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Its funny how the universe works. For every decision we make or is made, a parallel world is created where events happen ever so differently. Like say how would one's life was as the opposite gender, what if we had a poor or rich upbringing, what if we chose a different starter Pokemon, what if we chose contests over the Pokemon League or vis versa?

And what if those destined to be a Pokemon Master were met with an unfortunate fate among the way? Let's visit one such universe.

"And stay out!" shouted the female trainer as she threw Ash Ketchum out of the Gym.

"But why are you throwing me out?"" asked Ash, getting up from the floor.

"Oh, no reason, cept you mocked the perfume we produce!"

"Oh that."

The girl closed the doors, locking them so Ash could not get back in. Earlier, he had sumbled upon a perfume shop by accident, mistaking it for the next Gym, and made a rude sexist remark about girls and perfume. Had he known the Gym was also the leading provider in perfume, he would of kept his trap shut.

Ash walked away disappointed, wondering what he could do next. He could not enter the Pokemon League without all eight Gym Badges of Kanto, but if he was refused entry in one, then he could not go any further. Just then, a flayer flew into Ash's face. Removing from his face, he read the flyer;

"The Celedon Gym Presents;

All Night Girl's Party!

Free Drinks, Music and get together with other trainers in Kanto!

Free Gym Badges to upcoming Trainers!

Tonight at 7pm, Girls Only!"

Interesting, not only could Ash get his badge, he would not even have to battle. The only problem was, he was a guy. There's no way they'd left him in.

"Say, that department store is still open till 6:30." Ash said to himself, looking at his watch that read 5.50. "I better hurry."

Ash ran to the department store with a plan in mind. He hadn't to worry about Brock and Misty, for in this universe, they never traveled with him. One his first day as a trainer, he woke up on time and thus he started with Bulbasaur, not Pikachu. And without the familiar yellow mouse, he ran into no Spearow related problems on the way, not destroying Misty bike and being it debt for it, nor did he have problem in defeating Brock. And without Pikachu, he was never bothered by Team Rocket, for they attacked the Viridian City Pokemon Centre after he left there. Yet throughout his journey, Ash felt alone, like he felt he had to have someone to travel with him, or he'd never feel truly happy with himself. And for some reason, he had a strong desire to catch a Pikachu.

7pm at the Gym, the female trainer that throw Ash out was outside greeting guests to the party. Among those guests was a girl in an orange dress with blond hair, seemingly having problems adjusting to girl's shoes for the first time.

"Welcome!" said the female trainer. "Hope you enjoy the party!"

"T-Thanks." said the girl in the most unconvincing girl's voice. As she walked in, she thought to herself:

"Yes, I fooled her! 4th Gym Badge, here I come!"

Ash had figure if he could not get in as a boy, he would get in disguised as a girl. Buying the items may of gotten him a few looks in the department store, but it would all be worth it once he got the badge. It was all for a good cause after all.

Entering the main Gym Hall, Ash saw dozens of female trainers gathered within the hall, chatting to catch other, showing off their Pokemon, some dancing to music which he could tell was more to a girl's taste. The whole ceiling was filled with pink balloons like it was a prom. The smell of perfume  toxicated the air, in Ash's opinion, as Gym Staff were handing out free samples of their perfume. Ash had to endure the best he could, he couldnt be kicked out a second time if he pinched his nose in rudeness. Looking around, his eyes scanned for any sight of the Gym Leader. A tap on his shoulder concluded his search.

"Excuse me little girl." asked a beautiful young woman. "Might you be looking for me?"

Ash turned around to see the woman.

"Erm, are you the Gym Leader?" asked Ash in his best shy girl voice.

"Yes I am. My name is Erika. Have I see you before?"

Ash remembered she was the manager from the perfume store who told him to leave.

"Erm, no...my name is Ash....ley. My family just moved here a few weeks ago..."

"Really? And what is your family name?"

"Erm....Ketchup. We're the Ketchup family."

"Hmm, can't say I've seen you around."

"Oh erm, I've....got to go get a drink, yes a drink!"

The puzzle pieces of his lie were not fitting in properly so Ash decided to retreat for now. As he turned around to go to the punch table, Erika grabbed a few hairs of his wig, just to test "her". Deep down, she had a feeling that girl was not who she made out to be, so a simple test would not hurt. Rather then the hair causing a slight pain, Ash's wig fell off of his head, revealing who he really was. Ash stood still, know he was in a bad situation.

