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Nikki looked at herself in the mirror and playfully cupped the curves of her breasts. The woman staring back was no longer the transgender woman she’d known for years. She was an exact copy of Melissa. An uncanny feeling swept over her, but her lips curled into a small smile when she saw Andrew in the corner of her eye. She adjusted her brunette hair, brushing it over her shoulders as Melissa used to do. The moment his gaze met her transformed visage, his lips spread into an astounded smile. “I can’t believe you were actually able to get ready this quickly. How’d you do your hair so quickly?”

“Takes years of practice,” she admitted. The two had lost themselves in their lust less than an hour ago. The entire place had been a mess, but Nikki knew how to get herself cleaned up. “I didn’t want to look like I’d just woken up. I’m meeting your boss, right? Better make a good impression.”

Nikki loved the dynamic they shared now. The seeds of their love had been sown months ago, back when she was a different version of herself. Nikki, always in her corner of the world, observing life from a distance, had watched Andrew and Melissa from her apartment window. Now, he belonged to her, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride knowing that she was the reason they had broken up.

Desiring to offer him the perfect package - her personality in Melissa's body, Nikki had made a daring decision. She'd drank the cloning potion after taking a strand of the other woman’s hair, forever altering her life. Nikki had ceased to exist, and in her place was a replica of Melissa, uncannily identical. And when she explored her transformed flesh, she realized just how much better things felt. 

Nikki remembered how intensely her body shivered while her hands circled her sensitive clit. She recalled with vivid clarity how hard she'd gotten rubbing herself between his thighs as she imagined Andrew caressing her soft skin. A simple thought sent her new vagina into overdrive. It was more intense than anything she could imagine, and she desired more of it. She took the lead, pushing Andrew onto his back and straddling him when she cornered him at their college campus all those months ago. Back then, Melissa had been in Paris, so he was suspicious of who she really was. She came clean with him when he questioned her, but when she told him that she was willing to let him do anything with her body, she could see the struggle in his eyes.

Melissa was a religious girl who barely slept with him. Nikki told him how she wanted to use her transformed body to make them both feel good, and with a little bit of exciting convincing, he finally took her to the exact apartment he shared with Melissa. That was long before he left Melissa for her, and now things had truly developed into something special between them. He loved how willing the new Melissa was when it came to trying new things. This new version of his girlfriend was a nymphomaniac, and he strongly preferred the exotic intercourse they lost themselves in. Nikki let him get rough, and she happily submitted each and every time.

He found Nikki, with Melissa's body, irresistible. In the end, he chose Nikki over Melissa. When Andrew inevitably moved out of his old apartment, it was Nikki he chose to be his companion. The choice had been made, and she was now living with Andrew, replacing Melissa in his life and his heart.



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