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The most annoying feeling was the disrespect Kirk was feeling. After he decided to pay Georgia to surgically put his brain in her body, he thought life was going to be way easier at his executive job. He had an extremely gorgeous body, and yet people were smirking at him from behind his back. Everybody knew who he was - the man who decided to cheat death. Sure, Georgia's body was the only person out of a thousand people who was willing to sell her body for several million dollars, but he wasn't expecting people to treat him so differently.

As a matter of fact, Kirk thought life was going to be easier as a woman. He loved the way sex felt with his wife, Jen, and he especially enjoyed the nonstop orgasms he could have. A young body also meant getting rid of his addiction to alcohol and the pain he was getting in his lower back. Georgia would be in his 50-year-old body with a significant amount of money to pay off her student debt and finance a few lavish vacations, while he would remain in her 25-year-old body forever.

But when it came to his professional life, things were different, and he was feeling the pain of being a young person. People would never take him seriously. It was like he was invisible to everybody in his office. Despite being in charge of parts of the company still, people never saw him the same way. He used to be the most intimidating executives at the company. Nobody joked around about him, and nobody disrespected him the way people were disrespecting him now. His colleagues would always talk about their ideas and strategies, but they never included him in the conversation after fully transitioning as the new Georgia.

When he had an idea, he would try to share it with somebody else, but he couldn't seem to get any attention. It was like his voice didn't matter. Whenever he disciplined employees, they simply nodded their heads and continued their problematic behaviors. It wasn't until a few months after the transfer that Kirk started to realize why people were treating him differently.

Everybody saw him as a young and naive girl now. Even suppliers were treating him differently. Many knew about his previous life, yet it was almost like him being a woman was a green light for disrespect. Of course, it didn't take very long for Kirk to realize that some of the older managers were the ones putting him down behind his back. Kirk had sex with several of the cuter men, and after becoming vulnerable and accepting of their so-called "love," they immediately shared their intimacy with other workers. Realizing that Kirk was being known as the office slut, he decided that it was time to show them who was boss.

Sadly, he didn't have full authority. He could only fire about 40% of the company. He needed to set an example, and he wanted to get rid of a lot more people. So, Kirk took matters into his own hands. He went to each of the directors and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. Kirk would give them full access to his body and everything else that came with it, but in return, they needed to vote for him at the next shareholder meeting. He wanted them to make him CEO. It seemed like a crazy request at first, but after sucking their cocks and utilizing his beauty on the right people, he inevitably became the highest ranking official.

People would go on to regret invoking Kirk's wrath as CEO. He quickly fired about 70% of the employees, replacing them with a more loyal team. The remaining workers were grateful for their jobs and treated Kirk with respect. He didn't even have to sleep around to keep them under his control. In a matter of weeks, Kirk had successfully made a sinister reputation for himself, and he was loving every bit of it. Life was finally back to “normal.”



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