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Before the new month begins tomorrow we are announcing some changes but also opening the floor up to have people vote on some of the changes that are up in the air.

Some of you may be aware that we pay money to host our Patreon videos. For the new folks, because our videos are reactions and copyrighted, we cannot post them to YouTube and most other sites. We have to pay bandwidth usage to have our videos hosted on a private platform.

Currently, we pay around $13,000 every few months because we keep ripping past our yearly allowance. This is not OK. I have been trying my best to not make changes around here but I have paid off my debt TWICE now, only to credit card this bill every few months and then spend the next few months paying it off.

There are several reasons why our penalty is so high.

  • 1. We put out too much content
  • 2. The file size of our videos is too large
  • 3. Too many people pirate our Patreon
  • 4. We don't charge enough

We've discussed it with the team who handles our video hosting and these are the big issues causing a huge volume in bandwidth usage. Of these issues, #3 is the one we can't do anything about. We are not very open about it but we are aware that people pirate then share our Patreon content with others. We have around 5,800 Patrons but our usage vs our Patrons doesn't match. We know people share and also leak our content. We can't do anything about that.

So then the only things we can do to try and curb our bandwidth usage are the other options. #1: We can try putting out less content. Sure, we could do that. But we'd be limited to only 3 bg and 3 gg variety content per week at only 6 total. For reference we currently do 6-8 bg and 6-8 gg for a total of 12-16 per week. Drama Club would be dropped down to 2 per week. Sure, we could put out less content and I could film/work a little less but I feel like I'd be INCREDIBLY bored if this is all we did. I film around 50-60hrs of content per month but the VARIETY of how many groups I check out is what helps keep it interesting! I also don't think people will want LESS content.

#2: Our file size is too large. Unfortunately the only solution around this is for all videos to be published at 720p quality. This is a MAYBE. We do not know how much this will impact the bandwidth. It could be moderate or it could be substantial; regardless it will definitely help some.

#4: The price. This is something I've been struggling with for a long time. I know that I have been needing to raise my price since forever. But I don't want to. Listen guys, I know what it's like to grow up as a teenager or a young adult, and hell I know what it's like to be an adult and to have bills. Which is why I have not raised our Patreon prices ever after we set our season themed tiers. And if we just didn't have this bandwidth usage to pay, we would't need to raise our prices. From the looks of it we would have to raise our current prices from $10 to $20/month. That's DOUBLE and I know that would be incredibly difficult for some people. If we have to raise prices I would most likely only raise it to $15/month. That should help us pay for half the fee and then I'll just pay the other half out of my pocket.

Those are just solutions regarding our bandwidth problems. I do have a solution I could propose.

NO FOOTAGE: So the idea behind this is simple. I would film my reactions in the same way except that it would have no footage or audio from the show that I am reacting to. Now I understand this option is MASSIVELY inconvenient. But if we did this, because they are copyright free, we could host these videos on YouTube and link them here privately. The only thing I don't like about this option is that it requires you to have two devices and it's very inconvenient.

- - - 

Alright, I know that was a huge information dump. Look over it, think carefully, and voice your opinion in the poll. 

I'd also like to make it clear that whatever option is picked at #1 does not mean it's automatically going to be implemented. We just want to know what our current Patreon audience (for the most part) thinks. 

For the month of March all our videos will be in 720p (except for Drama Clubs) as a "tester" so it will not be included in the poll. If everyone finds it satisfactory then this will be a permanent change.

From the looks of it, the only options may be reducing content or raising the price of SUMMER tier patronage (or the nuclear no footage option). Whatever the option, we know that it will cause a lot of people to leave. The way we see it, we have no choice but to force some kind of change, even if our Patreon takes a hit because as it currently stands I film 50 ~ 60 hours worth of content everyday and that's just too much work for how much we're being penalized.

Anyway, that's it for this long post. Thank you for reading until the end and we ask for your understanding through this!



I would also recommend to simply upload your Reactions to both going seventeen and treasure map on private on YouTube. Both are totally okay to react to on YouTube and it would probably help because I know how many people watch those 2 shows.


What about possibly divvying up the places content is hosted? Like if people could choose to watch it on Vimeo or google drive or mega or streamable or dailymotion or something like that. If less people streamed the content all from one place would that have any effect? I don’t know anything about this stuff tho. And I know it’d probably be more work to do all of that

Réka O.

I know not everyone can afford it, but I'm happy to raise my pledge to even $30-35 per month again, if that helps. I did that for a while but I had a few months that were not the best financially, so I'm in the $10 tier now. But this Patreon brings so much entertainment and fun into my life that I otherwise wouldn't have, that I'd absolutely pay more to keep it the way it is. Less content or no footage would suck, honestly, but I know why you came up with these options. The worst of all of them is the piracy and it never even occurred to me that people would do that. I wish there was a solution for that instead...


