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When Shannon woke up in her new body, she immediately forced herself up. She moved through the break room, her long, sexy legs feeling elegant while she sauntered into the nearby bathroom. On the toilet, her old body remained unconscious and completely silent. And when she turned to look at her new body in the reflection, she let out an excited squeal as she pulled off Emilia's hair elastic. Her ponytail fell down along her back and shoulders as she posed.

"This body's perfect," Shannon laughed. "Gosh, I can't believe I almost lost her. All that time in having her drink that potion for the past three months would have gone to waste."

Shannon was an amateur potion brewer, but she understood the basics of body possession after finding an instruction manual on what needed to be done. Stealing another person's body was a lot like stealing a car, except a body could only have one passenger. You needed the keys to unlock the door, and the only way to get the keys to another person's body was by giving them a soul loosener that could get Emilia's soul out.

Shannon knew her employee was ready when she noticed her sitting down. One of the side effects was drowsiness, and the young 19-year-old woman was usually energetic. She should have been ecstatic for her final shift, but the young woman seemed bothered by something. That was when Shannon drank her own soul release potion, which allowed her soul to move to the nearest body for a temporary possession. Except, thanks to the dozens of potions she'd snuck into Emilia's lunches and dinners at work, the young woman's body was ripe for the taking.

"And now it's mine," Shannon said triumphantly. "God, look at these tits. I can't believe I almost lost her. Now, I can finally quit. I can actually do shit with my life." The possibilities were endless now. Shannon had been a 52-year-old woman who was single and burned out. After two divorces and no children, she was alone and struggling to pay the bills. She hated seeing people scaling above her, and she hated feeling left behind. So, when she met Emilia, she decided that she was going to be her ticket out of the restaurant industry. Emilia was still going to college, but she was a clean slate for her. She had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, and that was perfect for Shannon.

As she left the bathroom, she couldn't help but notice how good the young woman looked in her clothes. The jeans hugged her curves in all the right places, and the white blouse was perfect for her. She had switched out of her uniform nearly half an hour ago, and she could see that they were folded nicely on the break room table.

She gathered her belongings, including her purse and keys, and left the restaurant. She purposely left the door unlocked - the morning crew would be finding her empty body. "Hopefully they won't be too shocked," she said with a smirk. As she walked down the street, she realized that she didn't care now. The real Emilia had quit her job, so it was time to look forward to the future. She didn't want to be thinking about the pizza shop for the rest of her life. She felt like a brand-new woman, and she didn't want to think about wasting her time at a job that didn't treat her right.

Suddenly, she stopped. She looked at her reflection in a nearby shop window, and she couldn't help but smile. Her body was supple and smooth, and her blonde hair was thick and shiny. With a body like this, the possibilities were endless. And as she saw handsome men staring and smiling at her, she knew that she could get anything she wanted. This was the best decision of her life.



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