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I awoke in a daze, laying what felt to be grass and my eyes confirmed as such as they opened. As the gears in my head slowly began to start up again, I tried to recall what exactly happened last. I remembered I was walking down my street making my way home when suddenly, I fell. I did not trip or get knocked over, but it was like I had turned into a ghost and simply just fell through the concert pathway I was walking on. Feeling like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, there was nothing but darkness surrounding me as I fell at an intense pace. Looking downwards, a tiny round spec of light was my indication that there was a least a bottom to this hole, but it only made me panic more knowing there was a bottom, as from this height, how the heck was I going to survive. Soon enough, I fell out of the darkness into the sky as I flapped my arms as a reaction, for I was so scared of dying from the drop, and having seeing I was heading for the ground below had not resurred my chances at survival. Rather then die on impact, I merely hit the ground and got knocked unconscious.

As to now, I sat up to take my surroundings in. It looked like I had fallen into a forest, one I did not recognise. Then again, I did not know of any forests that resided underneath me or my street, but regardless it could have been a hole in space and time that took me to another part of the earth. Anything was possible. Just then, a rustle in the bushes in front of me. As I crawled slowly to check it out, a tiny bird jumped out, tweeting happily at my presence. I on the other hand looked at awe at this bird in front of me. 

“A Fetchling?” I muttered in surprise. Had one of my closest fanboy dreams come true? “No, this has gotta be a dream or something!”

A painful pinch of my cheeks seem to confirm that this was no dream. Somehow I had fallen into the realm of the Pokemon World, a place I had thought only existed within the carts of my favourite videogame and as illustrated as the animated series. I gazed at myself and my surrounding again and I had only noticed something was different. Everything including myself looked like it was part of the cartoon. Not necessary hard drawn as the show was more digital these days, but certainly I was a living breathing anime character. Oh if only the fanfic writers could seem me now. 

I decide to look around the forest in hope of reaching a Pokemon Center or a town at least so I could figure out what to do next. Being in a forest of course, there was the danger of running into wild Pokemon. What could happen, could one hurt or even kill me, or am I living in the laws of cartoon logic? Even so, that Lucario and his friend did not exactly make it out alive in that Pokemon movie I saw, nor that Latios from another movie. Even if I found a town, then what? I had no past here, let alone a job. Would an Officer Jenny believe me or just thing of me as an insane person? Could I even qualify for a Starter Pokemon, or maybe like the games I can only hope someone offers me a free Lapras for doing nothing. Even when I do sort myself out, then what? Do I look for a way home so I can see my loved ones again, or do I settle with this dream made a reality? Still, suppose it beats being turned into a Pokemon and spending hours and hours exploring and grinding through dungeons. Man oh man, those games were annoying like that. 

I soon discovered a lake on my travels. There had been no sign of any Center or civilization so far, but I could at least stop and get a look at my anime self as it were. I looked down onto my reflection. The first thing that caught my eyes were actually my long big anime eyes. They looked quite strange to look out, but felt like my normal eyes. I can't imagine what it must be like to get something in these eyes, but must be painful. My hair had become a tad bit spikey, nothing like Gary Oak or Ash, but more normal anime hair like say...many like Kenny or Barry from Diamond and Pearl, just ordinary secondary, minor or background character hair. The rest of my face was just as I imagined, just like any anime character. I felt my hair a little, feeling it grace through my fingers felt just like my real life hair. Till of course, something really caught my eyes.

“Red?” I pulled at a tiny lock of my hair. For some reason, it was now a bright rose red colour and pulling on it did not hurt because it was actually growing longer.  Soon, more of my hair started to turn into the same shade of red and grow to the point where I had long straight red hair! “What is this?!?”

Alarm bells were finally starting to ring. I had gone from calm and accepting my fate in this world to becoming scared and confused as to what was going on with my body as my whole self started to feel strange. A look of my hands made me notice they had shrunk, more thinner and delicate then before, then suddenly they felt more like rubber as a pair of long black gloves formed around my hands and my arms. A sharp pain hurt my ears as two orb earrings appeared, now hung from them. As the rest of my body was changing shape and losing weight and size, my clothes were also changing. My jeans now split into two as a gap on each leg formed just below my crotch. The bottom part of the jeans merged with my trainers and changed in texture, much like the gloves they were becoming a matching pair of black rubber boots. The top part of my jeans transformed into a white skirt while most strangely, my underwear began to feel much more softer and less tighter around my manhood, though I let out a groan as it felt like my downstairs department was having a complete renovation, parts moved around and other were reshaped and altered. My t-shirt was next, shrinking in sizes and shape from a man's shirt to a woman's black top, while a small white jacket formed as a top layer over the black top. It was only when seeing a logo form on the jacket that I started to realize what was happening to me, a simple red capital R appeared on the front.     

“Rocket?” I muttered. “I'm turning into....Jessie?”

My voice suddenly turned up a higher tone to that of a woman's, I had sounded exactly like the character I was turning into. At this point, my now completely red hair had grown longer, way below my butt which was one thing that had gotten bigger and peachy on my body as well. The hair then began to levitate in the air, forming into the gravity defying hairstyle I knew too well. Even now that I had experienced it, I still did not understand the science of its levitation. As I felt my face change, my lips grow more fuller and I could taste the taste of lipstick, two round shape orbs grew attached to my chest, growing larger till they reached the size of coconuts, hanging firmly from my chest. Looking at my reflection once more confirmed what I knew earlier, I had become Jessie from Team Rocket!

“I'm Jessie?!?” I yelped in her voice now my own. I then proceed to grope my newly formed breasts, letting out a small moan as they were more sensitive then I had ever imagined. My skin felt more silky smooth, no longer coated in manly body hair. A squeeze of my butt confirmed how much more fuller and cushion-ier it had become. It almost felt good to grab it. 

“OOO, a girl could get used to this!” I spoke trying to say it as Jessie might. “Feels just as good as when Meowth smacks my ass jokingly.....wait...”

A sudden pain pierced into my head, as if a new memory had forced it's way into my mind. New memories started to bloom, memories that were not mind but I knew them by heart. Losing my mother at a young age, the orphanage I lived in, the many boys that had broken my heart, failing to become a Nurse Joy, the bike gang, meeting...those two as we trained and joined the most evil organization, chasing after that bo....twerp to get that Pikachu for many years too! The times we came close, the heartache of saying goodbye to my Pokemon, the best time of my life spent with those two, the motto....oh that motto I will never tire of announcing. 

These were the memories of Jessie! But wait, I am Jessie arnt I? I mean, I've certainly never been a boy before or know any other world aside from the Pokemon World right? Yeah, why am I ever doubting myself? I am Jessie of Team Rocket! I live by the organization that aims for world domination! And we can only achieve such a dream by catching rare and valuable Pokemon! Yes, that is who I am and who I've always been!

As I clutched my fist and did my trademark laugh, a voice called out to me.

“Jessie! There you are!” James amerged from the bushes along with Meowth. 

“What took you two so long?” I moaned. “I've been waiting here doing Arceus knows what out of boredom waiting for you losers!”

“Sorry but when we blast off all the time, it's not always easy to land all together ya know?” Meowth explained. “Anyway, we found da twerps again, they're not far from here!”

“Yeah, we might have another chance to fail, I mean plan another way to catch that Pikachu!”

“Great, then let's go get those twerps!” I ordered as we all ran into the woods to where ever those twerps currently were! Even though I had spend a great deal of my life chasing that Pikachu I knew deep down in my heart even if we keep failing for all eternity, I would at least fail forever with the people that matter most to me. 

And the day we capture Pikachu, I will know it would of all been worth it.    

The End


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