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hi pd does ur iland videos not work anym bec it says that the video does not exist???

The K-Nerd

Wait you already started? I never got the notification for episode 1😯

Nova Amore

....... I really want to spoil................ can I give the ages?? It's not like PD can tell which age goes to the certain trainee, since there are many trainees with the same age........

ana maria

THANK YOU!!!! someone finally agrees w me that youngbins complaint made no sense. the way heeseung was leading them was completely normal. my thoghts are if he cant handle another trainee “evaluating” them individually, which mind you is to only give them critiques to hopefully help them in the long run, then its only going to get so much worse when its a producer bc its not to hurt you, its to help you.


ep 2 is so frustrating but it was so fun seeing you react to it bc i totally felt the same way!


In my opinion being an Idol is more like being a professional Athlete then being a "Artist". At this Point of the Show my favs were Niki, Seon, Heesung and Jay simply because they have "the bite"... If you get what I mean. Between the Industry in general and Netizens it's necessary to be that way or you will either go under or break down.

ana maria

also i adore hanbin so much. ive known ab him for a long time. hes a very talented dancer, and has a beautiful heart. and no hanbin is his korean name. his birth name is Ngô Ngọc Hưng but in his dance crew C.A.C, back in vietnam, he went by Hungbin :)


You also really see the difference between Guys that trained/danced longer (and are generally older except for Niki) like K, Heesung, Jay, Seon, Sunghoon, Niki and Hanbin & the ones that aren't... That special kind of desperate and ambitious yet.


The bite. Great term. Yeah, I don't want to make it dark but if you look at idols who have buckled under the pressure, idols who have been hurt, or even idols who are no longer with us... I'm only super critical because I KNOW the public and the industry are 1000x and they don't care about your feelings. I don't ever want another idol to be harmed or harm themselves which is why I only want to the strongest! And I like the comparison to athletes rather than artists.



aicrylic (aimee)

ayy where my sunghoon first pick from ep. 1 peeps at


Yeah there’s that charm about Jay that I really love. His grit and passion is in his nature and it shows both on and off stage, and he has the skills to back it up too

Chloe Borley-Evans

That got on my nerves too. I literally couldn't understand it. If it was a trainer telling them to do it individually they wouldn't bat an eyelid but when a fellow trainee does it, it's something to complain about? Heeseung only wanted to help but he really had to complain about it 😂


I’ll assume you were talking about Heeseung at the end there not Sunghoon because “malnourished” is something I’d use for Heeseung during I-Land lol he lost so much weight. Honestly all of your points regarding the whole Youngbin thing were so cathartic I totally agreed with you. And I appreciate you for not holding it against Ni-ki, he’s literally 14 he’s allowed to misstep.


I totally agree about how they distributed the parts! They weren’t really thinking wisely and ultimately it was Heeseung who didn’t want to be part 1, but Ni-Ki just wasn’t a good fit for this song. His vocals were lacking and a more well-rounded person instead of an amazing dancer is always the way to go


I totally agree about Jay. He caught my attention from the beginning because of his fighting attitude. The fact that he has that grit and stubborn determination to never give up really stands out.


"Well, get over it." I truly agree with that. As you said, it's the sign of a rookie (he does have the shortest training time, he's the one of 4 months), but look at the difference between him and Jake. Jake had been training for 9 months, only a few more than Youngbin, but his attitude towards falling behind was "dang, I really got to step it up" and he did. Niki, arguably the show's best dancer, in my opinion, even complimented him. Whereas Youngbin was shown only moping and feeling down. Which is valid too, we're all humans and have feelings and insecurities, and we could also be falling prey to Mnet's sneaky (and snakey) editing. But the contrast is jarring. I hope this served as a learning experience to him as well.



ana maria

im sorry for commenting so much, its because i love this show so much. i remember getting so frustrated in the first few episodes when i watched this the first time. not because i hated the show or any of the trainees. but because it seemed like some of them had no drive, no push to really improve. like you said some of them just seemed soft and when you’re in an industry, such as being an idol, you cant be soft because ultimately it will lead you nowhere. constructive criticism and evaluations are to help you improve, being able to take criticism and see it as tips that you can work on to get better is a part of the process. its not to put you down or hurt you. its not to make you feel worthless, of course it may sting a little. thats a part of being human, its okay to be a little sad but you cant let it mess you up. you just have to take it and run with it. because being in a performing based industry, getting evaluated is normal. they’re there to help you reach you’re goal. they’re not going to baby you just because you may be a little more sensitive, they’re going to tell you the truth, and the truth is not always going to be what you want to hear. its the only way to get better. for example, i am a dance teacher. i teach for people from ages 3 to 25. not only that but i dance competitively. when i give criticism, its not to hurt the other person, its to help. not only the one i am speaking to, but the whole team as well. and when i get told what needs work or what i did wrong, i take it and i try to improve what may not have been up to par. also,, its a competition in the long run, if you see something that you want, then try. try for the part you want. it shows passion and that you’re willing to keep trying even if it doesn’t work out. for example, jay kept trying for parts. even when he said he was done, he kept going. it shows how much he wants this. thats what i want to see from more trainees.


