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“Fuck,” Mitch whispered. He was standing in the dimly lit room when he realized that he had to start moving. Frowning, his eyes became fixed on the glowing green Buddha statue that sat ominously on the wooden shelf. His reflection in the nearby mirror was that of a woman – Lilian's face, Lilian's gorgeous body. It was a reflection that had become hauntingly familiar over the past few days.

A car's engine revved outside and pulled his attention away. He peeked through the curtains and saw a car pulling up to his driveway. It was Brad's car, and the two figures stepping out were unmistakably Brad and his girlfriend, Lilian. She was in Mitch's overweight male body, her movements awkward and forced as she tried to run up the driveway. She was already coated in a layer of sweat when the body thief realized he needed to act right away. “I’ve wasted too much time. I have to do this.”

Panic welled up in Mitch's chest as the realization set in. They had come to reverse the accidental body switch that had occurred when they had all thoughtlessly played around with the statue. Mitch had been best friends with Lilian, and they were hanging out in the attic when they discovered it. The swap happened the next morning when they both woke up as each other. While Mitch had done his best to pretend to be Lilian for the rest of that day, Brad had seen through his inability to act like Lilian. He had grown suspicious, and the real Lilian had convinced him who the real girlfriend was. “Such a shame,” he sighed. A bitter taste formed in his mouth as he considered the twisted turn of events that had led to this moment. “Looks like I’m going to need to make it impossible to switch back…”

Mitch's mind raced while he finally made his decision. His new female body had started to grow on him in ways he hadn't expected, and the thought of giving it up was unsettling. He was gorgeous in his new body. He was fit, healthy, and unbelievably attractive. He knew that Brad and Lilian would stop at nothing to reverse the swap, and time was running out.

His gaze returned to the statue, its green glow now seeming more ominous than ever. A decision had to be made, and it had to be made fast. As the sound of car doors slamming reached his ears, Mitch's face twisted into a frown. Mitch's hands trembled as he grabbed a hammer from the tool drawer, the weight of it both reassuring and terrifying. He could hear the sounds of Brad and Lilian making their way through the house, their voices growing louder as they approached the room where the statue sat. His heart raced, each beat echoing the ticking of a clock running out of time. There was no turning back now. The statue had to be destroyed - it was the only way to ensure that things remained as they were.

He positioned himself by the shelf. The voices were now just outside the door, and he could hear the sound of a key turning in the lock. With a final glance at the reflection that he had grown to accept as his own, Mitch raised the hammer high, his breath catching in his throat. The door swung open, and Brad's eyes widened in horror as he registered what was about to happen. 

But it was too late. 

With a cry of determination, Mitch brought the hammer down hard onto the statue, the room echoing with the sound of shattering. The room became engulfed in an ethereal green light as the shards of the statue collapsed into sand. Mitch's triumphant laugh filled the space, his heart pounding with both victory and finality. Brad's shouts of anger were futile against the resolve in Mitch's eyes. The dust from the shattered Buddha statue swirled briefly before fading away, the green glow dimming until it was no more. The room fell into silence, the reality of the situation settling in. Lilian was going to have to get used to her male body, while proof of what had happened fell apart into shards of dust. The Buddha statue was destroyed, its magic gone for good and forever trapping Mitch in his new body.



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