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Jimin Like Crazy Dance Practice



I need to stop being surprised when PD's reactions to Jimin are an hour long lol I'll try and comment once I've seen all the reactions that were dropped today


I was wondering how this video became 50 minutes XD But I'm glad it is, because some of the things you mentioned wouldn't have occurred to me. I don't usually think this hard about the "story" of the choreography, but I think I'm gonna start paying more attention now! I don't really *super* buy into the theory about the feminine side, mostly for personal reasons of the "I don't like getting too into questioning other people's gender (expression)" variety (which is a me thing, not saying anything about anyone else), BUT - I just wanted to point out that if, indeed, there was an intention of showing such a thing through the video and choreo, Jimin wouldn't necessarily then go and talk about it explicitly. I can't see that ending in anything but a scandal, even if he said it super vaguely. And I agree, it could just not be that big a deal to him, maybe compared to the overall story of FACE. That aside, I think it's entirely possible for the choreography to "mean" multiple things; if anything, that's what makes the most sense, because... why *would* it be limited to one thing only? Also, it's really funny how you started out "No Way" and then went "Oh, actually...!" 🤣 I think it would be cool to put it on YT! Even if people don't agree with what you say or your theories, just the conversation and the analysis is pretty awesome.


I can't speak for everyone else, but I think the biggest factor in me thinking it's to do with his gender identity is quite simply that Jimin has said he struggles between having this very traditionally "masculine" image and how he feels that's not him. Seeing Jimin perform, hearing him sing and even just his personality off-stage, he's very soft and delicate - a stark contrast to how he used to portray himself (think early debut days) I think the song itself is probably about drinking, but I do believe the choreography plays on Jimin finally accepting and embracing both sides of himself (masculine and feminine) - as depicted by the woman being his "reflection." The part you mention where he jumps into the choreo with the women could be interpreted as his "feminine" side pulling him in, but they way they push at him during that moment also leads me to think it could also reflect the way he's perceived, with people watching every move, waiting for a mistake. Like "oh, he's in the club, let's write an article that says he's an alcoholic or a playboy" or something like that (I don't know if that makes sense?) I feel like the English version does offer a bit more insight to this second theory "I can hear the voices whispering don't know who they are" like people are watching him and gossiping when he does something - but this could just be due to my lack of Korean language comprehension that makes me lean toward the English translation more I don't think it was supposed to be an "aha!" moment, like some grand announcement, I think this choreo could have been his more subtle way of saying "this is me." *insert Demi Lovato singing here* At the end of the day, unless he actually tells us what the choreography means, all we really have is speculation and theories. But it's fun hearing other peoples opinions and thoughts :) Edited to add: Also remember RM had a hand in writing the lyrics, and we all know this man is a walking poetry book. It could be that he continued his inspiration from Carl Jung's "map of the soul" where the Anima/Animus archetype is discussed, which leans into the discussion of the duality between the masculine and feminine, and their representing that through the choreography. ANOTHER EDIT SORRY! I keep coming back to comment because I'm seeing new things every time you watch it. Did you see Jungkook's live performance of My Time? In it, they use a very clever trick with mirrors to make each "reflection" of himself move at a slightly different time to him. In this choreo, during the chorus "Give me a good ride oh I'm falling, etc." you can see the same thing! Each dancer moves after Jimin does (which I remember you mentioning during Set Me Free pt.2) like he's leading them. What if every dancer is a REFLECTION of him? Each dancer represents one of his sides?!


tbh jimin always had a feminine side and he doesn't hide it anymore. he talked about toxic masculinity in a lot of interviews over the years and he's not afraid to wear "women's" clothes either. assuming isn't great but it goes both ways, people can't assume he's 100% not talking about it bc we don't know. he's the only one who does. even in his recent photobook there are clear "mentions/signs" of his feminine side/ sexual identify. he struggled way too much for people to erase his feminine side and that's why the choreo (could) show a lot of subtle hints. I remember in a show, the members were taking selfies and someone (I don't remember who) said that men shouldn't check their selfies and jimin responded "what's the point in that? what the heck are men?" also i think the software version of his album could represent his feminine side and the hardware version the more masculine side. he learned to live with the two and we can see it in his evolution since the start. I couldn't be more proud of who he became 🥹( (well hopefully this makes sense, eng isn't my first language so I'm trying lmaoo)


