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Leo thought that he had the better end of the deal when he agreed to swap bodies with Marie. He always felt a little off in his own body, and when he originally slipped into Marie's body with the help of her family's spell book, he thought that he had figured everything out. He thought he was actually just a woman in a man's body, especially after he had a chance to really be Marie. She gave him full permission to use her wardrobe and to do as he pleased in her body. She promised that it was going to be a temporary body swap, yet Leo found himself wanting to keep her body forever after playing with his moist lady bits.

He began looking for ways to make the body swap permanent after really exploring his female body. He loved the way his canal leaked with his lust, and the way his body twisted and trembled after every powerful orgasm. He never had a chance to test his body with another man, but that was definitely on his bucket list once he made Marie's body belong to him forever.

What Leo wasn't expecting was that Marie didn't switch bodies with him out of his curiosity for the opposite sex. She didn't care about being a man at all either - there was another reason for it, and Leo wasn't pleased when he discovered the reason for the body swap.

Marie's grandmother, Candice, had been preparing the young woman's body for herself for years. And now that Marie's body was 20 years old, the tradition of transferring her mind into her main descendant had finally come. Unfortunately, Leo didn't have the ability to articulate that he was actually Marie. 

Prior to the swap, Marie had placed a hex on his mind to prevent him from telling others about the magical experience. Her excuse was that it was to protect herself so they could swap again if he wanted to. Accidently revealing the truth to anybody could result in her being stripped of her magic forever. But now that he was tied to a chair and sitting in front of Candice, he knew what the true reason was.

The old woman's evil smile made him shiver with fear. Before he knew it, he could feel the old woman's magic beginning to fill the room. The elderly soul fell to her hands and knees, and a white cloud of smoke shot forth from her shriveled lips and entered Leo's young body.

With each passing second, Leo could feel a new force inside him, taking over his body. He could hear Candice's laughter echoing in his head, but he couldn't do anything to stop it. He struggled against the ropes that held him to the chair, but it was futile. In a matter of moments, Marie's beautiful 20-year-old body belonged to Candice, and Leo was left as a prisoner of the old woman's body while the ropes seemingly melted away.

Candice was completely oblivious to Leo being trapped inside of her. She was too enthralled with her stolen flesh, and as her fingers ran along her soft and smooth skin, she was excited to live for yet another eighty years before finally moving on to the next body. Thankfully, she managed to help raise Marie well. Over the years, she augmented her physical beauty and youth. She would be able to look young for another fifty years before the augmentations wore away, but by then, she would undoubtedly have another vessel lined up.

Meanwhile, Marie would be on the other side of the world. Despite being in Leo's body, she could still perform basic magic. She wasn't as powerful as her old body, but she was thankful that she was at least able to find a willing person to switch bodies with her. She was lucky that Leo had a natural affinity for magic, so choosing him as a body to hide in was something that she wasn't expecting. She felt a little bad for letting Leo suffer the fate reserved for her. But as she relaxed on sunny beaches and flirted with gorgeous women in her new body, she decided that being Leo wasn't going to be so bad. It was better than being controlled by an evil witch for the rest of her life, after all.



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