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Leon had barely managed to close the door to his hotel room before the weight of the day pressed down on him. He’d seen at least ten different clients, and every one of them did what they wanted to his feminized body. It was the best way to make money, and recording their illicit acts only brought in more revenue for his custom Clips4Sale content. With every step toward the bed, the strain in his feet protested loudly, a sharp reminder of the unfamiliar high heels that he had donned for the day while he did the unthinkable with trashy men.

His hand reached down to unstrap the black heels, each buckle feeling like an unearned victory. Off they went, placed beside the room's small coffee table. The immediate relief was almost tangible. His feet felt liberated from their fashionable prisons. He quickly glanced through his phone to look at all the likes on his Instagram before finally forcing himself to turn it off for the day. It was his personal alone time, and he wasn’t about to waste another moment on people other than himself.

Putting the phone down, Leon stood by the bed, taking in his own reflection from the nearby window. So much had changed since the world went through the Great Shift. Gone was the ruggedness of his former physique – it was now replaced by the gentle curves and flowing hair of his new body. The evening dress he had chosen for the day looked incredible, and while he pushed off the beautiful fabric, a content smile stretched over his lips.

For a fleeting moment, amidst the physical discomfort and unfamiliarity, Leon felt okay. He might not have chosen this life, but he had to admit, in that dress, under that light, he looked genuinely beautiful. He could have been placed in any other body – he got lucky. Lying on the soft bed, Leon's mind drifted to the bizarre series of events that had brought him to this juncture. The Great Shift, as people called it, was a phenomenon that no one could have predicted. It had happened swiftly and without warning, the sun's brief anomaly causing chaos as individuals across the globe found themselves in different bodies.

Over the last month, Leon had embarked on a crash course of rediscovering himself. From the intricacies of handling long tresses to the labyrinthine world of makeup, every day was a lesson. He had pored over online tutorials, messily experimenting with eyeliners and lipsticks, until he could apply them with a semblance of proficiency.

Clothes had been another adventure. Leon was no stranger to fashion, but women's clothing felt like an entirely different ballgame. The hours spent in changing rooms, trying to discern what cut or design flattered his new physique, were countless. While the world buzzed with theories and speculations about the Shift, Leon found solace in the community of others like him. People who had been thrust into new lives, all grappling to find their bearings. The only person he truly avoided was Emily, the girl whose body he was gifted.

Running his fingers through the cascade of silky hair that now reached his mid-back, Leon began to undress and laugh. Earlier on, Emily had tried to get him to consent to surgically swapping their bodies. That was an option many had gone through – but it required consent. Leon loved his new body, and since surgical swapping was dangerous, he didn’t want to risk dying. He had blocked her number and requested a restraining order to keep her out of his life.

Now, thousands of miles away from his former home, he drifted from hotel to hotel as a professional online escort. The clothes, so meticulously chosen earlier in the day, fell into a neat pile by the bedside while he turned off the lights. He approached the bed and began to fantasize about the men who he wished he could fuck – the men who he truly liked. Sure, he was a professional whore now, but that didn’t mean that he had zero fantasies. In this quiet space, Leon could play around and enjoy himself. This was his alone time, and nobody would ever get in his way. The Great Shift may have been a curse to many, but this had been a wonderful blessing...



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