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How do we have a nationwide riot going on during a pandemic?

I feel weird and emotional, scared mainly because I have a family to look out for now, and we keep hearing gunshots outside my apartment.

How is everyone holding up?


Abby Gora

i live near detroit where its getting bad, and its scary.

Nikki Ruiz

It's crazy honestly. Theres so much happening like 10 minutes from my house and all I keep hearing are random sites and getting emergency alerts on my phone is insane


Please stay safe PD! Shit is getting bad here too after what seemed to be a very good and (hopefully) productive rally. I wish I could add my voice to the masses for the peaceful part, but I would absolutely have a full-blown anxiety attack. I am trying to find other ways to contribute and to keep our "leaders" accountable. 💜

Katie Smith

Holding up okay. I haven’t worked in two months since my job laid me off temporarily due to the pandemic. Scared since I live outside of DC, albeit a moderate distance away. It seems surreal that riots are happening right now.


It’s scary but I really feel like it’s a necessary and important time we’re in right now. I can’t imagine how scared black people must be if I’m this scared myself. I just hope we can get justice for George Floyd since many ppl never got the justice they deserved themselves.


I live near Minneapolis and my brother and sister live in the cities and I have friends on the front lines of the protests, so I'm a little on edge, to put it lightly.


i live about 20 minutes from minneapolis, the city where it started and ill be honest, it’s been insanely scary. i saw some of the areas that got hit with looting & i have many friends in the city. just praying everything and everyone is okay after tonight and in the future!


I'm very shook up right now, I live in NY and my best friend got stuck in btwn the rioters & police trying to get home and was attacked by police officers. She's safe now but I feel this stuff has just gotten out of control.


I live in Gemarny so I'm OK myself but I have a lot of friends that live in the US and near hot zones so I'm really worried about them. Had to go to the emergency room last night because I got a really bad panic attack and started to hyperventilate because I got so worried about a friend of mine. Then I got anxiety because I got anxiety even though I'm not "personally effected" and felt guilty. Thanks to covid I can't go to the therapist at the moment so basically everything is shit for everyone and 2020 is great so far...

mick mick mick

please stay safe pd :( even people who ARENT protesting and just happen to be nearby are being targetted by the police too...


I’m in toronto and there hasn’t been any riots but there was just a protest today following the death of regis korchinski-paquet and I feel like a riot may happen if we don’t get any answers and if we continue to lose more lives. Honestly the past week just felt so intense and I don’t think it’s gonna calm down anytime soon

Chad Williams

I am in the middle of nowhere so I’m good but these people are idiots rioting not protesting it’s not achieving anything mlk wouldn’t be doing this mlk knew how to make people come together peacefully the majority of these people are looking for trouble and white not black I hope you stay safe though I’m sure it’s probably pretty bad out there

Sheila Vaidyanathan

I'm in Minneapolis, literally surrounded by riots. My work closed for the weekend because it's a small business and we were already struggling from covid. I'm ok, Im in a residential area and my place probably will be ok. It's just a crazy time we're living in right now


I'd just like to point out that MLKJ was impactful partly because he contrasted Malcolm X's more radical philosophy. Unfortunately, sometimes there has to be violence for those in power to finally be willing to consider actual solutions - not that I'm advocating for violence & destruction for the sake of it, but the nonviolent strategies have been tried time & again over the centuries and yet we're STILL at this point.

Jennifer Parker

Doing OK here in Vegas. Our protests and riots are pretty much confined to the Strip/Downtown area so I'm way out of the danger zone.


Honestly at this point, I'm starting a list of all the things I can say I've lived through: 9/11, second Bush presidency, major recession, angry cheeto presidency, global pandemic, 2020 civil rights protests... What a fun list!

Antonia Bailey

In Pittsburgh.. they set 2 cop cars on fire, injured 2 journalists, shut down to major bridges and the parkway. Got us a curfew of 8:30pm the next to nights. My husband is also a city cop and on the riot and hazmat teams... if its not been stress of covid calls it is me stressing the fuck out all day watching this on the tv....

