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You bask in Lee’s approval as you whisper “Yes”, no longer caring if anyone in the library should happen to overhear. It feels so good to know that you’ve pleased her, and her next words magnify that pleasure.

“In a moment, I’m going to bring you up out of trance and end this call. When that happens, you’re going to find that I’ve texted you an address, one here in town and fairly close by. Come to that address as soon as you can.

And when this call is through, it’s very possible that you will remember it as if it is a daydream, or a passing fancy that you had while driving, or even something you may have read in a book or seen on television. When this call is through, everything that happened in the call, everything I’ve told you, can remain ethereal and insubstantial, and just not very present in your mind.

The only thing in your mind will be to travel, carefully and safely, to the address that you’ll find in your messages.  And if that’s something that you can do, that some part of you has heard and understood and can make happen, just quietly say “yes” to me again.

You continue to let the pleasure of Lee’s approval swirl around you as some part of your mind that you’re not quite aware of processes whatever it is that she’s just said.  And then you hear your voice again whisper “yes” and the three pulsing tones that indicate a call has just ended.

It startles you to complete wakefulness; you can’t quite remember why you’ve come to the library, but that doesn’t matter, you have an appointment to keep.

How do you get to your appointment?

  1. By car.
  2. By bus.
  3. By foot.
  4. By bicycle.