Hi PD, sorry to hear about this issue. Have you ever heard of or looked into “Streamable”? I’m not completely sure how it works but a lot of reaction YouTubers are moving their patreon contents onto streamable. Apparently it can embedded a video onto patreon in a way that makes it harder to pirate. Also, one question, does streaming a video/content (without removing the actual video) like for dramas or long episodes of shows and then posting the VOD make any difference in terms of the bandwidth problem? Edit: I wanted to add that removing the actual video in the reaction will only make pirating worse. A lot of anime reaction YouTubers experienced this problem when they changed to the watch-along format and lost patrons since people didn’t want to sync the video.


This is probably implied, but if the summer tier price is raised, will the autumn tier price also will rise?


I'll be really transparent and say that raising your price will probably lose you a lot of patrons, that's the nature of reaction content. I think your content is WORTH a higher price but that's just a reality. I personally don't watch half of the stuff you put out a week, and most of the time it's so much content I have to watch the next week as well. Less content would not effect me that much, I'm aware that means groups would rotate slower but I could wait and you put out schedules so I know what to expect for a month I pay. Lower quality is also fine, but I just would not watch reactions without the video/audio. These are my personal opinions but I do think they're majority opinions. Maybe others will correct me. I think you can take the time to do other things if you're bored with less content PD, life isn't all work. Or maybe teach yourself to chill and relax. I look forward to seeing the changes. Thank you for all your hard work as always.

Giu Bressani

Hi PD! First of all, it sucks to know there are so many people pirating your content and that this affects you in such a way. Personally, I'm more than okay with the videos being just 720p and I hope this change can be of enough help. As for the pricing change, since I'm not from the US, the conversion for my currency would be a bit too high for me if it's more than 15/month, but you put out so much content that I would definitely try my best to keep up with it. Hope you can find the best way possible to figure things out!


In my case, if I paid an annual subscription, would a price increase mean that my subscription period would be shortened, or would I have to pay the amount by which it was increased?

Don't call me.

The 3rd option would be OK for Long reactions Like Drama Club or movie reactions. Because at least i am OK with synching Up my video for long reactions of at least 45 min.

mistywolf the dragon rider

I don't know how many different options you have already explored, but every other creator I know has had issues with Vimeo overcharging them. Since you have a lot of patrons i know the bandwidth will still be an issue on most platforms, but I have seen some creators split up their videos between different platforms to try to get past this. If that's not an option, I would rather just have your reaction and sync it up with the video myself, maybe with a timer on screen to help match the video back up when you pause and stuff. Right now I wouldn't be able to stay at the summer tier if you raised the price, so that is the better option for me. Edit: Also hell yeah for anime club! I recommend the classics Bleach and Inuyasha, or for a shorter one I really like Blue Exorcist and Noragami 👍


You mentioned Anime club in the title but you didn't write anything about it ?

Giu Bressani

and also please don't consider the no audio/video option, I'm more than okay with less content if needed, but there are a lot of thing I just wouldn't be able to watch along because they're hard to find or they're paid content (like I watch dramas with you because I don't have Netflix lol)


And although there is nothing more mentioned in your post about Anime Club, I am definitely for it!

Don't call me.

Thats what i am asking myself too. If it would make a difference i would be OK with Long reactions being without video and sound since i am used to it from how reactors did it back then. Just need phone and tablet or laptop.

Amanda Bernström

Im okay with your videos being in 720p and i can also pay more if you decide to change that


I would be fine if you lower the quality or change the price. I wouldnt mind syncing the audio to video, but it would be inconvenient since I know you like to pause a lot to talk about stuff.


agreed. I would do it for the shorter videos if I had to. But I wouldn’t love it. But I’d be happy to do it for the longer videos


ohh i saw someone else’s Patreon have the no footage / audio and I was so confused at first but now that you explain it, I understand why. hopefully whatever is done will be able to cover the costs.


as someone who has the summer tier I hope that if you do raise the price it won't be too much bc I won't be able to pay, and I don't want to stop watching your reaction bc I love them!! For the 3rd option, I'm against it bc it would be REALLY hard to buy the content (not everyone has netflix or other apps like that) and synchronize it with you.


