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And never forget that.

I've been reading your comments to my previous post and it really brings tears to my eyes. Yes I have autism so I'm emotionally way more sensitive, but I hope you all understand that just means I care about you all a lot.

Every day, every waking second of my life, feels empty when I'm not filming. I realize that K-Pop and Blaire are literally the only two things that genuinely make me happy in life.

The moment I wake up, I'm listening to K-Pop. I listen to K-Pop in the shower on speaker, when I turn on the ice cold water, I rap K-Rap songs and stand under the cold ass water. When I leave my house, when I am walking the street, I am listening to K-Pop. And I didn't realize this was my autism but--I've literally only listened to TNX's "Love or Die" 40+ times today. Yeah. I only listened to other music when I was making a mixtape for Blaire.

Reading your comments, it made me realize (I mean I always knew--) and be more mindful that you are all of different religious, ethnic, cultural backgrounds. All SORTS of age groups, live all over the world, some of you are facing difficult times, some of you are enjoying life. Some of you are starting to raise your kids and some of you have grown ass kids of your own!

Hearing about everyone's plans for their day to day... It made me envious. I think quite literally EVERYTHING everyone mentioned--is all something I've tried or have always wanted to do, or even long fantasized about.

Because for me, I love life. I have an ultimate appreciation and zest for life, and I would like to try doing everything and anything. 

Instead I chose this path. And because I know how precious life is, I am happy being the person who sacrifices all those small happiness to give people that encouragement to carry on with something that brings me the greatest happiness (who knew that would be K-Pop reactions).

The past few days have also been very eye opening and more than just being a "form of therapy", I would like to become a form of inspiration. I've already inspired many of you to share your personal stories and even some of you to make changes in your own life. I want to do more of that.

I was not kidding or being hyperbolic when I said that I would live for you all from now on.

Thank you all for sharing, and please know that I appreciate you all. It truly moved the depths of my soul to hear about what you may even consider day to day minutia, your goals, your hopes & dreams, your losses, and even just feeling confused or lost.

I am not a therapist. I cannot tell you all how to change or better your lives. Only you can answer that.

But I will say this: I used to fear you all. I thought it was for this or that reason but I realize it's just how I was thinking about you all. Even though there's hundreds of DMs everyday, I just think "aw my Patrons are so cute" and it makes the tasks so much more enjoyable. Or if there's a hater, something Chris Martin from Coldplay said: "That's great!"

But please never feel alone. If all else fails, remember that there is at least one person in this world who cares about you so much, that they will go against every fiber of their being and reveal the most darkest, shameful, and personal aspects of their lives and thoughts in front of thousands of other people. Remember that person works morning, day, and night to film as much content as they can for you. Remember this person cries and bears their soul on camera for you, remember they always push themselves to the brink, even willing to break their body and soul to make you laugh.

Remember that I am always here dedicating my life to your happiness. And if I care enough to do this for you, someone else will as well. It may seem impossible, but who I am and what I do seemed impossible to many people even 7 years ago.

But most importantly, if I can do it for your happiness. So can you.

If I can always put your happiness first, you can also put your own happiness first.

You don't have to accomplish much, you don't even have to be happy right away--but have it in your sights. Just be the very best version of yourself and treat others and yourself with the utmost kindness, even when it seems impossible. 

You don't need to win today. You just need to make progress. And to make progress is to move forward. But to take that first step, you have to be brave.

Be brave enough to choose happiness. Just be you.

You're all amazing. Never forget that.

Do me proud :)



Jennifer Gonzalez

love you too pd, you almost made cry… stop- no, thank you so much, for all your content and your openness and words. i will do my best to make you proud and live my life as i want, as i dream of! also i have been listening to tnx’s love or die all week up until today. but today! i decided to check out xikers, and now the only thing j can think of is that i can’t wait to see you checking them out, because wow! their debut really impressed me, but i had ent really felt like i wanted to fully get to know them until today, because i decided to check out their album and their performances! and that sold me, there’s something about their stage presence, their energy and dance that makes me feel like they are enjoying it so much, and that actually made me tear up watching them. and i know it’ll take some time until you get to them, but i hope eventually you check out some of their stages after you do all the mv and album stuff first (also predebut too) enjoy the rest of your day pd, the mon th s go by pretty fast i’m sure you’ll get settled and better as it goes ❤️☺️