So I'm not great at explaining my thoughts but I'll do my best. I have a lot of thoughts as a queer person who struggles with gender and also is a dancer &choreographer. I do believe the dancers represent multiple things, mostly being the alcohol/club atmosphere and the gender stuff. We obviously know the album speaks about his alcohol problems, and the mv heavily alludes to that, so I won't speak on that much. The reason I like the gender expression theories and stuff and I buy into them is because Jimin has spoken so much about his problems with toxic masculinity which people talked a lot about in other comments. And asking "if it was about that why didn't he talk about that" tbh it's pretty personal and for someone like him we all know that everything he says is so twisted and it'd probably just end in more hurt for him. Maybe it's just because of my personal perspective, but I feel like the choreo has so many things throughout that allude to gender stuff, the most obvious would be the reflection duo combination. Another great thing I've read talked about the anima/animus from like the map of the soul by carl jung (which obviously bts have used a Lot) which is about exploring & accepting both the feminine & masculine sides of oneself. and with that the album art/design matches that diagram kinda. idk. It was just a cool thought. It also would be dumb to try to ignore the gender of it all with stuff like his photofolio, which is even more explicit on this topic. Also throughout this era he's been subtlely referencing queer artists and their history I guess, and we know bighit & bts don't do anything without reason / without knowing what they're doing. I'm not trying to assume anything in any way, but bighit is smarter than we give credit. ANYWAYS sorry for that I know it was barely coherent but I just wanted to share my thoughts.

Hana Park

I understand your point, but I don't see the "feminine side" theory as needing to have anything to do with sexuality or gender identity. Personally, it's more like we all have many different aspects of ourselves, no matter what we call them. For some it may be feeling both feminine and masculine, for others it's feeling both lazy and ambitious or introverted and extroverted. I just think feminine/masculine is an easier concept to convey visually.

Michelle R.

Open up the video, 50 MINUTES for a 3 min video?! But, then I immediately see that PD has fallen into the rabbit hole of BTS theories. When it comes to BTS, I’ve developed the mentality that everything means everything and nothing all at once 😌😆 But I absolutely love delving into theories and readying/hearing peoples opinions. Like we’ve said throughout Jimin’s debut, this is art, and there’s no right answer. The beauty of it is that it sparks these kinds of conversations.


u know when true artist makes art everyone tries to discover something with what they can relate, it cant be the meaning what artist actually mean to represent but that is the beauty of art. i just think that Jimin was struggling with his perfectionist side of personality , and he fights his inner demons to get himself free. again i think its his metamorphosis.... u can see his live where he explains his album it might help you to understand better ...


Jimin said he wanted to shoot MVs for every song, but the company didn't allow to do so. It's sad. His albom is like a story and should be analyzed from 1st song to the last song. I think the main story is about him struggling because of broken relationships, pandemic, loneliness, disappointment. But it's also about accepting himself and his personality and moving forward despite the difficulties, the hatred, the pressure etc.


It's interesting that title track is not Set me free pt 2 but Like Crazy. I personally don't think that it's because of difficult complicated choreo. I think going through some struggles and loosing yourself sometimes is necessary to grow as a person? It's important to have such moments to be able to gain the strength and to find the way to overcome it and set yourself free