I would feel very sad if you limited the variety content, as that’s one of the sole reasons I have your patreon. I don’t mind paying more AND/OR syncing up the video if that’s what needs to be done in order to save the regularly scheduled content.


as much as i enjoy your content and input i don't think id pay more for reactions. im in the 10USD teir (with conversion and stuff its already a lot even counting dollar for dollar), and I don't watch half of the vids. As for syncing audio, a lot of the content I watch here, especially for drama club, is because I don't have access to the original videos. and option 2... less videos mean I'd be paying a full month for content I don't want and waiting longer for content i do want. i think this is something you have to figure out on your own, then let the patrons adjust/ come and go as they see fit. also.. will this be implemented from next month because its basically already the first for auto renewal

rene ceniceros silva

I'm ok with everything just do the Livestreams again that's why I'm here


720p honestly looks great and anything higher is just to look extra nice but not something that is needed, specially if it's unnecessarily hurting you, so I'm all for that. I also don't mind paying more than $10, because the content you provide is genuinely more than worth it. If you go with the no video and audio option, just please make it simple for us to follow along. I don't mind using Patreon on my computer and having two windows side by side, but maybe show the time stamp for when you pause a video or song? That way we can keep up. Thank you for informing us of this issue :)


For me lowering to 720p would def not be a problem and even paying more i would def do if it's not more then i can handle but syncing would be really hard for me because i do not have a second device :(

Chad Williams

im fine with 15 dollars and 720p but please keep the video and audio thats really impossible for a lot of people who dont have multiple devices at their disposal and i hope you dont put out too much less content i mainly watch twice treasure map and thursday content though aside from that i dont watch any other monday tuesday content or drama club


Between all the options I honestly would be okay with you raising the price. You put so much effort into your videos that I think $15 for what we get is completely worth it. I do however get that raising the price could cause some people to drop their subscription which is something to consider. The only option I’d say I’m against is reactions without the video since it could be quiet tricky to view/ synch up. No matter what you have my support!

Amanda Araujo

id be ok with less content because honestly i wouldn't be able to pay if you raised the summer tier price but if you have to i totally understand too and as someone said you can try uploading some of your reactions privately on youtube like treasure's and seventeen's are fine there


im pretty okay with anything except the syncing up option lol but whatever works out best for you!


I'm fine with paying 15 (even 20) and having all content hard capped at 720p. Your content helps keep me sane and happy. I find it, if you will, as a "form of therapy" ;) so I don't mind paying more for keeping up the service that makes me happy! Hope the changes don't affect you guys too much!! <3

Isabella N.

i’d rather pay a little more. i’ve done the “two devices” thing with other channels and it’s SUCH a pain. hopefully reducing the video quality can also help a lot.


since i'm not from the US, i have to do the conversion from dollars to our currency and that already costs me more than $10. i completely understand your reasons, but being honest, if there are other people like me, raising the price would cost many overseas patrons as well. because i only follow two or three of the usual shows, i would say putting out less content would be the best option, and lowering the resolution wouldn't bother me at all (i'm used to it actually because my connection sucks 😞). i don't really know what else can be done other than, maybe, uploading the videos on other platforms as some people already suggested.

Isabella N.

idk if drama club would be included in removing the video/audio, but that would be RLLY difficult too cuz not everyone has the same streaming services


I'm fine with paying more for summer tier patreon, I think the cost would be worth it. And honestly, I don't see 720p being a problem for videos. As for syncing up our own video - for stuff like drama club I'd be fine with it. I think I'd find it frustrating for shorter videos/variety videos. Trying to resync if you pause to talk about something, or rewind to reread rules for games etc. would just be unpleasant. Having said that, I understand the need to cut costs, and if that does become a necessity I'll still subscribe regardless.

Violet Joo

I would pay more . The no audio thing is a no no for me cause it very weird watching something without an audio.


I’m totally fine with paying more. You put out so much content it’s worth it. Also I feel like there’s a lot of people that normally don’t have access to some of the content and use your reactions as a way to watch it so I don’t think the No video/audio is a feasible option.

Emma Ko

720p videos are perfectly fine! I don’t mind paying 20/month (it’s more since I’m Canadian but that’s besides the point) either. In my case, $20 really isn’t too much especially since I know who’s on the receiving end of the payment! In terms of less content, I don’t really mind either. Tbh I don’t really watch that much of the stuff that gets released each month, and reducing might make that even less than it is BUT I don’t mind supporting you and your channel on the side. I’d say the best thing to do in this situation is to provide the schedule a few days before patrons get charged so people can decided to pay for that month or not. The syncing would be pretty difficult for most people, and it would likely be my least preferred change. If it is what it comes down to, I’ll adjust. The most important thing to me is that you’re not overworking yourself. I can understand the stress of wanting to please/satisfy people who ARE paying for your content, but your mental health should be #1, always!!


