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Deep within a dark unknown room were a group of Pokemon trainers, all wearing dark cloaks concealing their identities, stood in a circle. They had all ranged to meet up for a top secret meeting to unleash a secret plan they had been organizing for some time now.

"I trust we all here?" asked one trainer.

"Just about, Clair refused to take part after saying our plan was "pointless and stupid"." replied another.

"Very well then, we shall deal with her later. For now, I'd like to thank you all for coming. You all know why we are here, and what we set out to achieve."

"We do."

"Right then, has the.......boy, been captured?"

"All too easy."

Two trainers wheeled in a boy, strapped to some kind of metal frame. The boy was hooded to hide the location he was in, but otherwise kept clothed, gagged, and unharmed. Upon removing the hood from the boy, he looked dazed, slowly opening his eyes to the blinding light that stung his eyes.

"Mrrrgh?" moaned the boy through his gag.

"Let's get that gag off of you." said one trainer, removing the ball gag as promised.

"What the hell Misty?!?" coughed the boy as the gag came out. "Where are we, and why did you knock me out cold?!?"

The trainers removed their cloaks, revealing who they were.

"Ash." spoke Misty. "I did all those things because of YOU."

"What?" asked a confused Ash.

"After all we've been though, we all thought you would of cared how we felt about you, but instead you ignored us and made out that we were just merely "friends"". Said May.

"I don't understand."

"I was most hurt." said Anabel. "I clearly gave you the right signals that I had feelings towards you, but you were more concerned over my Frontier Symbol."


"I even acted like you to show you we had something in common!" said Dawn.

"You did?"

"I...havent been with you long, but hearing what these "friends" of yours had to say made me feel bad for them." said Iris. "You really ARE just a child."

"That's not true..."

"Enough of this." commanded Erika. "Clearly you hurt most of these girls, which has led them to join my new organization to fight our common cause."


Sabrina and Whitney pulled down a certain in front of Ash to reveal a giant logo featuring all sorts of cute Pokemon and the words Team Cleansing.

"...Team Cleansing?" asked Ash.

"Yes." replied Erika. "Our goal is to remove the veil men from this world and create a new world populated with woman and Pokemon. With science and technology, it is now possibly to give birth to female only babies without the need of a man, so our goal is more then possible. It will soon be a reality, and the world will be a much better place without your kind."

"So you're going to kill all the men?!?"

"Don't be daft, we're not THAT cruel and graphic." said Jasmine as she injected a substance within a needle into Ash's neck.  

"Oww, what the?"

"Remove him from his binds." commanded Erika.

Jasmine did as instructed,  causing Ash to fall on all fours. The boy was in pain, whatever was injected into him was spreading through his bloodstream and veins, ultimately changing his whole D.N.A structure. Ash looked up at his captures, as his eye sight began to blur.

"What...has you done to me?" said a frightened Ash.

"See for yourself." smiled Erika.

As his vision cleared, the changes were becoming more obvious. His arms began to shrink in length, while fingers fused from five into three, and darken until there were black, with a bit of yellow on the upper arms. Looking behind him, Ash's eyes widened as his legs and torso were shrinking too. Ash went from a fine 5'00 to a tiny 2'00 in height, causing him to slip out of his jeans and shirt. Toes fusing into his feet, now black. Yellowing coverings resembling a dress or bellbottom pants now grew out of his now yellow hips right down to his tiny feet. Ash was in pain the whole time from his bone structure bending and twisting into his new form, causing him to hold his head, like the worst headache he ever experienced.

"AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH! MAKE IT STOP!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" He cried, until he felt something within his hair. A stone? No, something shape. He began to fell more of these as he felt the rest of his hair. Before he knew it, a gentle bite hurt his hands.


More pain jolted through his head. It felt like his head was growing in size and in a way, it was. A huge black toothy set of jaws with a yellow dot on top grow from the back of his head, snapping on its own accord like some wild animal. As the transformation was completing, Ash's face turned yellow as well, and tears flowed from his eyes as his hair fell out, and a black flap grow from his forehead. Whatever remained of the former Ash Ketchum was now gone, only leaving a Mawile standing on top of his old human clothes.