You're right, I meant Heesung! When I first saw him I was actually concerned I thought "oh my goodness he is SO skinny!" but I guess that's just how he is???? Because he's so powerful on stage I guess he can survive on less fat???


But he's also not an ASSHOLE you know? He's stubborn but he's not, for lack of a better word, a little bitch! He's only stubborn about succeeding and doing well but he also seems to concede rather than be a little dick about it. I point that out because sometimes if people are stubborn they tend to be assholes (sometimes). Like, it's a good stubborn and he's not unreasonable!


I do want to mention as a figure skater that we get trained a lot on our performance and artistry as it plays a huge part in skating scores. Since skating is solo, we learn how to perform individually and draw the attention to us, and we also learn to handle pressure and nerves since we can only rely on ourselves on the ice. That experience probably played a part in sunghoon’s performance. One thing I find a little strange is that I definitely saw the xfactor in him in this performance, but I honestly never really thought much of his artistry on the ice. Compared to skaters like Nathan Chen, Queen Yuna, and Yuzuru Hanyu he really doesn’t have the same X factor on the ice. But I definitely see it here! Maybe it’s because of idol training, performing in a group, or just his own determination. Not sure exactly, but it really works for him. He’s my pick too (definitely biased tho lol :)


Perhaps it's snake editing but it doesn't change the fact that Youngbin DID say those things, I think regardless of context, the show has shown several times that Youngbin's confidence is low (to the point where Heeseung points it out). Jake didn't make any impressions the first episode but even though he totaled his points this performance, his attitude really struck me.


Never apologize! This show is sooooo interesting and my interest is ultimately humanity, it's why I like writing and making films because humanity, especially passion and the ability to work hard against the odds is so fascinating to me. I loveeeee reading all the comments for drama club and variety stuff cus I love discussions about interesting stuff! It's great to see agreements on my points, or people showing me or point out stuff I didn't realize or notice, or just showing me a different point of view. Comment away!

ana maria

also i agree with what you're saying at the end. im also a very upfront person, people tell me all the time that im scary lmao.


Perhaps that's the thing. His destiny was never with skating but rather as an idol. I wonder if that's what played a part in him switching careers. Maybe he hit his personal ceiling with skating, realized or was told there was no more path for him in skating, but his talents could be used elsewhere. It's like with Jaebeom. I don't think he's got the cut to be an idol but I think he'd be a really good potential talent as an actor.


It's an internal debate I have all the time. Am I the one that's TOO truthful and blunt and pragmatic? Or is most of society that is too soft and can't handle the truth? I think there's a fine line somewhere in between we should all strive to achieve.


In response to your question about Bang PD not being at the test evaluation, he made it a point to show he was not involved in the scoring, which I really respect. Since he personally chose all of the trainees, he didn't want any chance of accusations of favoritism from him in the scoring. He left it up to the producers and mentors.


- If we're only talking about Niki and Heeseung, then think Niki should have been the dance leader and Heeseung the center - Jungwon and Geonu would have made good centers too - while Jaebeom was signing during the evaluation he looked like Chanseong ( the male lead of Hotel Del Luna)


I don't know why but Sunghoon gives me Seventeen Joshua Vibes? just me? and the SLEEQ comparison... I cannot unsee it now. why would you do this 😂 geonu is ruined for me now


Your comment about them being obviously kids-yeah. I second that 100%. Especially Ni-Ki. People are really harsh on Ni-Ki, especially when the show was airing, but I think it's important to remember he's only fourteen. He's the second youngest there, next to Daniel.


Oh my gosh when you were talking about adapting to your surroundings that exactly what my complaint was about what went down here as well. Like I get it, they're young and they aren't fully professional yet, that's why they were on this show. But! like what did you think was going to happen? You are going to be judged. That's the nature of working in performance, no matter what specific subdivision of performance you go into, whether your in the spotlight or the one working behind the scenes. Your work is going to be judged. So as a future performer, they all need to step it up and be ready to receive feedback, from ppl who are more talented/skilled as well as from ppl who are not because that's just the nature of the job. It sucks and it hurts a lot, but ultimately it's what makes you better and stronger. Idk, maybe that's the teacher and director in me but a lot of the time when I'm watching my students grow and develop their skills as performers telling them the truth is the most important thing to me. 50% of the time it hurts and 50% of the time it feels great but you need the full range of feedback to become a better performer, no matter your age or skill level. Maybe that's why I'm such a fan of Bae Yoon Jung lmaooooo!


He certainly doesn't carry himself like a 14 year old! Would have thought he was maybe 16.