i agree with what someone said about putting some variety that is not copyrighted privately on YouTube, maybe it could lessen the weight, as far as I know Run BTS is also okay to upload there if you decide to start it after bv2, so with GoSe, treasure map and showterview as the person mentioned it would be already -4 and I'm sure you could find more variety that don't have any issues with copyright on YouTube

Emma Ko

The blue exorcist is SO GOOD!! I think it would be a good starter anime


I think the idea of releasing the monthly schedule before patrons get charged could be an interesting idea. It would require PD to figure what the next month will look like maybe a little sooner than usual, but it would let ppl decide if going up a tier for the month is worthwhile


I miss the livestreams too... like a lot of other people here I don't watch all the content Pd puts out, the livestreams were what made everything worth it for me tho.


I can try to keep up with the price change as long as it doesn't surpass $15 as the conversion from dollar to my country's currency is quite high atm 😅 and I wouldn't be bothered at all with the 720p quality about syncing the videos it would be quite difficult if it's something other than listening parties for me


The only issue I can see with raising your prices is that many people might not be willing to pay more. And here’s why: a lot of people subscribe for very specific content. For example, I’m really only subscribed for BTS content. Would I be willing to pay $20 for only 3 BTS videos a month? Probably not. I’d probably subscribe every few months where I can get the content in bulk. I think you are casting a very wide net with the content you cover but unfortunately it’s spreading you too thin and it’s eating through your resources. Perhaps cycle through these smaller supporting variety shows each month by an audience vote. Someone also mentioned Streamable which I highly suggest you try out because many reaction patron channels I follow use it without any reported issues.


I don´t know if this is possible but maybe consider recording your videos thorugh a livestream platform like crowdcast? you could record them and then provide a link for the vod instead of uploading them to vimeo at least for the longer content


Maybe PD could do the livestreams again if you put out less variety content.


720p content is perfectly fine, and is definitely not an issue if it becomes a permanent change. i also don't mind the price increase, but i know that it would really affect other people. if the price of the summer tier went up to be honest i will just become an autumn tier because i'm in a place where i can afford that - and i think your content is worth it. i also don't mind less content if that's what you choose to do, because i don't necessarily watch everything that you post now anyways. i would really hate to sync the videos myself, and would probably stop watching all together if that becomes the case, so i hope that you don't end up going with that option.


I usually make videos stream at 480p so they can run smoothly for me because my internet isn't that fast, so 720p definitely wouldn't be an issue for me. Personally I don't watch the majority of the variety content, I love 2-3 shows and I love drama club. I agree with above about considering splitting where videos are uploaded but have you also considered maybe splitting the tiers of variety and drama club? I'm not sure if people would like it but maybe the audiences are different enough to do that? I would rather pay more than sync up videos.


Just to add, I'd be okay with reducing the number of variety shows a little if it meant the return of more frequent livestreams


I think a reduction is 720p is fine. You could also consider reducing the amount of screen space that the actual content takes up like how the drama club videos are setup. The rest of the space could be black or a static overlay and would reduce the bitrate required. This would have the added benefit of your cam not covering the content which usually isn't a problem most of the time, but the cam did cover up the subtitles in Seize the Light. Some other people also suggested it, you could try moving variety series and listening parties to unlisted videos on a second youtube account. I would also be okay with dropping a few variety series if it made room for streams to come back.


for me personally, the price is worth already almost twice, and i’m here for 3 groups and drama club. i hope you’ll do whatever makes you happy, but i’ll pay once 3-4 months an see all the content that missed. hope that will be okay


I'm already voluntarily paying $15 for Summer tier, so a price increase wouldn't actually affect me. I did recently get a new computer in large part so that I could watch videos in better quality, so 720p would be a bit of a bummer, but certainly not something I'd unsub over. If less content would make life better/easier for you, PD, then I'd of course be fine with that, but I've recently been thinking that I really miss seeing you react to live stages & special performances & the like, so decreasing variety content would destroy the hope I'm holding on to that those videos/streams will ever come back.


If the price goes up to $15, I won’t personally be able to keep up with that rate monthly, so I’d probably drop down a tier at some point, BUT I completely understand the price change given the amount of content you put out. I only keep up with Kep1er variety at the moment though so it wouldn’t be worth it for me.


:(((( this month i really thought about renewing my subscription because i just started therapy again after 7 years of pure hurt and pain and it’s so expansive omg so 12€ is already (for me) kind of a treat… so sadly if the only option for you is to raise the price i will not be able to afford it :((( but at the end of the day, do what’s best for you and your work life, i’ll support you on youtube that’s sure PD!!