"M-M-M-Mawile?" cried the former human, his voice now sounding more feminine. Mawile?!?"

"See, our goal is to turn the male population into cute Pokemon." explained Erica. "And not just that, but into female cute Pokemon as well!"

"And we also thought it would teach you a lesson." said Dawn. "Now, people will look away from your hideous looking self, and you can see how you female "friends" have felt."

"And only your owners will ever love you back." smiled Anabel, as she and Misty picked up Mawile. "From now on, me and Misty will have co-ownership of you!"

Ash could not believe this was happening, feeling humiliated, scared, and eyes flooded with tears. Her human life was taken away from him by the people he called his friends, and now never going to be a Pokemon Master,  but merely just a Pokemon for their twisted vision, and a female one at that too. She loved Pokemon so much, but felt like a monster at her appearance. An effect of her gender change? Possible. So many things going through her mind, like what would Misty and Anabel do with her, how would her mother feel never seeing her again, how would she be fluent in the Pokemon language, what on earth would a Pokeball feel like? Life was never going to be the same again.

"D'aww, think we better cheer you up." smiled Misty as she took out a Pokeball from her pocket, unleashing the Pokemon inside.

"Riolu!" chanted the cheerful blue Pokemon.

Misty and Anabel placed Mawile in front of the Riolu. She took a good look at the happy blue Pokemon in front of her, feeling unusual as she did. What was this she was feeling now? Now longer sad, she was feeling happy, blushing even. Her Poke heart raced beating like a drum and pulse throbbing like crazy. Was this...love? Was this how the other girls felt towards her as a human? Even if it wasn't, it felt good to her, but she did not want to keep the feeling within her heart, that was the only thing hurting her. She wanted to express this love as desperately as possible, and without warning, she launched herself at the Riolu and gave the Pokemon a big hug. Her eyes now two pink lovehearts and her open smile a drooling fountain, the Riolu smiled and hugged her back.

"AWWWWWWWWW, WAY TOO CUTE!!!!!" Smiled Erika, as she got out her phone to take a picture, and the other girls' did likewise.

"Say Misty." whispered Anabel in Misty's ear. "You don't think this is a little disturbing considering who that Riolu once was?"

"Naaah, that Gary had it coming." replied Misty. "I mean those cheerleaders he always had? Obvious womanizer. Still, good thing we found a way to make Attract work for same sex Pokemon."

"I'd say." said Anabel.

From that day on, Erika's dream grew as more men her and her members were turned into Pokemon and more women joined the growing organization. As to those that opposed, such as Clair, they met the same fate as the men, turning into Pokemon as Clair make a surprisingly cute Dratini. The next step was eliminating the evil organizations such as Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, and Team Galactic. Guys like Giovanni were turning into "cuties" like Jigglypuff and Pichu. Male henchmen met the same fate, while female members were given the chance to join them or their fello male co-workers. Most joined Team Cleansing while some like Jessie kicked up a fuss. Ah Jessie, she made a cute Happiny. As for Team Plasma, the less said about them the better, such a tragic turn of events for another once proud evil organization.

Mawile meanwhile could care less about what was happening. She was too happy in her new life as a Pokemon with her trainers Misty and Anabel, whom would have bi-weekly ownership of her. Two weeks with Misty and her sister and Riolu, two with Anabel and her lover Greta, and Riolu by her side all the time, as well as her other friends like Brock (Chatot), Tracy (Poliwag), Richie (Snivy) and Paul (Mime Jr.), all as female and happy as she was.

As all the evil organizations fell, Team Cleansing soon took order and began their ultimate goal. Men and boys were captured by force in mass groups, soon made worse when the organization took control of the police and the Officer Jennys. Everyday, the male population decreased while the cute Pokemon one skyrocketed. Some men took to hiding, living underground to avoid capture, but the enemy was too great, and soon they met the same fate as everyone else.

Years passed, and men were no more. A dream became a reality.  

The End    


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