"A BOY!" Shouted one girl.

"It's that boy that mock our perfume!" pointed another.

"What nerve, he mocks out perfume and then dresses as one of us!" shouted another.

"That's right." shouted Ash in reply. "I don't care about your stupid perfume or your girly parties. All I want it my damn Gym Battle with your Gym Leader and I'll be on my..."

Ash turned and Erika sprayed what seemed to be perfume into Ash's face, but what was actually a knock out spray, causing his to fall to the ground unconscious.

"Girls, I think we've found our lab rat." smiled Erika, as the other girls cheered.

Sometime later, Ash awoke. Dazed and confused, he found himself inside a container with a glass door. He tapped on the glass which did not open. While doing so, he noticed his arm and hand was a lot smaller. In fact, both arms and hands were. Looking at his reflection on the glass was a girl looking back at him, a naked blond girl to be exact. Feeling his hair, it was now longer and less scruffy as his fingers stroked through it with ease. Placing his hands upon the two D cup bumps now on his chest, moving down his new perfect hourglass figure, then on his groin to discover his manhood was gone, Ash was now frightened. What had the girls done to him?

Almost to answer his, or rather her, question, Erika appeared before Ash, looking at her in the container. She noticed she had an audience as the other female trainers were in the background watching.

"What the hell is this?" shouted Ash with his new female voice. "What have you done to me?". Ash's words were unheard for the glass was sound proofed. Her pleas and bangs on the glass continued unheard as Erika gave a speech.

"As you can see, using one of our earliest successes, the gender swap injection, the test subject's gender has been altered to fit our needs for our newest experiment." Erika spoke.  "For this experiment to work correctly, the body needs to be beautiful, and that's something the male body is not. Now he, or rather she, is ready to begin the Latex Formation."

Ash could not hear a thing Erika was saying, and that scared her more, not knowing exactly what would be happening to her next. Waking over to the container, Erika pressed a button label start. A glow of energy surrounded Ash's body, while it cause no pain, it made Ash feel strange all over.

"First, the machine looks into her mind, and calculates the Pokemon the subject likes, thinks about, or is destined to have the most."

Out of nothing, rings formed around Ash's wrists and knees, then large gloves formed all over her hands, which looked like yellow paws. As for her knees, two large boots were created around the bottom half of her legs, forming into Pokemon like feet. The rings of her knees suspended her legs from the ground. The gloves and boots were filled with air, feeling like her hands and legs were inside rubbery balloons. From the rings, a yellow latex material began to form, expanding up her legs and arms, covering her ass, then tummy, then breasts, before stopping at her neck.

"Now as the rings have given the subject his Pokemon paws and feet, she is given her Pokemon skin, made completely from Latex Liquid, which hardens into real latex and tightly sealed the subject in, so that every detail of her body can been fully seen."

Another large ring formed, this time around Ash's neck, with a Pokeball design on the front. It felt like wearing a neck brace, with Ash unable to move her neck, only able to look right in front of her. Her heart raced, she lost all move-ability and felt more trapped then ever. No one was going to save her, because she told no one where she was going and even if she did, there's no way anyone would recognize her anymore! Former male trainer, she was now a female test subject on display with these perverted girls to see. More latex began to move up up her face, she felt like she was drowning in latex liquid.

"For the final change, the subject's face in covered in Latex Liquid. It sticks to the skin, so it cannot come off without assistance."

Against Ash's will, her mouth opened to a large o shape and latex formed in her mouth, keeping her jaw in that position. As the latex formed over her eyes, everything she could see was yellow, like putting on sunglasses only with yellow lenses.

"Contacts form in her eyes to match her colour, while the mouth is set to a position of one's desire, which in this case is happy. We now remove the subject as the transformation completes outside the container."

Two assistants opened the container and lifted Ash out. She was now like a statue of latex, unable to move or even speak. Once she was placed in front of her audience, two red familiar round cheeks formed on her cheeks, then two light pointy latex ears grew out of her hair. For the last feature, Ash felt something inside her ass growing.

"As the cheeks and ears appear, what Pokemon would be without a tail? A butt plug forms inside her ass, then a large tail forms attached to it."

