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Life had taken an extremely strange turn for the past nine months. Jasper (left) glanced in the mirror, brushing a loose strand of hair behind his ear while he thought back to how crazy the world had become. The face of Nadine stared back, framed by long, chestnut waves and eyes that sparkled with a blend of mischief and confidence. Standing next to him was Max (right), now in Kelly's petite frame, expertly applying a touch of mascara while running a hand through her silky blonde hair. They were in the bodies of professional gymnast models, and compared to their old construction jobs as coworkers, being a hot and attractive model proved to be much more lucrative than they would have realized.

With a bit of makeup and the right clothing, they could look perfect in any situation. There was no shortage of staring from the opposite sex. And the excitement they felt whenever they’d tease and touch other people made the Great Shift more than just an accidental catastrophe. It ended up being a gift.

"It's amazing how quickly we adapted," Jasper mused aloud, looking down at their newest casual clothing, admiring how they hugged their toned curves. 

"I know! Nine months ago, we would never have imagined this. But here we are. Gosh, are they late? They should be here by now.”

“Last text message was that they’d be here soon,” Jasper answered. “Stop being so impatient! I’m starving too, but I’m not being a little bitch.” Max rolled his eyes and smirked. It was their first cheat weekend in nine months, and they were eager to bite into some great food, so he did his best to calm down. He understood where Jasper was coming from.

The first few weeks after the Great Shift had been a maelstrom of confusion, panic, and disbelief. But as days turned into weeks, both found solace in the rhythm of training, photoshoots, and the unexpected camaraderie that came from sharing such a profound experience. Their new bodies held routines that were initially foreign but had now become second nature. 

And while they still cherished memories of their old lives, the thrill of mastering a gymnastic routine or strutting down a runway brought unexpected joy. Sure, they weren’t as good as the original Nadine or Kelly, but their bodies were specifically trained for gymnastics. They had the perfect figures, so it was only a matter of practice before Nadine and Kelly’s natural talents became their own. And while there were new methods of switching bodies to reverse the Great Shift, Jasper and Max didn’t plan on switching back. Nadine and Kelly had already spent the past several months transitioning their male bodies. When they received formal letters asking that they come to the local body swap clinic to formally switch their lives back, Jasper’s own lawyer shot back and told them that they didn’t have to agree.

And as the night beckoned, Jasper felt a rush of excitement. For the first time since the Great Shift, they were stepping out, ready to explore their new world with fewer limits. They had been happy with what they had, while Nadine and Kelly sought to change their bodies without their permission. Jasper and Max were used to their new lives now, and they weren’t going to swap back. The Great Shift was truly a blessing, and neither of them wanted to give up what they had been gifted.



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