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My last post was at 10AM.

I had the day off and I spent it doing what I wanted, relaxing—and it was peaceful. But 12hrs later and I’m reeling.

I deal with what’s called autistic burnout.

I’ve been dealing with this every night for nearly 3 years and have kept it a secret from everyone in my life.

I wanted to go to bed at 9PM but it’s 11PM now and the longer I’m up, I get anxiety because I know this will throw me off time, and I will wake up late or tired so it’ll make all my videos worse tomorrow or I can’t film as much and then everyone will think I’m a bad person.

I am trying to choose the healthy option. I’m trying not to spiral.

But I am alone now in Korea. I have no one. I have no support system, and I am just alone and trying very hard not to spiral.

This is what I deal with every second of my life and have dealt with my entire life.

But being honest about who I am has really helped me to at least be brave and tell people when I need help.

My hope is to never need to do this but I have neglected my autism for 16 years by hiding and denying it so I need some help.

I think it would be nice to read some lovely comments. I have been begging people in my life to tell me about their day for years but no one ever does. For me it really brings me healing to hear about someone’s day.

So tell me about your day; or depending on where you are—your plans for the day. Or whatever else you have on your minds! Everything and anything fascinates me.

Thank you in advance.

Will delete later when I feel better.



Hello everyone! My life these days is not that great, god, not even these days but more these past two years... One year ago I dropped out of school, of college, I left my life as a art historian and researcher, I left behind my thesis I worked so hard to write. Just because of depression, just because of my sadness and no will to live. I was lucky enough to have friends and family who helped me get better and get help. I saw a psychologist and a psychiatrist (I'm still seeing them) and got better, still recovering and under medication, but still, better. I began working in a library because I had to earn money and because I was not ready to start my studies again. Time was passing and life got better, until a little less than 2 months ago, during vacation with my family I broke my leg. I broke my leg and my mental health got worst. When I finally got better and started to enjoy life again, this happened to me. Life is sometimes so hard and difficult... But, I'm still here, I'm still alive and sometimes I enjoy life, just this morning, I painted, I drank a coffee and ate with my sisters. To everyone reading this, life is hard and sometimes you may think that it's not worth living it. But listen to me, hold on, stay still and breath, close your eyes. Only that, having the possibility to breath is enough, it has to be enough.


Hey there ^^ Yesterday my sister arrived to visit. She moved out a few months ago so having her back made me so happy. We just finished playing cards with my grandparents. In our card game there were so many crazy coincidences that it seemed impossible. After a while we agreed, that its our dad rigging the game from heaven (me and my sister are his kids & my grandparents are his parents). Its our first time playing together since he passed so it was a really warm but also kind of sad moment. But I'm happy that my grandparents are still here to play with me even if their son cant be anymore. We will order Pizza later to eat together with me, mom and my sister.


Hi pd! Well today is a pretty normal day. I’m going to work later, but right now we’re painting my families house. I also recently decided which college I’m going to, and I’m super excited (I actually haven’t decided yet but my college offers a Korean minor, and I thought maybe of doing it!) but I’m finishing this school year and will hopefully graduate soon! But for right now I think im finally excited to do something for me, and study something I love! Moving away from family will be hard, but it’ll be exciting to finally find myself, and as I feel you are going through the same thing it’s comforting to someone younger. Anyways I hope things are going well, and that Korea will bring you many things, including the unexpected! This is my first comment on one of yours posts, and if you do read this I hope you know how amazing you are at being yourself, cause that’s why we stay! Anyways have a wonderful morning, day, or night! 💕

Marco Gennuso

I never like jumping out of bed after waking up, I prefer to stay in bed for a couple of hours first. As long as I'm awake I'm fine lol.....correction, I'll wake up, make myself a fresh pot of coffee, then lay back in bed for a couple of hours, scrolling through my phone and catching up with the News/Politics lol. I heard you say you enjoy recording reactions either late at night or early in the morning? I prefer late at night myself. If I'm off the next day, knowing I don’t have to work gives me ample freedom to stay up as late as I want lol. I love that 10pm-2am sweet spot. Sometimes 8pm-12am is great too; there's just something about the night shift reactions that hit the spot!! With all that said, today is Sunday for me and I'll be filming a few reactions during the day to tick off my list. I really like that you've set yourself a schedule to go by, and I was thinking of doing the same. Recording on the weekends and then releasing those videos through out the weekdays works for me, I think. So today I shall film film film... ...and then exercise lol. You said you've been going on runs lately while in Korea? Love that!! I may do some cardio as well. Cardio is actually my favourite exercise to do, as I feel the most satisfied and feel the greatest when I've done it. I would love to visit Korea. Wander the streets, look through all the shops, visit all the cafès, take lots of photos of its scenery...just picturing it puts me in a good mood LOL! I hope you have a good day PD! Here for you whenever you need it 💜🙏🏻