I would pay more, I wouldn’t mind it


Hey PD, since you're planning on adding anime to the autumn tier wouldn't it be fitting to add the drama clubs and survival shows to that tier too? I personally would be converting regardless. I think since those content are usually over the hour mark or just at that point it would make sense to have them in a diff tier. I'm also ok with all the options except for the no sound ones, just for the whole syncing bit. I saw other suggesting adding gose,treasure etc on yt then putting it on private. If it works, that could also be a good idea. Fewer content/lower quality is also okay with me. So idk maybe combining all these option would prob work best.


720p and a price increase sound okay to me! :) having less content would be so disappointing honestly and i don't know if i'd want to pay $10 for that every month. i'd rather pay more and still have the same amount of content. i also can't believe people actually pirate your stuff that's insane!

希文 王

So for me personally (summer tier): 1. Price raise to $15 is acceptable 2.720p also works for me I probably won’t drop my patronage if you sync the long reaction videos like drama club with no video and audio, but I wouldn’t watch them either, bc I can’t find all those videos on my own and syncing them with you when you pause to talk feels like too much work and I tend to watch these videos as I would a commentary film (not moving lol) Someone mentioned splitting going seventeen and showterview and other variety content that won’t be copyrighted onto youtube which I think could help! (Since there are others who have done it and ran into no problems so far as we know) People also recommend streamable which maybe you could look into if you haven’t? (Not going to assume either way)


I'm ok with the price increase...I realized I'm on your Patreon more than Netflix or any of the other paid subscription sites..so I guess I'll just have to make some changes to my monthly budget.... The other options are fine too except maybe syncing audio separately...but do what you have to do PD...


720p videos are fine for me!


720p is fine for me. I'm willing to pay $15 to watch your content PD!


To be honest I'm only here for txt, bts and stray kids (mainly skz) and therefore don't watch majority of the weekly content and rather keep up with your content about those three groups or rewatch older reactions for comfort. As i am a uni student and at the moment am not able to work its already pretty tough paying for all my expenses so a price raise would make me have to give up my subscription until i can finally work again and finish uni, especially when the content i actually watch isn't too much compared to what you put out weekly so paying more doesn't sound doable for the amount i actually watch. Still, i would encourage you to do what is needed and if a price raise is the best way out then you should do it. Would just be sad for the ones who can't afford it but we'll manage. The 720p i wouldn't mind at all actually I'll be honest my internet isn't the best so usually i already have to cut down on video quality to be able to watch properly so yeah i probably wouldn't even notice any change haha The only thing i would definitely not recommend is taking out audio and video. Idk about others but i like to watch your videos while doing other every day tasks like household and cooking and if we don't even have the audio to keep track of what's happening it would be almost impossible for me to enjoy your reactions as i also don't have a second device to stream the content alongside your reaction (especially with the way you like to pause and talk which i love but having your hands occupied and not being able to pause the material you're reacting to while you talk seems kinda difficult to me but that's entirely my own personal problem i guess)


Keep the sync please!!


I'm completely fine with either switching to 720p or a price rise, you put out so much content that it's not that unreasonable.


I think there are quite a few shows you react to regularly that are not copyrighted on youtube though? So maybe it would lessen it a lot if you could have someone do a quick research before starting a show to see if it can be posted on youtube. For example, I know SKZ Code is being posted all over youtube and I've seen countless people react to it without trouble. It's obviously not enough of a solution, but if it could lessen it already before making a decision I think it could be useful.


Oh that could help. Maybe create an extra channel for it. So the Main won't be affected negatively by anything


Honestly PD, I don't even have time to watch most of your variety content so I mostly do the listening parties (and livestreams). Cutting your videos down to 720p would probably be a massive reduction on your bandwidth usage (if everything about the videos stayed the same). I'd gladly pay more if that's the route you choose to go. On a side note: Who TF is pirating your videos? They're not helping if they're also using up your bandwidth except they're not paying for it. Assholes.


Well, I am here mainly for TXT content so ofc I wouldn’t mind if you reduced the variety shows if that doesn’t include TXT content. I know that there are a lot of people that support other groups so I don’t know what you should do.. I do feel like some of your content is okay to use as private videos on youtube. Also this is the most expensive patreon account I pay so far, and I do it because I really like your reactions and appreciate your opinions PD. So I don’t know how much you are thinking on increasing the price. But maybe it will be too much for me…

Alison Renaud

Im mostly here for listening parties and live streams. But your listening parties are totally worth paying more just for them!! However please keep the sync since I listen mostly at work on my phone and cant sync them myself. Im so sorry that people freaking suck and pirate your hard work. Thank you for everything you do I truely love watching your videos and reactions and its something I look forward to everyday. But please do whatever you need to make it easier and more enjoyable for yourself as well.