Juda Culp

My city of Columbus is on a curfew as well. While I don’t condone rioting and looting, it is the result of unheard voices crying out for justice. Too many times have black people tried to peacefully protest and I think people are on edge. I pray for everyone and hope that we all stay safe

Emi R.

I’m in Atlanta. We’re under curfew/lockdown. I can hear everything but we’re just far enough away. It seems the hotspots tonight are more spread throughout the city where last night there weren’t as many, but larger crowds. Watching everything unfold on twitter makes my heart hurt. #blacklivesmatter


funny how the protests never get super rough until the police show up

Kate M

I'm in Milwaukee and we have a 9 pm curfew here. Last night businesses were set on fire and looted. I'm hoping tonight is quieter. Heard a gunshot earlier and a bunch of sirens, but nothing since. Stay safe PD and everyone else.


i'm not in the US but hope you stay safe and take care!! it's a rough time but we're here for you


Stay safe, be strong 😔

Mira S

I’m not from the U.S, but plz pd and everyone on here, stay safe!!:(((


I'm from the UK but have seen what's happening, wishing everyone to please stay safe and healthy! :( ❤️

Chloe Borley-Evans

I'm in the UK but cant imagine how scary this all must be for you and others living nearby. I hope you and your family stay safe through this


I feel soo saddened by how protests have been turned from something peaceful to at times violent. But the media and news talks of destruction that lasts longer than the discussion of police brutality and the black lives matter movement makes me more sad. When white people set things on fire at sports events, people are just getting rowdy, or when they protest for businesses to open back up while carrying guns they get the word protests and not rioting. The president (voted by the majority) calls black minorities "thugs" and not "good people" fighting for what is right. The language used, and actions taken just shows what people really think and have always thought of black people. I just hope for peaceful protests to come soon so the conversation can change. I was never taught to see police cars on the street, or see an officer walk by and feel like they are there to help, but to be aware that they may think of me as more of threat than a person in need of protection because of my skin color. I also feel angry at myself because I just accepted that this is how life is for me as black person in America, especially when I see all the signs that say "if you are not apart of the solution you are apart of the problem". I am going to stop typing now because I can go on forever on this topic and it wasn't just George Floyd, or what Covid-19 shows about the disparity in America. Any way everyone stay safe and healthy


i don't live in the US, so i'm safe, but i had to log out of twitter and limit the time i spend watching the news bc this whole situation plus the pandemic are affecting my mental health and i can't go to therapy bc of quarantine :( to everyone in the US, take care and stay safe! #blacklivesmatter


I live in Norway and I'm also safe. It's a freaking piknik here compared to the US.

Christina M Villa

I'm in Scottsdale, AZ. So angry as looters destroyed several stores in one of our malls. Not protestors, as those are in Phoenix. Just wanton destruction by criminals including Logan Paul. I'm in solidarity with the protestors, but the destruction by those who just want to destroy and are using this as an excuse to do so is horrible. We are under curfew here, too, now.


Logan paul the rich man looting a mall. Just insane. I refuse to condemn destruction of property in association with the protests, but Logan paul can gtfo for that.


I'm in Raleigh NC where we have had nothing but days of peaceful protest after just one night of less-than-significant violence directed only at property. Still tear gas is being thrown and rubber bullets shot at our citizens, and we have military personnel all over the city. It's a show of power and it's disgusting. They're showing us using these army men strolling around what they will do to us if they decide it's justified. They're showing us that they view us as the enemy. They're showing us that the police is only here to corral and subjugate its citizens. It feels like there's no going back. Something has to change.

Christina M Villa

He was thankfully arrested, but only days after others were. Most likely only because there was an outcry as he filmed himself and others looting. He tried saying he was just reporting, bullshit. I hope he rots in jail, but most likely he won't.