Thank you for your words! It’s so heart warming to read! By the way… today/these days might be the 5th anniversary of me knowing you. If I remember correct, my first video of yours, which I saw, was your reaction to Pentagon’s Shine, which was released on this date. Like I am not 100% sure, but I remember watching that video and thinking: “Hm! Who is this guy??” And from that video on I started to watch your content more and more. And also… I know you don’t want to listen to any album before the listening party, but if you keep this in mind after you will have listened to it… Try to skip I Need U (I know, who would want to, right??…) between the first track Love Never Dies and Love or Die. Although the music videos of I Need Z and Love or Die connect to each other, music-wise Love Never Dies doesn’t work just as an intro to the whole mini album, but its ending has such a seamless transition into Love or Die that it feels like those songs were meant to be in this order, which is weird… 😅😅


Screenshot this so I could go and read it at any time, reading it brought be instant healing

Alison Renaud

I've been listening to Xikers Tricky House and their entire album on repeat since it came out! It's literally the greatest debut album of all time! I dont know where I'd be with out kpop in my life. I've also added Thai bls and all the actors to that happiness. I never thought so many people from the other side of the world, who don't even know I exist, could make me so freaking happy and literally be one of the main reasons I got through everything. Then there's you. I never thought I'd ever relate to someone on such a deep personal level (who also doesn't even know I exist haha). I've never wanted to support someone this much both mentally and monetarily before you. I just love watching how excited you get over mvs and music and all the artists. Your excitement is so contagious, it instantly puts a smile on my face when you loose your mind over good music haha. Even some of our journeys with groups are similar like I think Monsta X for one and B.I. I've also been into kpop for over 10 years, so I've seen them all debut and grow and I'm so proud of all of them and you! I think I started watching your reactions in 2019? Maybe even 2017 when I first got into BTS and became ARMY. I cant even remember now. I found you and JRE like at the same time. Recently I've been thinking about my life. Like one boy I went to pre school with and grew up with has twin boys just starting 1st grade...and I'm just sitting here like....when's my next kpop concert?!?! Haha! I feel like I should be doing more with my life than what I am. I'm just working my full time job (which I fucking love so much), taking care of my house with my brother, and going to concerts. That's it. But....Ive seriously never been this happy or content in my life...EVER... everyone always has something positive to say about it though so that makes me even more happy and fulfilled. I just want you and everyone here to continue doing what you love and be happy. Put yourself first and foremost and then everyone will follow you. Your happiness and excitement are contagious!! Im obsessed with Xikers and TNX right now! I also get to see NCT DREAM on Wednessay in Newark NJ and IM SO FUCKING EXCITED!!! They're in my top 5 groups! I cant believe I get to see and hear Haechan with my own eyes and ears!! I also just met Only One Of at their first stop in Jersey City NJ and OMFG IT WAS THE GREATEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!!! It was my first time meeting ANY kpop idol or artist, my first fansign, hi touch, group photos, and vvip!! I also got to take my pic with Rie after!!! He was genuinely so fucking sweet and caring and I melted. He could sense I was nervous and told me not to be nervous cause I'm nice guy!! 😳 I almost forgot to take the Polaroid from the staff and he said WAIT!! Meeting them was larger than life!! They are fucking amazing live, I hope you get to see them! I also gave a bday card to Mill since it was his birthday and said Happy Birthday to him! I forgot my entire life in front of Junji smiling at me saying thank you for coming!! I'm literally never getting over that experience! Next I have vvip to meet Cravity in NYC and I'm so fucking excited for that too!!! I hope you continue to have amazing experiences now that your in korea! Thank you for everything you do and I will always be here supporting you!

