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Emilia was finishing her last shift at the Downtown Pizza Factory. The clock on the wall showed it was nearing the end of the night. The air smelled faintly of tomato sauce and baked dough, a scent that had become familiar to her over the months. The restaurant was unusually quiet, with the usual din of customers and clattering of dishes absent on this particular evening.

Her manager, Shannon, was at the front, methodically counting the day's earnings and jotting down notes in a ledger. The silence of the establishment was a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle. Emilia had grown accustomed to the sound of ringing phones, orders being shouted, and the constant movement of her colleagues. But tonight, everything was still.

Glancing around the empty restaurant, Shannon made a decision. She signaled to Emilia that they could close up early due to the lack of customers. Emilia nodded in understanding and began her closing duties with a practiced ease. She wiped down tables, swept the floors, and made sure all the chairs were neatly tucked in. The task was mundane but comforting since it would be the last time.

Once done, Emilia headed to the break room to gather her belongings. The break room was a small, cramped space with a worn-out sofa and a table littered with old magazines and a half-functioning microwave. Her locker was in the corner, and she approached it to change out of her work uniform.

As she was preparing to leave, a sudden dizziness overcame her. It was unexpected and intense. Emilia grimaced, trying to steady herself against the locker. Her head spun, the room seeming to tilt and swirl around her. She wondered if it was exhaustion or perhaps hunger, as she hadn't eaten much during her shift.

Feeling increasingly unsteady, Emilia decided to sit down. She moved slowly towards the break room sofa, each step careful and measured. As she sat, the spinning sensation didn't subside but instead seemed to intensify. Emilia closed her eyes, hoping it would pass quickly. When she opened her eyes again, her vision was blurry. She blinked several times, trying to clear it. That's when she noticed something peculiar. A strange shadow was moving across the floor of the break room.

The shadow crept closer to where Emilia sat, moving with a purposeful slowness. Emilia watched, frozen in place, both fascinated and frightened. She wanted to stand, to move away, but her body felt incredibly heavy, anchored to the sofa. As the shadow reached her, it began to crawl up her legs. It felt cool and intangible, like a mist made of darkness. Emilia tried to brush it away, but her arms were sluggish, unresponsive to her commands.

A wave of sleepiness washed over her, sudden and overwhelming. It was unlike any tiredness she had felt before. It was deep and consuming, pulling her down into an inescapable slumber. Emilia fought against it, her mind racing with confusion and fear, but it was of no use.

Her eyes grew heavy, and the room around her fading into darkness. The last thing she saw was the shadow enveloping her, merging with the darkness that was closing in. Then she was abruptly asleep, her consciousness slipping away into an unknown void while an older, familiar voice laughed around her.



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