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Deep down, Joshua had always been a thin kid, lacking the muscular build that many of the college football players sported. He played football regularly up until the middle of high school – that’s when he fell behind completely in the physical department. Often, he'd stand on the sidelines, watching them with envy, wishing he could have just a fraction of their strength and athleticism. 

Then, the idea came to him one evening as he sat in the old college library, reading about ancient potions and magical transformations in one of the fantasy books. He inevitably dug around online websites and found just that – a transformation potion that could help him gain the attributes he so desired.

He began to gather the ingredients, jotting them down in his notebook. Every component was easily obtainable, except one – a strand of hair from one of the college football players. Joshua saw his chance one afternoon when he noticed the star player, Mark, taking off his helmet, allowing a few stray hairs to fall to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, Joshua discreetly collected one.

Back in his dorm room, he mixed the ingredients in a small vial, chanting the incantations he had found in the library book. The potion shimmered a deep violet hue. With a gulp of anticipation, Joshua downed the concoction, expecting to feel his muscles bulge and grow. Instead, an entirely different transformation began.

His clothes felt tight and then too big, his shoes started to pinch, and his hair cascaded down his shoulders. Joshua felt his body shift and reshape. His chest filled out, his waist narrowed, his hips widened, and his face began to soften as he moaned. His deep moan became higher pitched, and instead of the coarse facial hair he had begun to grow, his skin became smooth and unblemished. 

In moments, Joshua had transformed completely. Instead of the ripped footballer's physique, he was met with a distinctly feminine form. His clothes were struggling to hug the new curves he had acquired. Everything about him had changed as he hurried to a nearby mirror to look at himself. He looked like Mark’s girlfriend, Samantha, though there were a few differences. “Not everything looks like her,” he remarked after seeing his lack of prominent cheekbones. “My breasts look bigger too…”

Panicking, Joshua rummaged through his backpack for the concoction’s ingredients list. Flipping through the printed pages, he came across a footnote that warned of the importance of ensuring the correct hair strand. He couldn’t believe how unbelievably unlucky he was – he couldn’t have predicted that a piece of the girl’s hair was in Mark’s helmet. But looking back on it, the two frequently made out before big games, so it wasn’t like it was impossible.

With a sad look on his face, he looked back at the mirror. While his original plan had gone awry, Joshua couldn’t help but begin to admire the intricacies of the transformation. This was a completely different body, but it was also more interesting in a way. He leaned closer to the mirror, tracing the delicate contours of his new face, the slope of his nose, and the fullness of his lips before giving himself a smile.

He was a woman now. It was a far cry from what he had wanted, but the reflection was undeniably beautiful. And when Joshua brushed the front of his warm crotch, he immediately bit his lower lip and realized that this mistake might be a fun one.



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