Marcel Wannieck

I don't even know what to say. These past few weeks here have been transformative. Hell, my entire 2023 has been a roller coaster. From the overwhelming emotions at seeing Taeyeon live at MIK Festival Paris to the whole thing with my family and then regaining a sense of happiness from The Midnight (Tyler Lyle is the new love of my life). And then all the news surrounding LOONA, several members signing with Jaden Jeong, him rebooting/reviving the whole Loona project under a new name (ARTMS) and most of the members getting individual Instagram accounts. You have no idea how much I missed these girls and how happy I am to see them again! And everything that you do here. Posts like this move me deeply. I've also realised that I only have two things that make me genuinely happy: concerts and roller coasters (not the emotional kind, I mean literal amusement park rides). It's why I want to travel the world. But when it comes to the music I listen to, I might be different to you. I can't ONLY listen to Kpop. I need a change from time to time. Sometimes I just need to let the demons out to some Deathcore or dance my ass off to Big Room House. No matter how amazing Kpop is, how much I love these groups and artists, my favourite artist will always be Parov Stelar. The father of Electroswing. I could listen to his music only for a week straight and probably wouldn't get bored. There's no other artist like this for me. You might not be a therapist but the name of your channel is accurate. I find comfort here. I would actually love it if you could find a way to bring back the livestreams. It was always so cozy, chatting with you about random stuff for an hour and then getting into reaction requests. That's the one thing this Patreon is missing right now to make it perfect.


PD I never thanked you for sharing your name with us. Idk if you’d said it before but seeing your tiktok recently was the first time I knew your name. Everyday I’m so grateful you feel safe enough with us to share personal pieces of yourself. Thank you so much ❤️

Violet Joo

I always come here because I don't any friends who love kpop. It seems that if you are at a certain age people think that you like kpop is childish and not appropriate to your age. But here noone will judge me and everyone loves kpop and people in this patreon are just all so sharing and nice. I started watching BP because of you PD and it's so much fun watching how heated is the comments area. Even though everyone may have some different opinions nobody is rude or trying to catch up fights. It is really a therapy for most of us and even if we all don"t know each other we share the same love for kpop. You Jaehyuk made this patreon and gather us together so you should take a lot for granted. And let me tell you that after you have become more communicating this patreon is much more fun. It's morning now. Have a very nice day. One day I will lend you my kids. Spending a day with my kids will make you sleep like a baby 😅


PD there's a new variety show called 'HyeMiLeeYeChaePa' starring Hyeri, Miyeon, Lee Jung, Yena, Chaewon, and Patricia, and it's absolutely hilarious even though it's framed as a healing show🤣There's only 4 episodes out right now and they release every Sunday but I just wanted to let you know so you can maybe check it out in the future!


i love this soulful side of you pd

Alex P

This show is pure gold, it's also on Viki, so no kshow123 to mess with!


This show had been on my list but it wasn't out yet. You reminded me of the show and went to watch episode 1. It's great so far lmao

Feh Lipe

Man, your posts are really touching! I’ve just arrived here but it gives real community vibes and a feeling of union! Keep going and growing!!


Hiya PD, I hope you can react to BamBam’s solo comeback with Sour & Sweet soon! :)

Shannon Ryan

Thank you for helping me feel less alone 💜


I love knowing that you are on your path of happiness, you always make us feel better and knowing we do the same for you makes my heart happy. I really don’t have any friends that listen to Kpop or are open to listening to it so when I watch your videos I feel like I genuinely have a friend I can turn to when I need to laugh or smile. I truly hope the changes in your life that you’re making now will continue to bring you peace and comfort! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and to see how much you’ll grow💛


This made me cry, PD. Thank you so much for being you and giving me the words of comfort that I didn’t even know I needed. I’m so happy that you are becoming happier💖


I just randomly came upon this post while checking through the Patreon for something to watch since I'm new to being a Patreon sub. I've been watching your videos on Youtube for months but I love your content so much that I really wanted more access to your reactions and your thoughts. Reading this post made me cry. I too have autism and I often feel very isolated from the world, like I don't quite fit into it no matter how hard I try. I just got into K-pop back in 2021 which changed my life because as you said you do too, I listen to it every day, I count down to new album releases, I obsess over collecting and buying new albums, and I love to watch other people react because I love sharing in the collective of something that we all enjoy and seeing how other people pick up on things in MVs or songs that I missed. Your reactions in particular are always so insightful, pointing out messages and instrumentals and sometimes translating Korean phrases for us -- which is so amazing. I so appreciate the above and beyond you go to in order to deliver these reactions and these videos. I think you're a wonderful person and you have truly contributed to making my K-pop journey even better and it makes me happy to see a community of people, created by you, that can share in the join that K-pop brings us. Thank you for everything you do, for always being open and honest, and for making a space that I feel comfortable commenting and being in. I hope you have a great day PD <3