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Calvin refused to believe that his girlfriend was gone forever. After taking her to an exorcist when she started showing signs of being possessed by some unknown force, the priest had successfully removed the spirit and destroyed the evil lurking inside of her. Now, a month after the exorcism, he realized that his girlfriend had been growing distant from him. She began openly flirting with other men, and at some point, he heard that she was seeing somebody new.

So, when he confronted Sylvia about everything, everything finally unraveled. "Yeah, I'm not her," the body thief confessed. "I'll be totally honest. When she first walked by my ghostly figure at the hospital, I wasn't expecting to latch on to her. And I also wasn't expecting to have such an effect on her mental health. But once the priest pulled her soul out instead of mine, I knew that I owed it to your beloved girlfriend to live out her life."

"Get out of her body … NOW!" Calvin demanded.

His possessed girlfriend's lips curled into an evil smile. "Even if I could, I wouldn't be able to find her soul now. It's long gone after the priest pulled her out of her beautiful body."

She stood up and looked down at him, a sense of superiority filling her eyes. "Now that I'm in her body, I plan to make the most of it. I've got a date with a hot guy tonight, and I can't wait to start exploring what my new body can do. Look, you're a sweet guy. You wanted what was best for her. But it's time to move on."

All Calvin could do was stare in complete silence and rage. The spirit, Kyra, had longed to be able to have a second chance at life. She lingered as a ghost for years after an accidental drowning claimed her life. She was too afraid to move on, so she watched the lives of those around her for a very long time. But now that she had Sylvia's body, she planned on making tons of adjustments to her stolen life.

There were things that Sylvia never did when she controlled her own body. She had an incredibly fit physique with firm breasts and an incredible roundness to her hips. She was a natural beauty, yet she loved to cover herself up in baggy clothes. She was never confident. But with Kyra making her every move, she was a much better version of Sylvia.

Calvin could say all he wanted, but he looked like a crazy person to the majority of people around him. He could have gone to the priest who granted her this body, but there was nothing they would be able to do. The real Sylvia was long gone, and Kyra was already living her life to the fullest.

To the outside world, Kyra looked like a beautiful young woman who was enjoying her life. In reality, she was a ghostly figure living inside of someone else's body. And while it might be seen as an unorthodox way to live, Kyra couldn't care less. She was going to live out her life the way she wanted to, and nobody was going to stop her. In the end, Calvin realized that he couldn't change the situation. 



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