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Hey guys and gals.

It's been a while since I've been able to reach out to you all, but that is slowly about to change as I have returned home.

Thank you for all your thoughts about my recovery it warms my old heart.

So what has been going on. Well, as I can see my youngest has done her best to fill you all in and I'm so grateful for her persistence in wanting the code to my cell phone. I don't think her thoughts were on you lot, but on something a little more mundane. However I am a little proud that she actually reached out to you all about what had happened to me. She may be my youngest but she is also the most open minded of the lot.

I've been feeling like Nicholson in "One flew over the cuckoo's nest". I mean ... when  you hear them locking that door to the outside ... that 's just scary as hell! But it was apparently necessary for me to achieve some form peace around and in myself.

Late December last year life just became close to being unbearable for me and I was close to the point of tapping out. Luckily that didn't happen and a whole lot of therapy later I am on the road to a steady recovery. It hasn't been easy so far and they tell me that it will take quite a while before I'll be "fixed" - if ever.

On to something a little more up your ally: What about this project? It will continue until I'm done with it! I hope you understand that I will need some time to get my bearing here at home, and find a way to cope with me being alone, now that my youngest is all but moved out. According the doc's I'm at risk for a relapse because I live pretty much alone and that my social life (IRL) is close to being non-existent these days.

Social isolation because of chronic pains is sadly a reality for many, and as I have learned, counterproductive to recovery, so I need to get my ass of the chair and visit the world again. 

On that note I wont promise any release dates for 0.7. Not that I would usually have done that, but just to reiterate the norm. It will be released when I'm happy about it.

I think that was all for now. You all take care of yourselves and I hope you can all dodge the Corona virus. Stay healthy and stay safe!

Cheers - Kaffekop


Julian Harper

Stay safe and look after yourself first, I hope things improve soon

Maik Strehl

Hey man, I am really relived to hear from you again and happy that you are recovering. Stay strong and look out for yourself. If you need some more social contact, I guess you could set up teamspeak or discord to chat with us, if you feel like it. ;) You know how much i like your great game (the story, the characters and everything <3) and I can say I am really happy to hear that you will finish it. But your well being comes first! Take all the time you need. As I said before, I am just happy to hear you made the first big step of recovering :D


Good to have you back Kaffekop. Tag det endelig lidt med ro her i starten.


Yes, I think now at this difficult moment for the whole world it is doubly difficult for you. Everything is quarantined and some kind of craziness in supermarkets. Get well soon!


no problems my man. IRL stuff is always more important. Excelsior

Jimmy Lovell

You hang in there we are all rooting for you,god bless


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Good to hear from you again Kaffe! Keep up the positivity and I'm sure everything will turn well in the end!