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Awakening from her own darkness, a young woman moans as she slowly opens her eyes. Once her mind wakes up, she observes her surrounds, a basement with all kinds of sexual devices, made to bond and pleasure it's victims. She found her wrists and ankles strapped to an X Frame, unable to speak from the big bright red ballgag in her mouth, while looking down she saw she was dressed in her strapless green bra and green thong. Confused, she wondered how the heck she got here, and at that moment, she remembered working at her desk on her computer. She had worked for so long on commissions, darkness began to fill the room, the only light glowing was from the computer screen. At some point during the night, a pair of hands emerged from the darkness and placed a cloths over her mouth. As much as she struggled, the person certainly worked out regularly, so she was no match from breaking free as she breathed in the chloroform soaked rag. Eyes becoming heavy and mind beginning to shut down, she passed out in no time, becoming limbless on the chair she sat on. She had no idea who would do this. She was a well respected artist on the Internet and had no enemies she knew of, but as her captor came down the stairs of the basement, it all became clear.

“So, we've return from the land of nod now have we?” said Misty, the Water Type Gym Leader, walking towards the girl. She stopped in front of the captured beauty, as she watched her struggled free from her binds. “It's no use, you're strapped in pretty tightly. No one will be able to hear your muffled moans down here.”

“Mfff mrpghhhh!” moaned the girl.

“Look at you now, the famous artist becoming the captured victim, not that you had it coming!”


“I know ALL about those pictures you drew of me, under that username of yours, KAS. You may of thought you got away with it, but I knew something was up the way people have been treating me, always whistling at me and shouting “TAKE OFF YOUR TOP, SHOW US YOUR TITTIES LIKE IN YOUR PICS!” at me. Oh sure, there are others that drew me in suggestive ways, you've not only draw me in latex and such, but you've also hypnotized me personally and taken photos and videos to post on your blog! I may not remember anything you made me do, but looking at the content, I don't want to know.”

At that point, Misty grabbed Kas's bra and snapped it off with such strength, then proceeding to pinch her nipples, making Kas moan in pleasure.

“But I know EXACTLY what I'm gonna do to you!”

“Mfthhhhhhh!” Kas screamed into her gag.

Misty played around with her respectable C Cup breasts for a little while, squeezing them, pinching, then gently biting at the nipples.

“Got quite the sensitive boobies, haven't ya? To be honest, I didnt expect you to be a girl. A pervert like you would most likely be a guy for sure.” 


“Take that as a yes then.”

Misty looked down at a certain soaked area as she slipped off Kas's thong.

“This sorta thing turning you on huh? Can't have you enjoying this punishment, and believe me, you WON'T be enjoying what I've got lined up for you! This is just the start and for my OWN pleasure!”

The angry redhead stepped towards a table in the room, displaying all kinds of sex toys, dildos, accessories and such, but what Misty picked out was a razor blade and a can of shaving cream. 

“Tut tut, who fired the gardener?” sighed Misty, pointing as the bush concealing her captive's womanhood. “Can't be having any of that!! I want to see you full view as I shove stuff right up your holes and watch you cum like a slutty whore!”  

Spraying the shaving cream on her hand, Misty applied the white stuff all over Kas's pubic hair until not a single hair was visible, submerged as she rubbed it all over Kas's crotch. 

“Mrphhhh” moaned Kas at the sensation of Misty's fingers rubbing her pussy. 

“Now hold still or you'll get cut.”

Misty began to shave the hair and cream off with a razor, making sure she was gentle and careful not to cut her victim. She was very angry with her, but she had no intention of harming her by extreme measures, just dishing out of dose of her own medicine. Not that Kas knew that, she had no idea what was going to happen to her, but she stayed as still as possible while her favorite subject shaved her bushy vagina. 

“There we go! One shaven vagina!”

Kas moaned a sigh of relief through her gag.

“Maybe I phone Ash and Brock to come round and fuck you in both holes?” teased Misty.


“Heh heh, that made you sweat buckets didn't it? The idea of being fucked by guys?”


“Well, if you behave and do as you're told, I'll hold off on the guys. Now let's unstrap you.”

Misty began to undo the straps from Kas's wrists then ankles. Kas took no action, as Misty took her by the wrist, sat down and placed her on her lap, with Kas laying on her belly, then handcuffing her hands behind her back. 