To be honest, I wouldn't pay more. 20 is a lot... Is it possible to have shorter variety content? Like, most of the stuff you watch is super long but there is also so much variety that is somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes (and often with rotating groups). I'd love to see more of them :)


I've never rlly cared for the quality of the video unless it's for dramas or variety shows. And I wouldn't mind paying 15$, I've always wondered when u were gonna raise the price bc u definitely deserve the raise


I really dont want you to have to pay anything out of pocket, so maybe less variety is the better option? I personally only keep up with one or two variety content a week so it wouldnt matter to me. Raising the Spring tier to 5 dollars and Summer to 15 could be a good option aswell


I've always like the quality and content of your videos, so I don't really mind if you think about raising a little, I would pay for that, you deserved it.

CRAYON weiwen

I'm ok with anything, I enjoy your contents a lot, no worries for the price raise 👍


I am ok with the first two options, the third for me is the worst. I hate having to sync the videos. Plus you may want to pause and make some comments. I am willing to pay a little more and I am ok with less content or 720. Maybe you could re-arrange the tears? Leave this one like it is but with less content for the ones that can't/won't pay extra and add another one with the amount of content that you want to do. I don't know if it makes sense or if it's doable.. It's not even 8AM


If you continue to put forth the content that I enjoy I will gladly pay you a bit more. I’m ok with you doing 720p reactions as well. So a combination of these 2 options would help in some small way, wouldn’t it? Option 3 is not appealing at all and i would probably not continue as a Patreon under those conditions. I will be honest I’m here Exclusively for your ITZY content. I don’t watch your Drama content at all so I’d be okay with less of that. But I know that’s not the case for others so I picked my choices based on the feeling no one would want the content they are here for to decline or be reduced. So I will pay a bit more to maintain what we have. Thank you for all that you do.

Pallavi Bhattacharya

I think if many people watch your content on small screen 720p does not feel that much of a quality drop than 1080p. Maybe you can do a tier difference for 720 and 1080p if thats even possible.


yeah def agree what a lot of ppl already mentioned: opt no. 3 is really the worse. I already hate in on your normal youtube reaction (i know u cant help it there) but these are also only a few cases. but now whole variety videos? nope. I am also ok wit rising the prize. I apprecaite that u think about us, i am also a young adult but even i thought that for everything we get u def charge little ( which was great for me, but seeing what u wrote wasn't on the good end for u). I am also willingly to change the tier then or even continue in this one, but the prize goes up. also , less contend (less bg and gg) would be boring. I don't watch your gg relative content for 98% (not a huge fan of gg) and even on the bg tier i don't watch everything, so even less would also be less appealing for me. I know it's just me, but I am sure some other can agree with me on this one.


PD said that they wouldn't charge u the double amount like 20 dollars but would raise it to 15. For example. I know only 5 Dollar or Euro difference but still better than actually the double amount. Just wanted to clarify.


They said in the post that nothing will be implemented next month except reducing quality to 720p, and that there are currently no set-in-stone plans for implementation.


I personally am ok with paying more since thankfully I’m in the position to, and I look forward to your content and personality. That said, I also wouldn’t mind less content. I occasionally try new things from your available content, but for the most part only regularly follow 1-2 specific varieties. Aka I really only watch 1 group and any general non-group long varieties like the competition shows.


Ooo I like this option, with the diff extra tiers. Could actually raise the price for a tier with all of the current content, and then tier slightly lower (like $8?) for reduced content. Might be complicated to figure out if cost-wise that actually helps.


That’s the thing though. I don’t think pirating as a concept is like, a great evil or anything. But people who pirate should be responsible in owning up to the fact that they’re causing issues for other people, and are probably just selfish in their actions regarding pirating. Because internet content/IP isn’t just intangible stuff. Somewhere down the line, usually the producer/IP owner, is hard core paying for the pirate-r’s non-paying. SOMEONE is always paying for it


Yeah it makes the most sense to also put dramas and long survival shows on the autumn tier, since they take up a SIGNIFICANT amount of time to react to.


If the prices would raise I would not be able to keep being a Patreon unfortunately. 720 is fine for me and less content kind of depends ofcourse on what content gets cut.


