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Zack's eyelids fluttered open to the gentle caress of satin sheets against his skin. Confusion set in as his eyes took in the opulent surroundings. The bedroom was a sanctuary of luxury, adorned with elegant furnishings and soft, glowing lights. Zack sat up, feeling an unusual sensation and looked down to discover that his body was not his own. He was wearing a sleek, feminine dress that hugged curves he didn't remember having.

Stumbling to his bare feet, he made his way to a grand mirror that took up almost an entire wall. Staring back at him was a beautiful woman with sparkling eyes and a smile that seemed both foreign and familiar. Panic mingled with fascination as he touched his new soft skin, realizing that he had transformed into someone else.

The reflection in the mirror was not Zack's rugged features but the delicate face of a lady he didn't recognize. Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to piece together how he had ended up in this luxurious bedroom, in this perfect body. He could feel everything – her heart beat, her heat, and her horny desires slowly seeping into his foreign mind.

Zack's exploration of the unfamiliar body continued, his fingers tracing the soft contours of his new form. The realization that he was possessing another's body began to set in. Memories started flooding back, reminding him of an incantation from a spell his friends had found online. It was a one-way spell, so his future body would be one he’d be stuck in forever. He had intended to control the homeowner of a mansion on the edge of town, aiming to become a wealthy billionaire named Mr. Griff.

His friends had discovered the spell and had set him on this path, but it seemed something had gone awry. Searching through the room, Zack found a purse, elegantly placed on a table. Rummaging through it, he discovered an ID card belonging to one Allison White. 

A chill ran down his spine as it dawned on him that he had mistakenly slipped into the body of what seemed to be the homeowner's girlfriend. The spell had not gone as planned. What was meant to be a quick scheme to acquire wealth had taken an unexpected turn. “Well … I’d better make the most of it.”

He surprisingly wasn’t that mad about being a woman. He had a feeling it might actually be a little fun. Zack gazed back at his reflection, a mix of apprehension and intrigue in his eyes while he bit his lower lip. The things he could do to himself now were endless, and he probably still had access to Mr. Griff’s wealth if he could tug at the right strings. He’d lock the door and get used to his new body, only to learn hours later that he wasn’t Mr. Griff’s girlfriend at all. Allison White was a broke escort who was a temporary side piece, and it wouldn’t be long for Zack to realize that she was trashier than his old body was.



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