Okay, now that I watched every reaction to see your journey into trying ti figure out Face and for me to sleep on it I'll give my comments. The reason I won't disregard the idea that the choreo and overall performance can have some thematic motifs of gender expression is because it's not the first time we see it in a Jimin performance. During his Filter performance there is a clear motif that he's expressing the duality of femininity and masculinity but to truly see it you need to watch both Day-1 and Day-2 performances because his hair, makeup, and clothes differ between the 2 and I think that's the key point that really made it out to me that there was a kind of genderplay in the performance. It's on Youtube as reuploads but honestly the qualities and camera shots people chose aren't the best, so I really recommend just watching the concert from an upload of the DVD (the DVD only has Day 1 as a whole but they put the Day 2 performances as extras to see). Another example is the fan dance he did during the MMA 2018. The dance is traditionally a dance done by women and he did it and eventually was given an award for it because of the impact it had globally of spreading the art of it. When Jimin gets to design his own photoshoots for things army membership kits like in 2019 he asked what the makeup artist could draw on him and one of things was the Bigender symbol which I'll link below: https://twitter.com/btsfancafe__twt/status/1216675857483194370 Also for his Photofolio that released on his birthday last year it's just very much showing the duality of him and all the members had control of their own photofolios I'll link the photosketch below but you can easily find the photos if you search them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXT0V2-Sv4k Jimin has said he's struggled a lot with being comfortable in himself when they debuted because he wanted to be this super macho guy despite him being known as the contemporary dancer. Which is why he jokes a lot about himself saying a lot of embarrassing things. This one clip of him talking about his younger self is probably something a lot of fans will quote. It's from a concert DVD: https://twitter.com/stussyjimin/status/1113075036552749057 Now I do agree that there can be so many interpretations of the choreo, the lyrics, the overall message. BTS members have all said once their music is out it's technically no longer theirs but for the fans to take and interpret themselves which is why a lot of armys may find a similar message they might connect to that others may not. But knowing Big Hit and BTS themselves they are very good at dropping little symbols that fans can find and use for their own interpretation. I mean I used to spend hours of my baby army life analyzing and theorizing about their lore through the MVs, lyrics, and choreo. This can be fun but also I think as long as you can find your own connection to the music and be able to relate to it, then the theories you decide to go with for yourself is more important than trying the one "true" meaning

希文 王

going to try to say this as concise as possible (hopefully won't turn into a PD watches a 3 minute video turned into 50 minutes lol) I think the meanings could both be there. song/lyrics-wise I agree that it alludes a lot more to the drinking (I disagree with it all being in a club because (1) he said this isn't how it actually all went down (2) it happened during the pandemic, if he actually went to a club/bar during that time it would have been a huge scandal (3) pretty sure he was going crazy at home because of the pandemic) and the loneliness (not necessarily a woman, because (1) we don't really know his sexuality (2) he mentioned a lot of times that he had friendship breakups). But dance/choreography-wise, I think the gender theories have some ground to stand on, reasons as stated above by all the other commenters lol. Also a tidbit about Jimin, he's become very private as he matured, he doesn't really share as much about himself as he used to (because haters, he was one of the members that used twitter the most, now he's basically a cryptid), so regarding the "if it's about gender they could have made it more explicit/ done a little more", Jimin nowadays I think fits the "less is more" box, where he rarely talks about anything explicitly (obviously I could be reading too much into this parasocial relationship lol).

希文 王

adding: I think it'd be okay to put it out on youtube, I have seen some armys recommending your reaction/review to like crazy on twitter so I think it'll be received well (also you know armys, we love to theorize lol


I agree. I'm 100% onboard the "feminine side" theory, but I also don't think it has to be necessarily gender identity or sexuality or a statement (but I support people who relate heavily to that). I think the female reflection in the choreo (and tying with the female "self" in the mv that we saw the tiniest glimpse of) was intentional, and it could be as simple as -- I have a feminine side and I fully embrace it. Also with the Robert Mapplethorpe connection, who was known for documenting gay bdsm subculture through art and photography, it's acknowledgement of both that side of society and sort of showing appreciation, as well as showing that, I too have that side and male, female, feminine, masculine, it's all me and wholly me.


!!!! Jimin and Suga were on Yoo Jaeseuks side channel!!!! The “series” is called Pinggyeo and the concept for it is NO PRODUCING it’s meant to be just a bare bones crew recording people talking casually but it’s 48 minutes of hilarity, https://youtu.be/ZfOXJJN7nNk It’s Jaesuk, Suga, Jimin, Seokjin, And Jo Seho, with a bonus Jinkyeung (I really love this series they’ve done one with Dongwook and it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen also one with Jongkook and Kwangsoo, there’s a lot; DeunDeun channel does a lot of cool content like BbamBbam Social club which is a drinking game series with Jooheon, Sunwoo, Aiki, and other set members)