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It was a bright sunny day upon the busy city of Tokyo. Birds singing, families enjoying what little weekend time they have by going out on such a gorgeous day, Sailor Guardians making the most of their even more restricted weekends, for monster attacks have no pattern nor schedule. As such, the guardians of Mercury and Mars, Ami and Rei Hino respectively, were making the most of their free weekend. Or at least, one of them was. 

“I don't see why I have to spend my weekend cooked up in a library Ami.” Rei sighed, having agreed to spend a day with her friend. “I'm no Usagi, but I do want to have some time not thinking about studying.”

“We'll just be there for an hour.” Ami explained. “There are a couple of books I wish to borrow and read up on while I'm there.”

“Can't you just borrow the books and take them home with you to read in the evening?” Rei asked. 

“Last time I did that, an enemy caught me by surprise and slashed a book I borrowed in half.” Ami answered. “Was not cheap to replace either, that was a first edition. I am grateful they did not take away my library card after that!” 

“Fair point I guess.” Rei sighed again. “Still, it's just so nice today. After we're done, we should stop for ice cream and....”

“HEY WATCH IT!” A teenage boy bumped into Rei, interrupting her in mid speech and spilt his soft drink all over Rei. “YOU DUMB BIMBO! NOW LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!”

“Hey, I was looking where I was going mister!” Rei spoke angrily as her favorite top and skirt were ruined. “Look what you've done to my clothes!”

“Not my damn problem bitch, you should of stayed outta my way!” the boy replied. 

“I think it would be wise to pay for my friend's cleaning bill.” Ami pointed out. 

“Butt out of this dumbass.” the boy roared at Ami, then looked at his watch. “GREAT, and now I'm late! Later dumb bitches...”

“Hey wait!” Rei shouted as the boy jogged off in a hurry. “That son of a bitch, who does he think he is?!? He ruins my clothes, insults us, and then runs off before paying for his idiocy!”

“He....call me....dumb?” Ami looked stunned, insulted by such remarks. 

“Hey don't worry about it Ami. He does not know you, how can he know how smart you really are?”

“I suppose that's true...”

“Come on, let's go get out sweet revenge on him.”

“What? But Rei, we're Sailor Guardians! We cannot just do something like that! We defend the people and the planet from evil!” 

“The greatest evil is not teaching that jerk a lesson! Come on, we don't even have to transform, I got an idea that'll sort him out for good!”

“Well, I suppose...”

Later that day, the boy from earlier sat in his bedroom playing videogames, the latest Sailor Moon game to be exact. 

“Silly bitches.” he muttered. “That slip up cost me five minutes of free time. They're nothing like the hot bitches in this videogame. That Mars and even that Mercury chick are way more hotter and sexier then them!”

Just as the boy was about to pull off the button combo for Sailor Mars' Fire Soul attack, he was interrupted by a knock at his door. 

“DAMNIT! Who the hell could that be?!?”  

The boy got up from the floor he was sat on and walked over to the front door to answer it. To his surprise when he opened the door, he was greeted by two familiar faces. 

“You bitches?” the boy responded. “Why the hell are you here?”

“That any way you treat people at the door?” Rei asked. 

“If it's about the damn clothes, I'm not paying up. I told you to stay out of my way you dumbass.”

“Right, I thought you would say that, which is why we came prepared.” Rei unexpectedly smiled. 

“Prepared? What do you...” Before the boy could finish, a bright light shined right in front of him, blinding him temporary. 

“WHAT DA FU...” The boy yelled, before feeling ever so strange around his whole body and then he passed out cold. 

The boy awoke much later in darkness. He had no idea where he was, shivering as it felt a bit cold. 

“What the hell am I?” he muttered. “Is this a cave?”

While his dark surroundings did seem shaped like a cave, the walls felt nothing like stone of rock, rather like a fabric of sorts. 

“This is weird, perhaps if I walk down here, I'll find a way out.”

The boy only walked a short distance before he could see light within an opening, to which he ran towards it. Once he reached the exit however, he was met again by two familiar faces, but unlike any way he had possibly imagined. 

“Hey there little guy!” Rei grinned at the boy, looking many times larger then before, like a giantess. 

