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Dear followers.

I finally managed to get the code for my dad's mobile and thus also access to this website, among other things.

I'm not quite sure how much you know about my dad's problems over the last couple of years but to say that the last 1½ years have been tiring is an understatement.

I am writing this to let you know that my father is currently hospitalized following a mental breakdown in late December 2019.

How long it takes for him to recover, no one can really say.

However, we are able to communicate with him now and through that I have gained access to his mobile and thus this website.

I will let you know when further development occurs in my father's condition.

Greetings - his daughter.



Sad news indeed, I hope your dad will be alright soon.


Hope your dad gets better soon.






Hope you get better KK.

Jimmy Lovell

We wish him the best and hope he gets well. i was a worried that something bad had happen he puts so much in to his work , were all behind him!

Maik Strehl

Best wishes to your dad and much love and support from his fans :) We all hope he gets better. Not only because we wish the game to continue but also because we do care for his well being.


Best wishes! Although I will miss the game updates I sincerly hope that he (and you, his family) can put HIS wellbeing before anything else. I wish for a speady and good development. *nothing but love*