“Bad girls need to be punished!” Misty grinned, holding up the largest spanking paddle Kas had ever since in her life, making her eyes widened in horror. With a swing of the paddle:


A huge pain jolted throughout Kas's body, from ass straight up to mind.


“Yeah, how'd you like that?”


Misty swung the paddle again, harder this time, on Kas's ass.


“Sucks when you have to go through humiliating things you don't like, isnt it? Not as sexy in your drawings is it?”

Misty swatted Kas's ass a few more times until it was a bright sore red. Kas breathed heavily through her gag, the pain of being spanked on her cute girl ass was a bit much for her to take. Her eyes widened at the sight Misty showed her.

“Hmm, now I wonder if you've ever used one of these?” Misty teased, poking Kas's cheek with the seven inch dildo in her hand. “Now where should I put this? In your pussy, or up your ass?”

“MRRRRPH MRRRRPPPPH!” Kas shook her head as much as she could in predicament.

“It's either the dildo fucking, or I shave all the hair off your head. What's it going to be?”

The bound girl paused, she didnt want to be fucked with a dildo, but then she didnt want to lose her pretty short hair. Making her mind up without words, she shook her ass left and right, like a mating call to be fucked.

“Alright, pussy it is!” Misty smirked as she rammed the dildo up Kas's pussy.

“MRRRRRRRRPPPPH!” Kas screamed through her gag. The dildo was too big for her to handle, being the very thing that took her virginity. It only got worse as Misty switched on the vibrate setting, making Kas moan even more as she started to feel pleasure like she never experienced before. Misty meanwhile started jerking the dildo in and out of Kas's vagina to simulate fucking. The bound artist got wet and horny as the rubber cock rubbed her inner walls, causing them to throb as it vibrated her inner core. Misty started slow, but then sped up, increasing the vibration and the thrusting as Kas moaned in pleasure more often and louder as an orgasm built up inside her. This went on for five minutes till she could not take it any longer. Her juices were about to explode out of her.

“MRRRRPH, MRRRRPPPPH, MRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!” Kas moaned as she came, squirting her love juices all over Misty's hand and arm. 

“My, you're quite the healthy girl arnt you?” Misty commented as she slide the wet sticky dildo out. She then placed Kas down on the floor so she was on her knees., puffing out of her gag and spilling the rest of her juices on the cold stone floor. The twisted Gym Leader then returned to the table, putting down the dildo and picked up something else, a Pokeball. Opening it up, a Poliwag popped out of the Pokeball. 

“I got this little guy when a breed my Politoad with my Horsea.” Misty explained. “Ideal considering what it can learn at Level Eight...”

Kas's eyes began to widen as Poliwag's own eyes began to glow green.

“That's right Poliwag, use Hypnosis. See, I've trained it's attack to perfection so that the Hypnosis is permanent, unless I undo it.”   

Kas paid no attention to Misty as her eyes were locked dead on at Poliwag. At first she was dizzy, but then her head began to freeze, losing all free will and mind being emptied by the hypnotic eyes and swirl on Poliwag.

“That's right Kas, you're now open to any suggestion and command I give you. You will do anything I tell you to do and you will do it with objection because my demands turn you on! You get horny when I tell you to do stuff and even hornier when you perform my tasks. Do you understand my Slave?”

As if to respond to her hypnotic suggestion, Kas drooled out of her gag and her other mouth, soaked the floor with her spit and again her love juices. Eyes now stuck in a deep trance, Kas was now nothing more then Misty's slave, one that would do anything her Mistress said, from fucking boys to teven fucking Pokemon if Misty ordered it. 

“Let's get you out of those bonds. Our fun is only just beginning!” 

Misty began by uncuffing Kas, then removing her ball gag. Drool spat out of Kas as she sat with a blank stare in her eyes and her tongue stuck out like a panting dog. 

“Now my pet, you will not say a word unless I tell you, got it? You are nothing more then my sex pet who is not capable of speech since pets cannot talk. Understand?”

So that she understood the order, Kas nodded with a perverted smile. 

“Yes that's right you sexed up bitch, you worship the ground I walk on and your only purpose in life is to give me pleasure and for me to do whatever I desire to you. Now, since you've got that tongue of yours out, I think my pussy deserves some attention.”

