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<code>Hi every one

A little update about my dad.

He has been home this weekend to see if he will be able to be discharged in the near future.
He has been attending therapy for up to three days a week and it seems to work for him.

My dad is obviously at risk of having a relapse when he returns home, so doctors would try with a weekend to start.

Most of the weekend has gone to sleep with our dogs and it was pretty obvious that all three of them missed each other's company.

The rest of the time has been shared between me and the computer where he has been working with something.

We look forward to what the doctors' verdict will be regarding a discharge and return to normal surroundings.

That's all I know right now.

Friendly greetings - his daughter.</code>


Jimmy Lovell

Thanks for the update ,we will keep are fingers crossed for the best he is missed game are no game tell him we want him to get well

Maik Strehl

Hey, thx again for keeping us updated. All the best wishes for his well being. And for you and the family as well. Seeing family members suffer is always unpleasant for the rest of the family. Stay strong and at his side, he needs all the support he can get.


Hope your dad will get well soon. Best wishes!

