on his hand, feeling his hair getting longer. Upon pulling a bit of it to his eyes, his eyes widen as it changed to a blond colour, like the wig he wore. For the final change, his chest began to inflate, as if he was hiding two balloons  under his dress. He was already a D cup.

"Y-Y-You turned me into a girl?!?" screamed Ash, horrified at her change.

"Not quite." replied Erika. "There's more to come."

Ash noticed her hands and then arms were turning a light green colour, moving further up her arms at a fast rate.

"Now what?" cried Ash.

"Now we strip you out of those clothes." Erika smiled evilly. The girls walked next to Ash, and began pulling and ripping her dress off, removing huge chunks till she was down to her panties, which were also ripped off swiftly, leaving her naked as the day she was born.  Ash saw her whole body changing even more in colour. Light green for the face, arms and upper body and dark green for the lower body, breasts, womanhood, ass and legs.  Feet suddenly resembling round boots,  thumbs and little fingers vanishing, leaving only three fingered hands, and wings resembling a fairy sporing from her back. For the final changes, her eyes widen, changing from brown to blue sky eyes and blackening around the area of the eyes. And the final touch, two grassy antennas grew from the forhead.

"W-W-What have you done to me?" cried Ash, becoming teary eyed. "What have I become?"   

Two girls rolled in a large mirror for Ash to see herself. What she saw was a girl that looked like a Celebi, only with a human body and blond hair. That girl was her, and Ash was jaw dropped at her transformation.

"You like it?" giggled Erika. "We had not tested this before, so we're glad it worked!"

"What have you done this to me?" moaned a crying Ash.

"Do you know what our perfume consists of?" asked Erika. "Fragrances of  Grass Pokemon. Being a Grass Gym, we train and tame Grass Pokemon, and use samples of scents they give off and turn it into perfume. We have samples of nearly all Grass Pokemon, exception of one, Celebi. Being a Pokemon that can travel through time, it makes it difficult to catch, or even examine for our research. After many failed attempts, we finally found the DNA sample from a scientist who sold it to us for an undisclosed price. While we could not get a sample from it, we could combine it with our secret perfume that turns boys into girls and make a human into  a Human Celebi hybrid, giving out the scents that Celebi gives off."

"So you made me into this just to sell a damn perfume?!?"

"Not quite, you also inherit Celebi's time traveling abilities, and with enough practice, you will make me even richer by getting me sport fixtures and lottery results before they even happen! I've be the richest trainer in the world!"

"But you turned into into a girl also?"

"Er, girl Gym? Like hell we wanted a Male Celebi Human going around. Besides, it'll teach you a lesson!"

"I won't do it! I shall not help you and your evil schemes!"

"And where are you going to go? The police? Five minutes out the Gym and you'll be captured by the government and be nothing but a lab rat for the rest of your life! And I doubt you'll go live in a forest either, and without us, you'll never be able to perform time travel on your own."

"I still refuse to help you."

"Thought as much. Girls, take our Celebi to be brainwashed!"

Two bodyguards grabbed Ash by the arms. She tried to struggle, but where the bodyguards were too strong, Ash was too weak to escape. They began to take her away."


"We can't change you back, it's too late." replied Erika. "Enjoy your Pokewomenhood my dear Pokemon!"


For the next few months, Ash's brainwashing began. Strapped to a machine, messages were sent directly to her mind, telling her to forget her old life and serve her mistress Erika. No longer Ash Ketchum, she was now Ashley-bi, a one of a kind Pokemon that mimics the Pokemon Celebi. She would do whatever Erika commanded and offer herself to provide her scent for perfume, travel through time to collect info for Erika and perform whatever sexual acts Erika and her girls desired. This was her life, it was  her only life. Her old life only causes her pain, so it was better to forget, forget it ever happened. This was the only life now.

A year had past of brainwashing and time travel training, and Erika had finally cracked it. Ashley-bi had no knowledge of her old life, and was able to travel to any period of time perfectly. And soon enough, Erika's fortune rose dramaticley, from sales of the new Celebi Fragrance and winning the lottery and betting very often.  The Gym grew in size, from a simple arena, to a hundred story high building. Erika sat at the top floor, using a super fast elevator to go to the bottom for Gym Battles. She sat in her golden throne, in her shrine of an office the richest woman in the world. Ashley-bi zapped into the room, returning with the latest results.

"You got this week's sporting fixtures?" asked Erika.

"Bi! Ashley, Ashley-bi!" smiled a cheerful Ashley-bi. To keep her thinking like a Pokemon, she was made to speak like a Pokemon. She handed a piece of paper with sporting results written down to Erika.

"Ah, so the Electabuzz actually win this season? Very good Ashley-bi, now go down to research, they need more of your scent for your best selling perfume! I'll see you later time, your Mistress needs some loving."

"Bi!" responded a happy Ashley-bi, and she vanished, teleporting to Research a few floors below. The search for Ash Ketchum was called off from friends and family, after nothing for so long. Erika was a very powerful woman, and was able to bribe even the most loyal police officer that wanted to ask her any questions.

Nothing could stop Erika now. With Ashley-bi by her side, her fame and fortune was vast and timeless.          

The End 


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