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In the dead of night, the house lay silent, seemingly in deep slumber while Janae stirred. Her heart was racing, and something was happening in her head. She wanted to scratch the side of her face, but her arms felt unbelievably heavy. Her room, nestled in the back corner of the house, was her safe space, yet there was a strange rush of fear coursing through her. But the longer she stayed in bed, the more she realized that her body was starting to move on its own. “Hello?” her lips murmured on their own. When no answer came, she felt her lips curling into a smile. “I see. There’s complete silence.”

To Janae’s horror, she was being controlled somehow. “What’s going on?” she thought.

“Oh, this is too sweet,” her lips laughed menacingly while she turned on the nearby lamp. Janae could see her bare legs moving along her sheets. A white bottle could be seen on the nearby dresser, and her hand reached forward to open the bottle. “I must be the more dominant personality. I was worried that you were going to lock me away forever.”

“This can’t be happening,” Janae thought. She had recently been prescribed an experimental medication to help manage her multiple personality disorder. She had issues with her more aggressive and nastier side. The medication was the hottest item on the market that had raving reviews, and it was advertised as a miracle drug. For years, she had struggled with the challenges it posed, but things had taken a turn for the worse, prompting her psychiatrist, Dr. Lawson, to prescribe a new experimental medication. 

It had been four days since she began taking the pills, and she had noticed subtle changes in her personality; her emotions seemed more pronounced, her thoughts more vivid. She also wasn’t switching between her personalities. She had no idea, however, that these changes were merely a precursor to something much more sinister.

Janae lay in bed, her eyes scanning the room as her legs crossed of their own volition. A sudden, uncontrollable laughter bubbled up from her chest, filling her room with an eerie mirth. She tried to suppress the laughter, but it was no use. “Yeah, you can’t do anything,” her personality said upon taking another pill. “As long as I keep getting prescribed these, I’m going to be in the one in full control.” Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing as she realized that she was truly no longer in control of her own body. “And there’s NO chance I’m giving any of this up. I’ve been hoping for this day for ages. A chance to be free. A chance to do what I want.”

She sat up in bed, her legs swinging over the edge and propelling her toward the bathroom. Her breath came in short gasps as she tried to make sense of what was happening to her. As she entered the dimly lit bathroom, the familiar surroundings did little to quell the mounting terror within her.

Janae stopped in front of the mirror, her reflection staring back at her with an evil smile that she did not recognize. Janae's lips let out an evil laugh, a chilling sound that sent shivers down her spine while she admired her body. “I’ve been in you for your entire life, but now that I can actually do what I want without you trying to suppress me, I’m really thinking I’ll be able to have a lot of fun.” She turned to the side and ran a hand along her thigh. “You thought I was the one who was aggressive and over the top. That’s you. You’re the unwanted personality. These drugs just brought the REAL Janae out. God, I can’t wait to really enjoy this…”



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