Chloe Borley-Evans

Quite frankly I started watching I-Land when it came out but I lost interest and dropped it so I only watched like the first 4 eps? but I recently really got into Enhypen so I decided to watch again with you PD but back then and even now, I really don't like K, Seon and Youngbin. You pointing out Seons behavouir at the start of this ep was eye opening to me and I was really interested to hear you're thoughts about it since what you said was a good thing, put me off of him. Youngbins complaint was quite frankly ridiculous to me and having to sit through that for a second time pained me. I understand that most of them are kids and quite a few are younger than me but for ones that are either the same age as me or older yet still act like kids is incredibly frustrating to me. You'd think that if they've been put into a survival situation they'd take it a little more seriously and maturely. I'm excited to watch this with you because I love your insights into the making and production of the show, it' s literally my favourite thing about you and I learn so much from your thought process. I'm also glad you pointed out jungwon. I really liked his voice when I first started watching but never imagined he'd become my bias in Enhypen!


Yeah, this episode frustrated me so much especially because they initially nominated Heeseung but then criticized his leadership and made him change parts when I thought they could've either spoken to him earlier, or Ni-ki could've led the choreo part without taking over the centre when his vocals were obviously lacking. At this point I think I only liked Heeseung, Jungwon and Geonu.


I just realized this when PD mentioned liking his face, but Daniel reminds me of David from Lilo & Stitch with that haircut. My heart hurts a bit 🤏 less for Jay now that I know how things end. We got a dank meme out of it, though. We'll never let him live RAS down. 😄 I wouldn't have come up with it myself, but I can see what you mean about Geonu resembling Sleeq.

希文 王

no pd...why would you compare Geonu to Sleeq I'm face blind enough as it is! lol cannot unsee


omg YES. I didn't watch iland when it came out, only the BTS episodes (lmao) and the final performances. But now that I'm following the show, I like Jay a lot too. I like Jay and Heesung. They seem the most open and genuine. Not that the others aren't genuine, but they're clear about what they want without feeling like they need to hide their thirst. And they also seem like nice people who can be ambitious without being selfish. I see why the others feel frustrated at Heesung, but I feel like instead of quietly feeling upset or talking over with other people, it's annoying that know one is bringing it up with him directly. It doesn't have to be a big deal, but because they're letting it stew a bit, it's getting bigger than it needs to be.


Just like you said PD I picked up the vibes on Seon too, I felt like I was watching him play Big Brother and trying to secure his votes in the house lmao, I can appreciate that kind of gameplay as well.


what you said about Jay is 100% my thoughts as well. He instantly became one of my fav when watching this because of that.


I enjoy watching these with you a lot, I thought many similar things the first time I saw the show. I also really liked Rain as a producer on I-Land. This was a hard episode (and episode 3), but seeing their growth is worth it to me.


So I know this is really late, but I remember this episode really well. Like yes I don't think Heeseung changing the dance without talking to the others, but all the other stuff I didn't agree with the other's, and I got quite mad, and I remember it being the moment I thought Youngbin wasn't going to cut it, before he either had more experince. Regarding Ni-ki and the main position/leadership, personally he is my bias, I think it's episode 4 it was decided for me, however I do remember how Ni-ki not going for the first position was a sign of how he was so young, but he also has a natural leadership for dancing, which we see during the evaluation.


About Youngbin, I feel like his problem actually was the fact that Heeseung was evaluating them one by one 'in front of everyone'. I don't think it's just about the one by one by one thing, but more so the way of making him dance and pointing out his flaws in front of everyone. As someone who lacks confidence as well, I understand him. It must have been very stressful to have a bunch of more talented people watching you and seeing that you lack the skills. I agree that watching people one by one is the best way to find out what they could improve, but maybe not in these conditions. Honestly, the quality Heeseung lacked right there as a 'leader' was to ask beforehand how everyone would like to proceed with the practices and to understand that you can't deal with everyone in the same way. But at the same time, Youngbin got a reality check with this, because yes this industry is a harsh place and this is how you'd be treated in the outside world most of the time. He hasn't been around for long and it showed right there. But the thing is that Heeseung is just a fellow trainee and not an instructor, so I think it wasn't necessary to act like that. He should've been more considerate about other people's feelings. I do need to say tho that I was very frustrated by the fact that no one spoke up for a long time and made the issue bigger than it should've been. Yes it's alright to expect your 'leader' to do the right things, but if he doesn't what are you waiting for ? Tell him already ! He was thrown into this like everyone else, it's not because you put him in this position that he should be handling everything on his own. Advices are always welcome, and a leader is there to support the team but the team should help as well duh. I honestly think everyone was wrong in this situation. Communication is key guys ! And yes I'm late to the party, although I've already watched I-Land multiple times and this is the second time I'm watching your reaction to it, but I forgot to comment this last time so I'm doing it now lmao

Carlota Ornelas

I agree with you, I feel like a lot of people don’t see youngbin side but do see it like how you said as well.