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Sierra’s hands were submerged in the warm, soapy water as she scrubbed away at the ceramic plates, her mind more occupied than her hands. The sound of water splashing was like a metronome, each droplet keeping time with her racing thoughts. A streak of bright light outside the window caught her eye, pulling her out of her reverie. She turned her gaze to the sight outside the kitchen window: her daughter Celine, her hands alight with fireballs that she tossed effortlessly into the air before extinguishing them with a clap.

It had only been a few weeks since Celine had announced she was dropping out of college. That news had hit Sierra like a brick to the chest, the weight of worry and disappointment settling heavily on her heart. But, seeing Celine now, outside and practicing the very magic that ran in their family's veins, Sierra couldn't help but feel a flicker of pride amidst the unease.

The legacy of magic had been handed down in Sierra's family for generations. Sierra herself had chosen to distance herself from it when she'd started her own family, opting for a more 'normal' life, hoping her daughter might pursue the dreams Sierra had set aside. Yet, in spite of her best efforts, it seemed that the enchantment of the arcane arts had beckoned Celine just as they had called out to Sierra in her youth.

The bright flames illuminated Celine's face, revealing her determined expression. Each twirl, each gesture she made was a dance of power and beauty that hadn’t been used openly in so long. Sierra remembered her own days of practicing when she was a little interested in it. The thrill of summoning flames, moving objects, and reading minds was wonderful until she had to face the real world. Magic didn’t help with generating income. The responsibility that came with those powers, however, had been immense, so Sierra had chosen to walk away from it all, wanting a quieter, simpler life at her mother’s sadness.

With a deep sigh, Sierra rinsed off a plate and placed it on the drying rack. She remembered the heated argument she and Celine had after the college dropout bombshell. Sure, Celine’s grandmother had passed away and money was no longer an issue, yet education was still more important these days. Words had been thrown around, tears had been shed, and doors had been slammed. Yet, amidst the chaos, there had been a singular, undeniable truth: Celine was finding her own path.

But there was more to the sudden change in her education - there had also been a notable change in Celine's demeanor. The once timid and reserved girl had become more confident, her posture was straighter, and her voice was louder. And then there were the clothes: outfits that Sierra would have never imagined her daughter wearing, now frequently adorned her. They were bolder, more daring, reflecting the newfound fire inside Celine.

Unfortunately, nobody would ever learn the truth behind the real Celine’s disappearance. Upon becoming used to her stolen body, Pam had successfully extracted her granddaughter’s soul from the doll. Sealing her soul into a soul gem, the body thief would end up shattering its crystal structure entirely. She couldn’t have Celine watching for years to come – Pam would inevitably need the doll to be empty for the next body she would steal. Thankfully, that day wouldn’t be for another seventy or eighty years. With her magical knowledge and the natural reserves in Celine’s body, Pam was going to be able to extend her life and beauty for many years to come. Pam’s daughter telling her to go back to school would get annoying, but mind control magic wasn’t that hard to do.



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