I don't really think there's any good solution here other than 720p ;-; pricing it higher may be counterintuitive in that lesser people would be able to have a Summer tier subscription and hence may lead to a smaller increase in income, although I do think that your videos are of such a high quality that you deserve to be paid more. Other than uploading non-copyrighted videos on youtube, would it be possible to host your current videos on any other websites? I've seen people upload subbed kpop content on websites like ok.ru but it may be blocked in some countries. Although it would be more convoluted, measures to deter piracy such as having a daily password DMed or sent through discord might be a solution. Hope everything goes well :')


$15 would be too much for me. It means total goodbye.


Honestly I’m surprised you don’t charge more! You put out more content than Patreon YTbers who charge 10 for less than half the content! I would be totally supportive of the $15!


to be honest, it would be difficult for me to do $15. I already can't do $10 monthly and do it once every 2 months or so. US currency is 4times higher for my country


I dont mind if you reduce the variety content coz tbh I dont have time to watch all of your postings. Im here mostly for the drama club and survival shows. Reducing the quality is also okay. I can also consider to pay more coz I find so much joy watching your content and you always put a lot of effort in your work. It's just that I'm not from the US, my country's currency is not that high, so I definitely have to think more before paying $20 per month. $15 should be okay. Hope everything goes well and you'll find the most suitable solution :))


I'm an autumn tier patron, so I don't feel like I can vote for the summer tier to go up, since it doesn't affect me. Unless you would be upping the autumn tier as well, which I would be okay with. Not sure if it would make the same difference but what about bumping up the autumn tier to $25, so that that brunt of the expense isn't felt totally by the summer patrons? As for the 720p, I am totally fine with this. I've been a kpop fan for awhile, so I've watched a lot of content in much worse quality than 720p. And as for no footage on screen and having to sync with the separate screen, this isn't a huge issue for me. I used to do that for the SM mv reactions anyways. The main issue with that is when it comes to pausing, not necessarily on your side (since you don't do that a ton), but on our side. I don't know about other patrons, but I rarely get a chance to watch a reaction straight through in one sitting. I have to pause often. However, this isn't an insurmountable option for me. I rather do this and jump through hoops with the pausing because I can learn. I watch so much of the bg content, and I'm starting to watch a fair bit more of the gg content. I really like the variety + listening parties + drama club, and I would be sad to see too much of it go. I don't know if you'll read all this PD, since there are already a lot of comments here, but I just wanted you to know, I've been a patron for a long time, and I have no plans of leaving. Whatever you decide to change, I'll learn and adapt. I'll take whatever content you upload and be thankful for it. I can't speak for everyone, so you do what you have to! Your patreon is truly a bright spot for me and I appreciate you, your team, and your channel!!

The Real Jules

Happy to pay more for the sheer volume of content you provide us with - been supporting you on patreon for four years, not gonna stop now. I do hope the uploading at 720p helps too, that really isn't going to bother me. The lack of video/sound could be an option in some circumstances and maybe on some videos you can try it out where the content easily accessible (like on YT), or you can provide a link to the original so we know where to find exactly what you’re watching. But for everything? It’s not the best option because for content like drama club it would require having subscriptions to multiple sites in order to follow along - and even if lots of people have Netflix or Viki or whatever, we don't all have VPNs as obviously the content changes from region to region. Plus what you said about needing two devices won't work for some. All that being said, I’d still prefer this option to less content. I don't watch all your content (doubt anyone does), I'm mostly here for boygroup stuff and drama club, but I know that's not everyone's preference - so I'd prefer options which keeps the diversity of content.


An anime club is such a good idea! I honestly subscribed to you for mostly kpop content but stayed because of the drama club and some variety content, so I’m totally up for new stuff. I would also love to see you react to other variety content (i’m also talking about older ones like SBS Heroes, running man basically) outside the kpop world. Really appreciate your work and the content you put out, PD!


i can't afford more than 9€ :(


I choose to raise the price because from my perspective I prefer the quality and content as it is. However, since I live in Brazil and the Dollar is 5x for me, there will be some months that won't be able to pay. For instance, if the price is $20-$15 for me it will be like R$100-R$75... Still, I prefer to pay more... As for the quality, 720p is ok for me.


Hmmm that'd be an option, join every other month ... interesting


Honestly just tried using 720p and its totally fine for me, I just think that the other options are not the best, although I am fine with the prize raising to $15, generally don't think I will be staying here for $20 just because there are only a few contents that I'm here for, and I might have to come back every other month, and I guess that doesn't really help the situation. And same for reducing contents, as if there are fewer contents of what I normally watch, I don't think I will stay either. So 720p will definitely be the best option for me. I am sorry about the situation and hope you find the best fit solution among the comments!!! Thank you for putting out such good quality content for us though PD!!!!


would possibly livestreaming variety content reactions then just posting the link to crowdcast help this in any way or is there still bandwidth/money issues caused by this? Unfortunately I feel that increasing the price will only lead to less patrons and same with no audio/video reactions.