Unhooking her suspenders, Misty pulled down her shorts and panties, while slipping out of her shoes and sock, stepping out of the pile of clothes and sitting back down, opening her legs wide open to grant her pet to her womanhood.

“Come right in my pet!”

Accepting her Mistress's initiation, Kas crawled to her pussy, giving it a big lick with her wet sloppy tongue before inserting it inside of Misty, stroking her inner pussy walls up and down and sucking whatever juices came out. Kas continued pleasuring Misty, increasing in speed happily with great passion, like Misty was a tasty treat. The Tomboy Gym Leader's breath grew heavy, her body growing hotter and hotter until she had to take off her bright yellow top, revealing her bra less breasts and cupping them both her hands, squeezing them and rotating them in a circular motion, which teasing her own nipples with her fingers and teeth, nibbling each one a few times. She had her womanhood licked before, but Kas was clearly an expert, hitting the right spots with her tongue. 


Misty came to what had to be the best oral sex she had ever experienced, as Kas welcomed the onslaught of her Mistress's juices and swallowing every drop. Once finished, Kas returned to a natural state, backing away and awaiting further orders.

“I.....could get used....to this.” puffed Misty. “Best you programmed this into my mind didnt you? That your tongue would give me the best orgasms and feel a hundred times better then anything else, right?”

Kas nodded.

“Naughty girl. Think I need to relive myself another way. Keep your mouth open.”

Kas did as instructed, while Misty stood up, so that her vagina was right in front of her slave. A golden yellow stream of pee poured out of Misty, into Kas's mouth. Kas had no objections, happily accepting her Mistress's waste, letting it dip and fall out of her mouth, despite how it may of taste. Once finished, Misty moaned in relief from depositing all her pee out. She gazed at her pet, who's body was now wet yellow in her piss as the pee kept dripping out of Kas's mouth until it was all gone. 

“Good girl.” Misty stroked her pet's hair. “Get yourself cleaned up.”

Misty handed Kas a bottle of water and Kas began to wash out the pee from her mouth and body the best she could and as sexy as she could, rubbing her breasts and vagina in the process to make sure she was squeaky clean for her Mistress.

“Very good my pet. We can't have you smelling of my piss now can we? Now then, I think we need to make you look more the part as my pet. 

Misty walked over to the table where she got out a small box from underneath. Taking the lid off, she revealed what looked like a latex costume of a Pokemon, hood and all, and bright baby blue. Taking it out of the box, she also revealed the Pokemon it resembled. 

“Reckon this'll be quite fitting, after all those times you made me don that Psyduck latex suit against my will. Yes, this Ducklett suit will do you just fine!”

Misty threw the suit right at Kas's feet, pointing at it before ordering;

“Put it on!”

Kas did as she was order, slipping and stretching her legs into the bright yellow legs and feet of the suit. The only opening to the suit was the wide stretchy mouth which as it reached up her hips, looked like the suit was eating her up, like how a Ducklett would swallow it's food. Forcing her arms and hands inside the winged arm slots, it was only a matter of moving around and swarming her body about to properly fit into the suit before her hands were slotted it correctly and her hood had submerged her whole head. Kas did the best she could putting the suit on, before Misty walked over to help her with the final adjustments, making sure her breasts were correctly positions in the suit, that the hood met at eye level so Kas could see, making sure the beak was properly attached to her lips and jaw to open and close at will, and so on. Once finished, the artist know as Kas looked nothing more then a shiny human shaped Ducklett, standing to attention, only expressing that goofy smile of her Ducklett suit as her real face was hidden. 

“Excellent!” Misty grinned.  “Now you really are my pet and really look the part! From now on, not only will you be unable to speak, you can only make the sounds of a Ducklett. Is that understood?”

“Quack!” Kas responded. 

“Good. Now there's something I've wanted to do to you for the longest time. Get down on all fours.”

Once more, Kas do as she was told, getting down on all for her Mistress. 

“I've got someone who's just dying to meet you!” Misty spoke with her almost evil smile, picking up a Pokeball from the table and opening it up. Jumping out was the embarrassment of her Pokemon team, Psyduck. “Now Psyduck, I want you to fuck this gir-I mean Ducklett!”

