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Shannon glanced down, tugging at the hem of the black yoga pants she wore. The bathroom light glinted off the cold porcelain sink, and the hum of the overhead light was the only sound to accompany her apprehension. She wasn't always comfortable showing so much of herself, or in this case, so much of someone else's self. But then, Shannon wasn’t always herself.

The door opened a crack, and Shannon caught a glimpse of Danny's eager face in the hallway mirror. The bright grin that stretched across his face and the way his eyes widened in surprise told Shannon everything she needed to know. He liked what he saw. The satisfaction of a job well done surged through her, temporarily quelling her self-doubt. After all, this wasn’t about her. This was about Melinda.

Melinda was a beauty in every conventional sense: cascading chestnut hair, eyes like clear pools, and a face that could launch a thousand ships. But beauty wasn't everything, and deep inside that exquisite frame was a soul that trembled at the mere thought of social interaction, especially with someone like Danny. It was for this very reason Melinda that had hired Shannon. To act on her behalf, to be her, but bolder.

As Shannon adjusted the tight pants one last time, she pondered about the peculiar gift she possessed. Astral projection was the technical term, but Shannon preferred to call it 'body-hopping'. It had begun innocently enough in her teenage years as she spied on her parents. 

But as she grew older and mastered her skill, the potential for its application expanded. What had started as a quirky talent turned into a lucrative business. Clients reached out from all over, asking for a date as someone else, a crucial job interview, or just to walk in someone else’s shoes. Of course, her clients were always aware of what she was doing, and they always had the ability to break free if they felt uncomfortable.

People often asked Shannon why she didn’t use her powers for grander things. She had the ability to become anyone, a movie star or a politician even. She could do anything to anyone. But for Shannon, it was making people happy – that was her main objective. 

But the current job held a hint of sadness for Shannon. Danny had been in love with Melinda for as long as anyone could remember. And Melinda, with all her insecurities bundled up inside her, could never muster the courage to meet his affections despite feeling the exact same way. They were both extremely awkward people, so giving a discount to Melinda wasn’t too hard to bear.

Emerging from the bathroom, Shannon - in Melinda’s body - took a deep breath.  Danny's eyes met hers, a mixture of hope and astonishment as her own chest bubbled with excitement. Shannon offered a smile, a blend of her own confidence and Melinda’s genuine affection for the man in front of her, but it was like the girl’s anxiety was getting the better of her. All of a sudden, she could understand why Melinda felt nervous – she was a naturally anxious person. Despite this, Shannon remembered her purpose: to bridge a gap, to kindle a spark, and to secure their relationship.

She felt a twinge of guilt for Melinda, hoping that one day she wouldn’t need Shannon to show her true self to the world. But as they began their evening together, Shannon realized that this was going to be an easy date. Danny was head over heels for Melinda, and all she had to do was set a solid foundation for their relationship... 



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