“Oh my, he really IS little.” Ami giggled as she made her first genitalia joke. 

“What the....” The boy looked down, finally realizing he was indeed naked. As he covered up his manhood the best he could with his hands, he looked back at the tunnel he walked out of, now seeing it was his shirt sleeve. Noticing his other clothing laid under his shirt, reality had caught up with him. He had indeed shrunk. “How is this possible?!?”

“You're living in a city that gets attack by monsters every week that are chased away by heroines in Sailor suits and yet the concept of shrinking seems impossible to you?” Rei looked down at the boy, wondering just how dumb he really was. “Wake up kiddo.”

“I'M EIGHTEEN YOU STUPID COW!” The boy yelled. 

“Really? Because I'd imagine you'd be taller.” Rei stomped her foot, causing the boy to trip over. “I'd say you're more of a baby, would'nt you agree Ami?”

“Erm yes.” Ami replied. “And just as noisy too!” 

“Darn right. And since you were extremely rude to us earlier on, I think baby needs a little lesson on discipline.”

“.....un oh.” The boy also realised what he was in for, knowing full well from his BDSM doujin reading that bad things happen to the one being dominated on. As a reaction he began crawling quickly back into his shirt sleeve, only for Rei to pick up the sleeve to cause the boy to slide out like a dry water slide into Rei's hand. 

“Aww, baby learned how to crawl!” Ami teased. 

“You change me back now!” the boy demanded. “I'll go to the authorities about this!”

“It's ten miles from here to the police.” Rei pointed out. “It would take you forever to get there, assuming no cat or dog has made you it's crew toy or lunch!”

“Besides if we do decide to change you back, who's going to believe you?” Ami continued. “We can easily make up alibis, you'll just viewed as crazy.”

“And who said you can talk back to us that way?” Rei twisted her hand to drop the boy onto the floor. While not the shortest high, the carpet cushioned his fall enough for only slight bruising on his behind. 

“OWW!” The boy moaned. “That hur...”

Interrupting his moaning was Rei's naked foot crushing down on top of him, with his head poking out in-between Rei's big toe and second toe. The raven haired girl did not apply too much pressure, but enough to at least pin him down and smother the boy with her foot.

“OH GOD...” The boy yelled, the scent of the foot was multiplied even more due to his shrunken stage. “THAT'S....UGH.”

“You sure you're not suffocating him?” a concerned Ami asked. 

“Nahh, I'm being careful.” Rei replied. “Besides, giving the thing I feel poking at my foot, I think the little pervert is enjoying it.”

“Oh my.” Ami giggled. “Can I have a go?”

“Sure.” Rei lifted her foot and picked up the boy to give to Ami. He was already sweating from the warmth emanating from Rei's foot and gasping for fresh air. No chance for escape then. 

“Hmm, I know!” Ami took off her shoe then her sock. “In you go!”

“Nooooo!” the boy screamed as Ami dropped the boy into the sock. Ami then put the sock back onto her foot, ensuring she positioned the boy correctly inside, then she sat down on the floor, lifting her leg to show her friend the boy inside. 

“Great one Ami!” Rei smiled as she looked closer. “How is he?”

“Hehheh, he's scworming a bit in there....haha, tickles a bit!” Ami laughed. 

“Think he still likes it!” Rei poking and the flicked her finger at the bulge shape inside the outline of the boy. “Such a rude little pervert.”

“MMMMMMRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” The boy muffled his moans through the sock from the smell of Ami's foot and having himself stroked in such an unusual manner. 

“HAHA, His vibrating moans are tickling me more! HAHAHA!” Ami laid onto her back, holding her sides from the tickling from her foot. 

After about five minutes of this unlikely ordeal, Rei unrolled Ami's sock, revealing the boy stuck to Ami's foot thanks to all the sweat and...”sticky-ness” keeping him plastered on. 

“Enjoyed your stay in my friend's foot?” Rei winked.  

“FU.....YO.....” The boy breathed heavily, exhausted from his humiliation. 

“Thank you for making me laughed!” Ami thanked her socked captive. “What shall we do with him now Rei?”

“Hmm, well I think he's enjoying the foot play a little bit...too much.” Rei pealed the boy off of Ami's foot. “Think we need something a little more...humiliating!”