Not needing to be told twice, the horny Pokemon waddled over to the bright blue ass in front of him. The cock within him began to poke out of his body and erect to its full extent. However, the yellow Pokemon's cock could not reach the honey pot in front of him, as he required Misty to hand him a stool to stand on. With this problem solved, Psyduck inserted his throbbing dick into Kas, causing her to moan like she never moaned in pleasure before.


With his webbed hands placed on Kas's ass, Psyduck began to hump the Ducklett girl before him, thrusting in and out as his Pokehood rubbed against the wet inner pussy walls, making the two one in an arousing sexual act that was very taboo to most People, but Kas did not care as she quacked in sexy moans. Whatever her mistress wanted, she did with no objections, and that allow raised her pleasure and hornyness, making her and Psyduck cum over and over as their love juices merged into one dripping mess.

“Consider this payback for all the Pokemon you had fuck me you bitch. Yes, you will now be the one that gets off from Pokemon fucking. Unlike trainers who wanted to catch them all, you want to fuck them all! All six hundred odd and more from every region, every planet, every space in the galaxy, they all turn you on! Because you are nothing more then a Pokemon in heat, MY horny slutty Pokemon in heat! This is your life from now on, not your old one of drawings, but of Pokemon fucking and doing as I command. Understand, Ducklett?”

“QUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!” Kas came with another orgasm, almost like a yes to Misty. 

“Hahahahahaha!” Misty laughed. “My days as your fucking model and hypno fetish toy are over!”

As Kas fell on the floor from the sexual fun she had with Psyduck, the yellow duck panted as well, amazed at how good Kas' pussy felt against, even though it caused him to have a big headache. To his displeasure, Misty tapped him hardly on the back of the head.

“Okay you hopeless duck, back in the Pokeball.” Misty ordered her real Pokemon.

“Psy....” the duck sighed, who really enjoyed the experience of fucking a human girl. He really did not want to stop, not while he was still erect and willing for more.

“I said back in the Pokeball you dumb duck!”

Snapping from his Mistress's screeching nagging, Psyduck turned it head towards Misty, while his eyes glowed a bright blue. It was the usual sign of the duck's psychic abilities activating once his headache got so bad. The sexual stress and moans of his trainer really built up the headache so much, it gave him a new ability, one he knew Misty would hate the most. As Misty starred into Psyduck's mesmerizing eyes, she felt a familiar feeling, a dazed one that make her less independent and gave her a growing desired to being ordered around and obeying. It was now too late as Misty had once again fallen under hypnosis, this time from her own Pokemon. 

“.....your wish is my command, Master.” Misty spoke as she stood to attention. A blue glow surrounded her whole body as a new layer of skin grew and streaked over her whole body, one made of rubbery latex and coloured in the same yellow as her master. Her hands and feet now coated in rubbery gloves and socks now tied her fingers and toes together to look like webbed fingers and toes. Her breasts grew an extra cup size within the rubber as did her already large butt, with added pointy tail. The head got the most attention, growing a large rubber beak where Misty's mouth was, while her head looked like she was wearing a bright yellow swimming cap that fitted all over her head except the eyes, which were concealed inside fake see through rubber oval eyes. While her bright orange hair was hidden inside the latex, three fake rubber black hair sprung up on the top of her hair. As this went on, her mind reformatted. No longer Misty the Cerulean Gym Leader, she was now just a sex crazed Pokemon, hunger for her Master's cock, as she quacked;

“PSYDUCK DUCK DUCK, PSYDUCK!” She smiled inside her Psyduck outfit, able to breath and be fucked through holes in her outfit. Crawling from her rest, Kas crawled over to Misty and stood up in front of her, giving her a big hug.

“QUACK QUACK!” Kas smiled as her breasts pressed up against Misty's own.

“PSY PSY PSY DUCK!” Misty also smiled, both girls still in their Pokemon duck roles.

“Psyduck Psy!” The only real Pokemon Psyduck ordered the girls, as they crawled on all fours towards their Master. Once there, they both starred at the rock hard throbbing Pokrrod, mesmerized by its length and thickness.

“Psy Psyduck!” Psyduck ordered again, and both girls began to pleasure their Pokemon Master, with Kas licking his balls and Misty giving a blowjob to his cock.

The perverted Psyduck just sat there and smiled, knowing full well that life was going to be awesome from now on...


The End?     


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