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Jackson sat in his living room, letting out a deep sigh while he rubbed his painful abs. He was experiencing cramps for the first time in his life, and he was absolutely livid. He glanced at his reflection in the nearby mirror, hardly recognizing the person staring back as he frowned. His transformation had been dramatic and unexpected. Once a man with an average build, he now had the features of a strikingly beautiful woman. His hair, once short and coarse, flowed in long, silky red waves. His face, previously marked by a strong jawline and stubble, now boasted high cheekbones, full lips, and smooth, flawless skin. His body had changed too, with curves in places he never had them before.

As he sat there, Jackson remembered his visit to Fit Labs, a renowned genetics modification facility. He had gone there with a simple goal: to alter his DNA to gain muscle faster as he worked out. The procedure seemed straightforward. He stood in a fridge-like chamber that gradually filled with a green, misty substance, supposedly packed with genetic modifiers.

For nearly half a year, Jackson had dedicated himself to the gym, expecting to see significant muscle growth. Instead, he noticed he was losing weight, which initially thrilled him. However, it soon became evident that it wasn't just weight he was losing, but his muscle mass was changing too.

The realization dawned on him slowly and with a sense of disbelief. And after a particularly painful training session, he remembered falling asleep and feeling something heavy on his chest. He had tossed and turned in his sleep, and he was horrified to realize that his body had been changing. Breaking down his muscles had triggered the final part of his genetic transformation. He had transformed into a woman with smaller breasts. The shock of this discovery was overwhelming. Jackson couldn't fathom how such a mistake could have occurred, especially when he saw that his breasts were still growing. It was supposed to be a simple genetic tweak to enhance his muscle growth, not a complete change of gender.

He learned that he had been given the wrong genes, a mix-up at Fit Labs that had altered his life irreversibly. Jackson was now permanently a woman, a reality that was hard to grasp. He felt a mix of emotions – anger, confusion, and a sense of betrayal. He tried to distract himself with more exercise, but the more he worked out, the more feminine he became. Eyes were constantly on him at the gym, and his shrinking cock eventually flowered into a fully functioning vagina. Determined to seek justice and compensation for the monumental error, Jackson reached for the phone. His cramps were really starting to piss him off. He dialed his lawyer's number, his hands shaking slightly.

As his lawyer answered, Jackson took a deep breath and began to explain his situation. He couldn't turn back time, but he could seek justice for what had been done to him. Sadly, nothing could be done. His lawyer was unable to argue a case for him. Jackson had signed several documents that waived his ability to sue the company. The realization of this fact hit Jackson hard. He was stuck in the body of a beautiful 20-year-old woman, with no legal recourse to fix it. He sank into a chair, feeling defeated. His dream of being a bodybuilder was gone, replaced with a new reality that he had to accept. He looked at his reflection again, realizing that this was the face and body he would have forever. He didn't know what his future held, but he knew he would have to find a way to make peace with his new identity.



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