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The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm and golden hue over the beach while they got to a spot where there was some grass.  Luigi (left) held the phone in front of them while they posed, ensuring the camera caught all three of them to immortalize yet another memory. Ross (middle) and Kyle (right) flanked him, all three women beaming radiantly in their sexy bikinis. Luigi was Allison, Ross was Teagan, and Kyle was Jill.

The new bikinis they wore sparkled under the sun. Vibrant and chic, they had been provided by the resort as part of the luxurious package they'd opted for. The decision to embark on this unique experience had been a joint one after yet another productive fiscal period.  The idea had sprouted one evening when they'd all been sitting in Luigi's mansion. They were looking over vacation brochures when one particular brochure caught their attention. It spoke of a unique body swapping experience, one where you could live life through someone else's eyes. 

The expensive decision had been made almost instantly. The thought of actually being girls and playing with their bodies with their consent piqued their interests. Thankfully, money wasn't a concern for them. What mattered more was the thrill of a new adventure. And so, after parting with a million dollars each, they found themselves at this luxurious resort, stepping into high-tech pods that would change their lives, even if it was just for a little while.

Once the initial shock had passed, they quickly started exploring their new lives. Discovering new routines, understanding their new bodies, and even giggling over the novelty of their situation. The three of them eventually cheered after the pictures were taken before returning to their beach towels.

Ross leaned back on the beach towel, feeling the soft fabric beneath and the sun warming his new, feminine skin. Luigi and Kyle were talking while he stared up at the cerulean sky. He was lost in thought, memories of the past few days rushing back. He remembered how they’d struggled with makeup and fumbled with hair ties. It took a while to get used to their bodies, but now they were comfortable and eager to explore everything. Ross wasn’t sure how far Luigi and Kyle explored their new bodies, but Ross definitely had a fun time stimulating himself. 

He began to appreciate the intricacies of being a woman. Deep down, he felt a little bad before the swap. The thought of young women being trapped as older, middle-aged men made him feel uncomfortable, but the interview with the girls put him at ease. They were here to enjoy the vacation, while Allison, Teagan, and Jill lived in their mansions, carrying on with their lives. It was a fair trade since the women got a taste of luxury.

Ross gazed out at the horizon, a gentle smile playing on his lips. A million dollars might seem steep for a holiday, but the feelings he felt as a woman made it all worth it. He debated on whether or not he’d ask for an extension, but even if the girl he had swapped with wasn’t willing, Ross figured he’d be able to find another willing woman to swap with. And when he looked over at his best friends and saw their satisfied smiles, he had a feeling they were thinking the same exact thing.



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