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“That honestly looks so fucking good,” Ava said. “When did you start being like this? I don’t remember you ever being able to do this. Is it just practice?”

“I guess you could say that,” Laurie said with a knowing smile. Ava could only watch helplessly through the camera lens, the sharp focus softening the gorgeous ridges of her cousin's face. She had watched Laurie's transformation from a high-spirited, athletic girl into a solemn, artistically inclined woman with a sense of awe and bewilderment. The worst part about it all was that her physical health hadn’t changed either – she was still as fit as her athletic days.

“Did you want to try getting back into soccer? I was thinking about signing up for one of the local teams while I figure out what I want to do.”

Laurie shook her head. “I haven’t had time to look around. I don’t think I even have time right now. I kind of have a few businesses running, and I’ve also been trying to get a degree online. I’ve been wanting to do more art stuff. I’m honestly a little scared of playing too. I don’t want to get hurt, you know?”

That statement made Ava go quiet, especially when her cousin studied her gaze. She wasn’t sure how to react to that. Laurie's life had taken a whirlwind turn in the past year, so the younger cousin was afraid of saying the wrong thing. The sudden change in fortune from a girl living a modest life to a mansion owner had surprised them all. Laurie had apparently won the lottery, a dream come true for many, but what should have been a happy turn of events took a bitter turn with the sudden passing of Laurie's mother. The mansion now stood as a bittersweet monument of that tragic twist of fate.

Ava spent more time with Laurie, offering emotional support in her time of grief. But the more time she spent, the more Ava began to notice something amiss. Laurie, who had never shown an inkling of artistic prowess before, was now painting masterpieces. She would sit for hours, brush in hand, lost in her canvas. It was a stark contrast to the Laurie Ava knew in high school, who was the athletic one among them, always ready for a game of soccer or a run in the park.

Watching Laurie paint, Ava felt a strange mix of emotions. Jealousy tinged her feelings, but there was also happiness. Laurie, despite her tumultuous past year, had found something she excelled at, something that seemed to bring her peace. Ava watched as Laurie's hand glided over the canvas, the brush strokes confident and fluid.

Ava pressed the shutter button, capturing the image of Laurie engrossed in her painting. In that moment, she felt a sense of admiration for her cousin. Life had thrown Laurie curveballs, but she had managed to find a silver lining in the clouds. And while Ava could not fully comprehend the changes in Laurie, she chose to stand by her, supporting her in her new journey. Ava knew Laurie had gone through a lot, but she also knew her cousin was resilient. It also helped that she was filthy rich now. Her thirst for learning and her endless wealth were going to take her places, and Ava fully intended on tagging along for the ride.



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