Jackie Yang

Hi pd, I live in NYC and I teach in a public school. I’ve also reached a burn out point with my job. My motivation is very low. I use to enjoy teaching the kids and enjoy the content I’m teaching, but now I have to teach whatever the district wants me to teach and I don’t even enjoy the content so it’s so hard for me to make it enjoyable for the kids. Therefore I’m like you now as I know I need to sleep earlier but I just can’t because I’m not looking forward to going to work the next day. Now I’m really trying my best to get over it. I have downloaded the app Eric Nam and his brother started called Mindset and that has helped. Especially listening to a lot of the stories that the artists

Jackie Yang

go through. I really adore Tablo from Epik High and he shared all the grueling stuff he has gone through since his whole ordeal with people doubting his degrees at Stanford. I also am trying music therapy class and that has helped a lot, but to be honest the best thing is probably getting a break from teaching. I am so looking forward to spring break! Hope you have better days!


My friend and I are seeing OnlyOneOf in Chicago tonight!!! We get to do hi-touch and I'm sooooooo excited! I haven't been able to go to a kpop concert since right before covid so this has been fun already. We went to chinatown, got some kimbap, stir fried squid and pork, bubble tea, rolled ice cream. And we walked into an event where they were selling signed Xiker albums so me and my friend each bought one even though we haven't seen their debut yet! We're about to go check in and I can't wait to see OOO live!


its about 6am here in australia and i started my day listening to billlies new album which is one of my favourite things that they have released recently. the day just started so i havent done much but i'm hoping today will be productive enough


it’s 10:30pm in the UK right now! im a university student so life has been chaotic and busy. i wrote my dissertation last month and had a HUGE amount of assignments due in, so I couldn’t be a part of this patreon in order to make sure I study, and also because I couldn’t afford it. It was an incredibly hard month and each day I woke up wondering if I could really do this and even get through the day. I got through it, and I’m back on this patreon and about to unwind with some of your videos❤️ it’s crazy how much can change within days, last week life didn’t even feel worth living but this week I’m truly happy and excited for the future!

Marion Jones

Just starting my day here in Tassie (Australia), I plan on making chocolate and brown sugar bickies (or cookies for Americans), they are a specialty of mine. I’m making them to give as Easter gifts since we always have an Easter afternoon tea with friends at my sister’s place on Good Friday. I find making Easter gifts far more fun than buying Easter eggs, plus I think it’s nice to get a variety of chocolaty goodness for Easter. Don’t get me wrong, chocolate eggs are great and delicious but a little something different here and there is kinda nice.


Just woke up in Australia, my cat is currently nestled up beside me purring very loudly. I need to get up soon to go see my chiropractor then I have work afterwards, only for 3hrs so I’ll be able to enjoy the afternoon reading or cooking maybe playing switch🤭 hope you were able to rest well, I really hate that feeling of knowing you should be asleep but not being able to


I did absolutely nothing all day haha, I'm in the military so it's very rare for me to get a day to relax and not have to worry about anything and to me that's my way of healing. I used to feel really bad about taking time for myself to just watch something or read and I used to always think about something I could be doing instead. Now that I'm so busy all the time and surrounded by people 24/7 I have really come to let myself relax without feeling too guilty about it. As an introvert it's hard being around people so much, I feel so drained all the time, plus with a work setting it's not just companionship, it's constant back and forth, everyone always needs something from you, but even worse because the military isn't just a job, it's a lifestyle. With the pressure and stress though I am lucky that it allowed me to really understand who I am and what I need as a person to be happy and satisfied in life. The most obvious setback for me currently is the lack of time awareness however. Being so out of touch with everything makes me feel like I'm in another world, there are long periods of time when I don't have access to the news, internet or a phone to call family. It's almost like a culture shock when I visit home trying to play catch up. It makes it terrifying to think of getting out, since my life has essentially been on hold for 5 years. I can see why alot of Vets struggle so much post enlistment. Since I am very aware of it though I am hopeful that when or if I get out I am able to stand on my own feet. It's something I can prepare myself for so it's something I can only blame myself if I fail as well. I think that makes it all the more scary. Now though there isn't a need to worry about that! Just too relax and mentally recover before going back to the grind tomorrow! I hope you're enjoying your little break as well PD


