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Hi everyone

Well, it seems that I'm settling in a lot easier than I had feared, so I have already begun re-familiarizing myself with the project and with Daz Studio. I'm a bit surprised at what you forget when you're not thinking about the project for so long. Luckily I have flowcharts and everything backed up, so it will probably only take me a few days to get up to speed. I fear that getting back into Ren'py will be an even worse struggle for me, but I'm quite optimistic at this point.

When I went away I was about 2/3 through the process of working on images. That means setting up and rendering so there is a very good chance that there will be a release this month. I think it comes down to how fast I get back into Ren'py.

The Patreon page will see some design changes over the next month or so as I will begin showcasing characters that will be starring in my next project. I believe I made some promises late 2018 about showcasing the next project in mid 2019, but life just sucked everything out of me, so I never got around to doing that. This is about to change.

One good thing about being locked away for so long is that I haven't been spending a lot of money. This has made it possible for me to upgrade my render-rig with two extra RTX 2080TI GPU's, so it will be running on three of those cards when I get around to making the actual upgrade. They are currently en-route from the Netherlands and given the whole situation in the world at the moment, I don't know when they will arrive.

It is my hopes that I will be able to get the current render-times down from 20+ minutes to around 10+ minutes - for the average render. There are some that will require more time, but the majority of renders are currently rendered at one image every 20 minutes.

This should make it possible for me to get back into monthly updates. I know that my health is the biggest hurdle when it comes down to productivity, but I hope that faster render-times should, to some extent, even that out. At least that is the reasoning behind getting those two extra cards.

Anyways, that is all for now. Stay safe.

Cheers - Kaffekop


Maik Strehl

Wow, this are rly good news :D i am happy that u r this well already again :D Pls don't overdo it and stick to ur plan to only work when u feel like it.

Walter L.

Good news. Obviously we'll be happy over any progress in the game, but like Maik mentioned, the most important thing is to not overdo it. Don't put too much pressure on you.


Take your time and gently ease into the flow of things. Thrilled to hear the good news!




Well, I hope you really can quickly get started, especially since you mentioned, you were about 2/3 through the process of working on images, so now it will be easier for you

Jimmy Lovell

were all behind you we love your work.been here since the start not going any were i both a new video card just for your game i have two more payment then its mine will up my pledge soon