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“I really did have a great time,” Melanie said softly while she smiled down at the shiny bracelet Blane had given to her after dinner. He gave her cheek a light kiss. She spent the entire car ride admiring its silver exterior. Like the gift, everything about their date felt so perfect. She smiled big and bright as her new boyfriend closed the door behind them. They had decided to stay in a fancy hotel for their first vacation together. It was just the two of them, with nobody around to ruin their first real intimate moment together.

The metal felt cold as Blane guided her to the bedroom. Then, it started to buzz, and Melanie felt strange as she looked at Blane. He was smiling, but it wasn't his normal smile. Melanie tried to talk but her voice didn't work. She tried to move, and her legs didn't listen. Just as she spotted a remote control in the palm of Blane’s hand, everything around her started to go dark. The last thing she saw was Blane's evil smile. A giggle left her lips when everything went black, and she felt the world slipping away while her lips curled into an evil smile.

Kylie, now in Melanie’s beautiful body, could finally feel the world around her. After being trapped in the bracelet for weeks, her husband had finally found a suitable host. Everything looked new and different now as she hurried to a nearby mirror to touch her face. 

It felt soft and young, and when her husband wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, a rush of heat flowed through her. Her soft, dainty hands reached up to caress his powerful hands while she smiled into the reflection. A pang of guilt throbbed in her chest, yet the admiration she felt kept those thoughts at bay. “You chose the perfect body. God, I feel so horny already.”

She loved how the new her looked. Her large, natural breasts and soft brown hair looked perfect. Compared to her dying body, she also felt strong and alive. She could breathe easily, and the wonderful feeling she felt between her legs when Blane kissed her neck made her realize that the money spent was all worth it. 

She remembered being very sick before all this, and she didn’t plan on experiencing that feeling again. After all, she had cancer, and the desperation she felt at age 42 made her regret not enjoying life more. Sure, she spent years opening up charities and donating her time and money to help people. Sadly, she regretted not spending more time on growing her own family, and the diagnosis only made her feel worse about herself.

But now, she had no pain or weakness. She could actually enjoy life all over again now that her body was in its early twenties. Her husband had a friend who had a prototype bracelet that could take her mind and put it in someone else's body. All it required was physical contact for more than ten minutes, and when her husband gave the bracelet to Melanie, her gorgeous body was inevitably marked for takeover.

And as she kissed her husband and felt his powerful hands squeezing every inch of her body, she knew that life was going to feel wonderful. It didn’t take long for them to start testing her intimate limits, and when she realized that the pleasure she felt was way better than what her old body could feel, her guilt for stealing another person’s life vanished.



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