Finishing my day now! I’m home from college for the weekend so it’s been a very relaxing few days. I went grocery shopping with my dad, and took my dog for a walk. My brother was home as well, but went back today, so I got to say goodbye to him. My dad watched some lecture videos with me, and then we watched a movie. I’m looking forward to another busy week of college and work! Sending good vibes everyone’s way

Courtney Fong

Just finished cooking and service at the cafe. It had been pouring rain relentlessly in Sydney for the past three days but the sunlight came out for most of my shift and streamed it’s rays through our glass ceilings. Taking a break now and then packing some takeaway cakes before I go home, collect three parcels and have the most basic taco night with my partner. We will probably watch King of the Hill or American Dad before some video games.


Hi PD :) it's almost 11am here in Florida - just woke up a short while ago, currently eating breakfast (toast and coffee breakfast of champs lol) and going through content that I missed this weekend. This past Saturday my roommate and I went on a ridiculous road trip - we went to the highest elevation point in Florida in the panhandle (a whopping 345ft above sea level). We were there for about 20 minutes to look at the monument and go on a quick hike. It took us 13 hours round trip for a 20 min visit. HAHAHA. But it was so worth it. We listened to classic rock on our way up there and then k-pop on the way back and it was so much fun singing and just enjoying each others company. :) Music is pretty much my life too and it's how I get enjoyment out of my day-to-day.


Oufff it's 7:14 pm here in Italy right now! I went to class this morning (uni) and had lunch with a friend of mine I don't get to see often cause she studies in the UK. It was so nice to finally see her again, we aren't the type of people to keep in contact on a daily basis but every time we meet it's like no time has passed! We chatted and chatted and chatted and then I went to look for a present for my mom! It's her birthday and she's been getting into crochet lately so I got her a few things that she can use and wrote her a letter! Before going back home I stopped by my favourite gelato place and saw that they started selling the 'matcha' flavor!! I had never tried it before but saw it many times on social media etc so I gave it a shot and OUFFF it was DELICIOUS!! Might become my new go to for this exam season ahahahah Now I just got back home (takes me about an hour from the centre of the city) and am currently making lasagna! 😋


Hi PD! I just wanted to let you know that I was hired for my first job yesterday. I wanted to share this with you because I felt like you were there for me as I was completing my cover letter and updating my resume while I was watching one of your GoSe reactions. And also, the good news is that I can still subscribe to your channel. Yeeyy!


hey pd! i just comitted to college and i'm kind of freaking out about it. i'm scared to move away, but i know not doing so will do me more harm than good. i just turned 18 last week so i'm feeling the "shit is getting real" pressure, but i'm really just excited for change. we had a tornado where i live that kind of freaked me out too so i'm all over the place but also just really excited! thanks for being great!

Mono. RM

Hi pd! I totally understand you, i moved to Canada to work as i have more opportunities as a VFX artist over here, but i'm from Europe and have no friends over here. Although I'm at my best point of my career after a year here, its inevitable to feel alone. All the people you get to know you know through work, are they co workers or friends? But it gets better, a little lonely, but better every day, i have your reactions to get me through when i feel lonely! Hopefully it will get better for you too, for both of us, wish you the best on your journey

Byul Moon

Hey PD, it might be too late but I'll share anyway. I've cut my hair today! I did it on my own, I wanted to do it for a week or so now and it felt very exhilarating, it was great. I'm working in a highschool and it was quite the crazy day, I've had the craziest questions and been overwhelmed with work but I really like it there. My colleagues are funny and nice so it's always pleasing to go to work. I live in the South of France, it was quite windy today (as it often gets) but very sunny. I enjoyed some alone time in the sun during my lunch break and it felt nice to take my time. I've been binging some Supernatural episodes these days, I missed the characters a lot. I'm also currently learning Korean and it's been a real pleasure to do so, I love it! I'm planning to travel to Korea this summer with my best friends, I've been waiting for so long to do so and it'll be a way to commemorate the end of my studies, as well as the tenth anniversary of my live for Kpop and Korea. You've been helping me develop it for a few years now and I'm so glad to see you get better. I feel that's the only thing I'm commenting on your posts but it's true haha. All my family is sick with a cold (I think) so days at home are quite gloom but I try to keep my head out of their water and not get submerged by their sick and tired mindset. Hope you have/had a good day!