I personally already watch everything in 720 anyway just so it loads quicker and it works fine for me. Honestly if you reduced content I'd be kind of annoyed but id never cancel my subscription but honestly if you went with the getting rid of video/audio option is the only factor in which I would cancel my subscription bc I'm not trying to do that a much.


Aww, this one is hard. USD is more expensive than my country’s currency, so I don’t think I could stay a summer patreon, when 10 dollars is already such a stretch for me. And I want to make it clear, the amount of content you put out warrants the 15 dollars! I don’t think it’s overpriced, but, being from a country with a currency with way less less purchasing power than USD limits me from sticking though the price raise. The 720p is no issue to me.


I would be okay with raising the summer tier price or putting out less content. My concern is, I'm not from the US so my currency would be pretty high and would be more than $20 monthly :/ I'm not sure if I'd be able to afford it every month. I don't watch nor am I here for all of your content however, the price is worth the ones I am here for (such as drama club, showterview, sixth sense & few album listening parties). Financially I would be able to subscribe some months if the price is raised to $15 cuz that would be just a little over 20 dollars + tax where I am from!

Azayye Life

Tbh i dont mind raising the money but ohwell i need to have a job to afford the videos T.T and i have watched almost all reaction videos for the groups i stan so ive been considering leaving, because waiting for new content would make me spend for months that wont have my groups' content at the same time, but i can also benefit by watching dramas or sumn, i just feel like paying usd 20 is not practical for me who stans only two groups, I may leave and come back when my groups come back, or continue to support you because damn i didnt know youre facing this much hardship, and theres no way i want your channel to go down! Ill try to think about it more ^^


I feel like a massive increase in price or a reduction in content could both deter people and likely cause a drop in patrons. I’ve always thought you put out an insane amount of content for a reasonable price so personally $15 would still be okay with me. One suggestion would be to maybe offload some of the variety content that is from youtube - e.g. tmap - and post it on youtube. Sidenote the pirating issue makes me so mad because they’re not even paying for your hard work and you’re having to cover the cost /:


copyright material won't pass content ID checks to post on YT even if unlisted or private. CJENM and other Korean broadcasters block it for everyone in all territories. So that does not work.


btw I saw some people say it already but yes you can upload run bts on YT if you decide to react to it !! I've seen some youtuber do it without any problems, especially if you put the video on private !!


the less variety content would really depend on the context. like going x groups for one month, doing y groups the next month, and having them in rotation or cutting certain series until you get through the ones you want to take priority and leaving other content for later. a price raise would be difficult for me personally but i would try to make it work, like doing every other month instead because i do still want to support what you do here. i'm just one person though and your own finances need to come first so i still support raising the price for the summer tier if that's what needs to be done for you to be in a more stable state financially.

Zukhra Talmanova

I think that one of the solutions might be to set the number of available videos to watch for patrons per month. Let me explain, I saw it on several other Patreons, like Jordan Orme's. There you pay not for the content, but for the number of videos you watch a week or a month, say like 15$ for 6 videos a month, 20$ for 8, and so on. For example, I come here and watch only several shows, two, sometimes 3 a week the max. So it means I watch only +/- 6 videos a month. And I don't mind paying even more than what I pay now, because I really like being a patron in here and having an opportunity to watch stuff and discuss it, but for others, paying more can be difficult. And 6-8-10 videos a month is still a lot! Some exceptional videos, like Bonus reactions or smth like that, can be available to everyone, but for the rest, there can be a limitation on the amount. And then there can be a tier for those who watch ALL of the content (or most of it) being like 40$? Because it's 30h+ of content each week, which is a lot, and if you watch all of it, it's reasonable to pay more. This can be an option for those who still want to watch videos about their faves, but don't want to pay more?


Idk that doesn't sound fair. I understand that it's a lot of content, but let's say I watch both drama clubs, that's 8 videos already. And on top of that maybe one album listening and two variety shows. And that's just like ~¼ of all the videos PD releases. Why should I pay a lot more for the things I don't use? That's just too complicated, I don't think it would work considering how big PDs Patreon is.


i was thinking this too- i've seen other patreons use tons of other platforms which are the ones u listed so maybe that can be a way to do it cause damn vimeo is definitely overcharging


I think the 720P could be an option for listening parties since we aren’t watching a video with You, I know its small change, but at lest it take less bandwidth for those videos since they can be 45min-hour long depending on the album.