As Rei turned her head scanning the bedroom they were in for either an item to use or something that would spark a new idea, her eyes locked onto a large item that was perfect.

“Ah a dolls house!” Rei got up to walk towards the pink plastic house on the table. “That outta be perfect!”

“Oh yeah.” Ami wiped her wet foot before getting up. “He should be the correct size for playing dollies with!”

“Oh no...” The boy feared as he was dropped in front out the house. 

“Now let's see now.” Rei looked at the line up of dolls next to the house, each wearing girly attire that would make any boy ashamed to be wearing. “How about this one?”

“Perfect!” Ami agreed. Rei proceeded in undressing the doll and the forcefully slipped it onto the shrunken boy. 

“Ta...daa!” Rei let out a pleasant smile at her handy work. The body was now dressed in a blue dress similar the one from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The boy blushed red of embarrassment, knowing if he objecte and took the dress off, he would be punished more. “Aww, baby's looking a little shy!”

“How cute!” Ami giggled. “What do you think our dolly wants to do?”

“I think dolly's hungry from all that foot service.” Rei grabbed the body, opened the doll house, then moved the boy like playing with a doll towards the kitchen. “Let's get you settled in!”

To hold him into his plastic chair, Rei took some table off a dusty study table and taped the boy's whist to the back of the chair, along with his arms, then moved him forward towards the plastic table. 

“Now you're ready for dinner!” Ami smiled. 

“...and what is for dinner exactly?” the boy asked, not entirely sure why he asked, probably out of fear of what would happen if he did not play along.

“MY FOOT!” Rei lifted up her leg and placed her foot onto the plastic table. “With toes for desert!” 

Letting out a sigh, the boy leaned his head forward and proceeded to further foot licking. Once the bottom of the foot was entirely wet, Rei then poked her toes into the boy's mouth. While they did not fit, the boy's mouth was pressed up against each toe in turn lick a huge fist in his mouth and began a mix of licking and sucking at the toes as if they were nipples or a tasty peach, only more foul. The whole time, Rei giggled and grinned from the sensation of tickling she felt and the feeling of being so dominate towards the boy. Needless to say, she could feel herself getting off from it. 

Once down, Rei backed her foot away from the table and doll house. The boy once again gasped for air from his drool dripping mouth, unable to wipe his mouth. 

“Think we've done enough to this little boy.” Rei grinned. 

“Does...does that mean...I can go?” the boy puffed. 

“Oh no.” Rei wagged her finger. “This was merely our revenge. YOU need to learn to have more respect for girls.”

“Which is why we took you to this room in question.” Ami continued. “Don't worry, we'll be back in about a week...”

“Maybe longer.” Rei added. 

“Yes, maybe and then we'll turn you back to normal.”

The two young women began to walk out of the room, leaving the boy bound to the chair in the dolls house. 

“Bye bye!” both girls waved in the doorway then left. 

“Thank god they're gone!” the boy breathed a sigh of relief. “I guess I can survive a week, all I'm missing is precious videogame and alone time. I'm sure whoever lives here can't be as bad as those two. A week's a week, even if it's longer, the time should fly...”

Just then, the door to the room slammed open to reveal a new girl to the boy. She seemed to be mopey. 


She stopped moaning when she saw her dolls house was open and what looked like an unfamiliar male doll sitting in the kitchen chair. As she walked towards the house and looked forward, she noticed it was a real boy.

“Chibiusa! Why is there a tiny crossdressing boy in my dolls house?” the girl asked. 

Just then, a younger pink haired girl entered the room.

“Oh that.” Chibiusa replied. “Apparently that boy was rude to Rei chan and Ami chan, so they shrank him down to teach him a lesson.” 

“Is that so?” Usagi grinned as some ideas entered her head. “You know, I may already have a boyfriend, but I think it would be okay playing with a tiny little boy.”

“I get what what you mean.” Chibiusa walked over towards the doll house to look closely like her mother was doing. “I think we BOTH can have a little playtime with this “dolly”.”

As the two new girls grinned and began thinking of crazy things to do to the bound boy, he could only shiver in fear from the week he was about to have, only able to mutter...


The End?



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