Just as Erika stated, a lightning shaped tail grew from her ass and the butt plug within. The butt plug was tightly inside her, so it could not fall out. Just then, it began to vibrate, causing a strange new  pleasure though out Ash's body. She could only let out slight moans from her mouth.

"My my, looks like our Ash has a likening to Pikachu!" laughed Erika. "No, that name no longer fits you. Now that you have join the superior gender, you shall be known as Ashley, or rather, our dear Ashleychu!"

Ashley let out a slight scream at Erika's expense.

"And so, the Pokemon Latex Doll Suit converter is a success! With this new revolution, the adult market can enter a new age in pleasure and entertainment! Ladies, we have witness the birth of a whole new latex fetish, and this company will make millions out of these converters and millions more will flock here to use these for their desires and enjoyment!"

The audience gave a round of applause. Erika was a genius, she had spent years developing such technology and it had paid off big time, for in this universe, Erika was not only a Gym Leader, but a high qualified scientist too. For years, she had a vision to change the Adult market forever, and now it had come true.

Shortly afterwards, the party continued. What Ashley did not read on the back of the flayer was the reason why the party was set up, to unveil and promote the Pokemon Latex Suit Converter. It would start with the gathering of trainers, or future customers, then the demonstration, then the party the celebrate. The trainers, future buyers and investors drank punch, danced to the music being play and socializing with each out, exchanging stories, businesses propositions, make up tips, you name it. The only girl doing none of that was Ashleychu, standing in the middle of the room as a display for Erika's success. If there was one thing worse for Ashley then the girl's eying up her naked body coated in shiny latex, it was girls occasionally stroking her sides, pinching her ass, groping her breasts and using one finger to stroke her never regions. With the added sensation from her never ending vibrating butt plug, she never stopped moaning in pleasure as her body got wet in sweat and in other places too. For someone as manly as she once was, this was truly hell.

9:30pm, the guests started to leave. The party was ending, the music shut off and everyone had to heard home. Once everyone was gone, all that remained in the hall were Ashley and Erika, who spend most of the party speaking with her ever so proud investors. She walked over to Ashley for one more chat of the evening.

"I want to thank you Ashleychu. You've made this evening a huge success and you're going to make me very very rich indeed. I might just keep you this way as my personal plaything."

Ashley left out a silent scream.  

"Tut tut, we cannot have any of that. Thank goodness I thought of the Pokeball device round your neck."

Erika pushed a small button on the Pokeball, which caused a head rush within Ashley's mind. Suddenly, she was forgetting why she went on a journey, who she was, when she used to be a boy, everything that made her Ash. Now her mind was a blank piece of paper, which Erika could write whatever she desired.

"Thank goodness for the Hypnotic Poke Mind Wipe and Brainwash." Erika smiled. She readied to set Ashley's mind.

"Right, you're name is Ashleychu." ordered Erika.

"My name is Ashleychu." Ashley obeyed in her empty thoughts.

"You are not human, you are a special Pikachu Sex Doll."

"I am not human, I am a special Pikachu Sex Doll."

"You are not capable of movement or speech, except sexual moans."

"I am not capable of movement or speech, except sexual moans."

"You're only desires and purpose is to be looked at, admired and to have sex with anybody."

"My only desires and purpose is be looked at, admired and to have sex with anybody."

"You have sexual fantasies all the time when no one's around."

"I have sexual fantasies when no one's around."

"Sex is your passion, your mistress."

"Sex is my passion, my mistress."

"Your mouth and pussy is open to anyone."

"My mouth and pussy is open to anyone."

"You remember nothing of your past, it hurts to do so."

"I remember nothing of my past, it hurts to do so."

"You love your mistress Erika so much, you fantasize about her the most."

"I love my mistress and owner Erika so much, I fantasize about her the most."

As her nipples stiffened and drool dipped from open mouth even more so then before, it confirmed that Ash was no long gone. All that was left was Ashleychu, the Pikachu Latex Sex Doll. She was now more an object with limited thought then human.

"Excellent." smiled Erika. "Now we can begin the 2nd part of the party. You see, the girl part has ended, now I've got to show you off and have you "demonstrate" for the male trainers, buyers and investors I've invited for the boy's only party! Your night has only just began!"

Erika left the hall to greet the male gathering of party goers. Ashleychu's mind raced with excitement as she heard the footsteps of many boys and men making their way towards her.

Suddenly, this hell was now become a heaven for her.

The End 


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